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Greek Bachelors: Paying The Price: What the Greek's Money Can't Buy / What the Greek Can't Resist / What The Greek Wants Most
Greek Bachelors: Paying The Price: What the Greek's Money Can't Buy / What the Greek Can't Resist / What The Greek Wants Most
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Greek Bachelors: Paying The Price: What the Greek's Money Can't Buy / What the Greek Can't Resist / What The Greek Wants Most

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From a purely selfish point of view, this could be her last chance to experience the fervid promise of bliss she’d felt in the gym last night—to be bold enough to reach for something she’d once dared to crave.

‘Brianna?’ His fierce tone held a hint of vulnerability that struck deep.

Sakis needed her. And she...she needed to blank out the heartache the future held.

‘Yes, I want you...’

He swallowed the words with the savage demand of his kiss. The hand at her waist lowered to grasp her bottom and he pulled her into stinging contact with his groin, giving a low groan as the force of his erection probed her belly.

For an endless age, he devoured her mouth with a hunger born of desperation. Brianna gave as much as she got, her hunger just as maddeningly urgent. When his tongue curled around hers, she opened her mouth wider to feel even more of it.

Sakis groaned again and walked her back until the back of her legs touched her small sofa. He’d barely pushed her down before he covered her with his immense body. Searing heat engulfed her as they lay plastered from chest to thigh. Raising his head, his gaze scoured her face as if imprinting her features on his memory. When it touched her lips, the urge to lick them overcame her. She passed her tongue over them and watched in secret delight as his eyes darkened dramatically.

‘I suspected that underneath those severe business suits you were a seductress, Moneypenny.’

‘I’m sure I have no idea what you mean.’ She licked her lips again.

His growl was her first warning but she was too far gone to heed it.

Brianna quickly pulled his head down and brushed his lips with hers. She kissed him again and felt her heart leap with joy when he deepened it.

When he suddenly surged off her and stood, Brianna fought not to cry out in disappointment. But he merely shrugged out of his jacket and tie before plucking her off the seat. ‘I’m so lucky to have you. But my gratitude does not extend to making love to you on a sofa made for elves.’

‘Oh. I guess it is a little on the small side, isn’t it?’

‘Perhaps not, if you’re trying to be inventive. We’ll leave it for another time.’

The thrill that went through her escalated when he caught her up in his arms and took her lips in another searing kiss. ‘Which way to the bedroom?’

Brianna pointed and he immediately steered her in that direction. At the door, she hesitated. What would he think when he saw how sparsely decorated her room was? She was scrambling to think of excuses when he pulled her hips into his groin.

‘I don’t mind doing it standing up if that’s what you’d prefer, glikia mou. Just say the word,’ he breathed against her neck, one hand sneaking up to cup her bare breast where her gown had fallen open. With another groan, he squeezed before teasing the nub between his fingers. ‘But say it quickly before I combust from neglect.’

‘The...the bedroom is fine.’ She opened the door and held her breath. But Sakis was only interested in the bed, not the state of the near-empty room. He propelled her firmly towards it, shucking off his shoes, socks and shirt without letting go completely. With a firm hand he pushed her onto the bed and fell onto his knees behind her.

Pulling her back, he ground his hips into her. ‘You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined you in this position before me.’ Urgent hands slid up her dressing gown and he growled with ragged need as he bared her naked bottom to his heated gaze. ‘Theos, no knickers. This is even better than I imagined.’ Roughly, he reached for the sleeves of the gown and jerked it off her completely.

Brianna was thankful she wasn’t facing him so that she didn’t have to explain her tattoo to him just yet, especially since, with the depth of her need, she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t blurt out the truth behind it. The other thing was her scar. She couldn’t hide it for ever but she was grateful she didn’t have to explain it right this minute.

Because the sensation of Sakis touching her naked bottom, caressing and decadently moulding it, made her senses melt.

‘Theos, I love your ass,’ he growled with dirty reverence.

Pure feminine delight fizzed through her. ‘I can tell,’ she responded breathily.

His laugh was low and deep, doing nothing to disguise his hunger. She jerked with surprise and delight when she felt his mouth touch each globe in an open-mouthed kiss before biting lightly on her flesh.

He continued to knead her with his large hands, massaging down to her hips before returning to fondle her with both hands. The eroticism of the act made her breath catch. But it was when he pushed her forward and spread apart her thighs that she stopped breathing.

Sakis blew a hot breath on her parted folds, making her thighs quiver in anticipation of what was to come. When it came, when the tip of his tongue flicked over her most sensitive place, Brianna couldn’t stop the cry of pleasure that spilled from her throat. Hands shaking in a monumental effort to keep her from collapsing onto the bed, she clamped her eyes shut and held her breath for another burn of sensation.

Another flick, then several more, then Sakis opened her wider, baring her to his gaze. He muttered something in Greek before he placed the most shocking, open-mouthed kiss on her. He devoured her as if she was his favourite meal. Sensation built upon sensation until Brianna wasn’t sure which move pleased her more—his teeth grazing her clitoris or his relentlessly probing tongue inside her.

All she knew was that the majestic peak that promised both exquisite torture and intense pleasure loomed closer. Fire burned behind her closed lids. Her fingers spasmed into a death grip on her sheets. With one long, merciless pull of his mouth on her clitoris, he sent her over the edge.

He gave a long, satisfied groan as he drank her in. For endless minutes, he lapped her with his tongue until her convulsions ceased. Vaguely, she heard him leave the bed and shuck off his trousers. Limp and breathless, she started to sag.

One hand caught her around the waist. ‘Stay right there; I’m not finished with you yet.’

Brianna clawed back reason enough to demand huskily, ‘Um...condom?’

‘Taken care of.’ His hand caressed up her stomach to cup one breast before teasing her nipple. She felt the other fumble for the loose knot in her hair. ‘You know I’ve never seen your hair down?’


He pulled her up and released the knot, then groaned as his fingers weaved through the heavy blonde tresses that went all the way down her back. ‘Theos, it’s a travesty to keep this gorgeous hair tied up day after day. You deserve punishment for that, Moneypenny.’

The sharp tap on her rump sent excitement sizzling along her nerves. She bit her lip when she felt the thick evidence of his desire lying between the crease of her bottom, a relentless reminder that there was another experience to be celebrated.

‘You don’t think you’ve tortured me enough?’ she asked.

His thumbs flicked over her nipples. ‘Not nearly enough, pethi mou. Open your legs wider.’

She obeyed because she wanted this more than she wanted her next breath. At the first probe of his erection, she held her breath. He used one hand to hold her still and fed another inch inside her.

Stars burst across her vision. ‘Sa—’ How could it be that she was bared to him in the most intimate of ways and yet the taste of his name on her lips felt a touch too far?

‘Say it,’ he commanded.

‘I can’t...’

He started to withdraw. Her body clenched in fierce denial. ‘No!’

‘Say my name, Brianna.’

‘Sa...Sakis,’ she gasped. He pushed back in with a deep groan. ‘Oh God.’



‘Good girl.’ He plunged in until he was fully embedded, then held still. ‘Now, tell me how you want this to go. Fast or slow. Either way will be torture for me but I want to please you.’

Brianna wanted to tell him he’d already pleased her, a thousand times more than she’d ever imagined possible.

‘Now, glikia mou, while my brain still functions...’ Pushing her forward, he covered her with his body and trapped her splayed hands under his on the bed.

The first signs of her climax clawed at her. ‘Fast, Sakis. I want it fast. And hard.’

‘Theos!’ His response through clenched teeth was a hot breath in her ear. ‘Your wish is my command.’ With a loud groan, he pulled out and surged back in, then proceeded to set a blistering pace that made her die a little each time her orgasm drew closer.

When he rocked back on his knees, Brianna’s chest collapsed onto the bed, her feeble arms unable to sustain the barrage of sensations that rippled through her. Taking one last, gasping breath, she screamed as blissful convulsions seized her. Dimly, she heard Sakis’s long, drawn-out growl as his pleasure overtook him. Deep within her, she felt his thickness pump his pleasure over and over until he was spent.

He collapsed sideways onto the bed and took her with him. In the dark room, he tucked her back against his chest, their harsh breaths gradually slowing until only the occasional spasm raked through them.

CHAPTER EIGHT (#u92907484-af35-5d5e-9473-9686b63013ed)

WHAT FELT LIKE hours later, Sakis pulled her closer and brushed back her hair from her face.

The kiss he planted on her temple was gentle but possessive. ‘That was sensational, glikia mou.’

‘What does that mean?’

He gave a low laugh. ‘You have an intelligent mind, Moneypenny. Find out.’

‘You like to say my surname quite a lot. In fact, you don’t go more than a minute or two when we’re talking before going “Moneypenny this” or “Moneypenny that”.’

She felt his grin against her neck. ‘And this surprises you? I find your surname very intriguing, sexy.’

She fought not to tense at the interest in his tone and responded with forced lightness. ‘Sexy?’

He shrugged. ‘Before I met you, I’d only ever heard that name in a spy movie.’

‘And you think she’s sexy?’

‘Extremely, and also hugely underestimated.’

‘I agree with you there. But she was often overlooked in favour of sexier, in-your-face female leads; she was also the one who never got her guy.’

Sakis drew closer and traced his lips along the line of her shoulder. ‘Well, I think we’ve remedied that tonight. Plus, she had astonishing staying power. Just like you. No one in their right mind would overlook you, Moneypenny, even though you try to hide it with that hypnotic swan-glide.’

She laughed. ‘Swan glide?’

‘Outwardly, you’re serene, so damned efficient, and yet below you’re paddling madly. Watching you juggle virtual balls is damned sexy.’

‘Damn; and there I thought no one could see the mad paddling underneath.’

‘Sometimes, there’s just a little ruffle. Like when I misbehave and you itch to put me in my place.’

‘So you know you’re misbehaving? Acceptance is the first step, I suppose.’

She shivered as he rocked his hips forward in a blatantly masculine move that had her moaning. But then he pulled out of her a second later and flipped her to face him. ‘Like all men in my position, I live to push the boundaries. But I get that I need an anchor sometimes. You’re my anchor, Brianna.’ He spoke with a low but fierce intensity that made tears prickle behind her eyes.


He kissed her, a slow, luxurious exploration that soon became something else, something more. She wanted to protest when he lifted his head. ‘Hold that thought; I need to change condoms. Bathroom?’

She pointed and watched him head towards her tiny bathroom, her eyes glued to his toned, chiselled physique. The thought that she was about to make love with this virile, sexy man again made her tremble so hard, she clutched the pillow.

But, alone, dread began to creep in. She’d gone beyond what the hell am I doing? Now she had to deal with what the hell am I going to do?

Sakis might not have meant to but tonight he’d revealed just how much he treasured and respected her. How ironic that, just when she could’ve felt secure in the knowledge that her job was safe, that she didn’t need to prove herself as the invaluable asset in Sakis’s life, she would have to walk away.

Because there really was no choice. She would never betray Sakis the way he’d been betrayed before. As for Greg, he deserved to burn in hell.

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