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The Lieutenant’s Lover – Harry Bingham

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Sweeping epic of adventure and enduring love, from the revolutionary upheaval in Russia to the chaos of post-War Berlin.Misha is an aristocratic young officer in the army when the Russian revolution sweeps away all his certainties. Tonya is a nurse from an impoverished family in St Petersburg. They should have been bitter enemies; and yet they fall passionately in love. It cannot last, and Misha must flee the country as Tonya faces arrest and possibly death.Thirty years later, Misha has survived the War and seeks to rebuild his life in the destroyed city of Berlin. Drawn into spying for the British, he learns of a talented female agent from the Soviet quarter. Can it be his lost love? And how will they find each other, as the divide deepens between East and West?Intensely dramatic, epic in scope, this is a glorious novel of courage, action and ultimately undying hope.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780007437405
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