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Дня широкого круга читат...
Toni Buzan beyin və bilik bacarıqlarına aid sayı səksən beşi keçmiş maraqla oxunan kitabların müəllifi, Beyin Vəqfinin qurucusu, Zehni İdmanlar Olimpiadasının rəhbərlərindən biri v...
Bu kitab keçmişin mirasını, bu günümüzün elmi və siyasi hadisələrini, müasir və klassik ədəbiyyatı özündə əks etdirən ağlasığmaz və sevimli məlumat dünyamıza daha çox hakim olmaq i...
10 ways to tap into your spiritual geniusOver three billion people – half the world’s population – are actively pursuing Spiritual Intelligence and Knowledge. Spiritual intelligenc...
10 ways to tap into your social geniusBy developing your Social Intelligence you can understand and appreciate everyone you meet; what motivates them, what their personal needs are...
Tony Buzan’s Mind Mapping technique is a revolutionary thinking tool that has changed the lives of millions of people around the globe. The Mind Map Handbook is the indispensible g...
This book is the definitive guide to Mind Mapping. Tony Buzan has changed the lives of millions with Mind Maps, his revolutionary system of note-taking that will help you excel in...
Unlock your brain's potential using mind mapping Mind mapping is a popular technique that can be applied in a variety of situations and settings. Students can make sense of complex...
From the international bestselling author Tony Buzan, simple techniques to help improve your recall and be brilliant with words.How to be brilliant with words – reading, speaking,...
10 ways to tap into your creative geniusDid you know the number of ideas it is possible for your brain to create is greater than the number of atoms in the known universe? Creativi...
A practical mini ebook guide that teaches you how to Mind Map with ease from Tony Buzan, the inventor of the Mind Map.Mind Maps® are the ultimate thinking tool for maximizing your...
Изобретенные Тони Бьюзеном, ведущим мировым авторитетом в области исследований функций мозга и интеллекта, интеллект-карты представляют собой революционную методику, которая, подоб...
22 декабря 1937 года
появился на свет Эдуард Николаевич Успенский, замечательный русский писатель, автор популярных сказок "Крокодил Гена и его друзья" (1966г.), "Чебурашка и его друзья" (1970г.), "Дядя Федор, пес и кот" (1974г.).