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The Greek's Bought Wife
The Greek's Bought Wife
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The Greek's Bought Wife

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Another plus was the knowledge Nic travelled extensively on business. A lot of the time he wouldn’t be in the same city, the same country.

The vacuum hummed as she ran it over carpet and marble tiles, then she carefully smoothed a dusting cloth over shelving, polished the mirrors before standing back to admire her handiwork.

The salon held the restrained elegance of an up-market boutique, its design and fittings…so exactly right for the Double Bay location renowned for its fashionistas, the wealthy women who could indulge their expensive tastes in imported and Australian designer apparel.

Tina possessed a natural love of clothes, and had done so for as long as she could remember, mix and matching outfits as she’d dressed her dolls…Barbie, of course, in each of her guises. As a teenager, she’d helped out in her mother’s boutique, proving she had a keen eye for fashion, accessories, and an instinctual flair for putting things together.

There was no hesitation in which field she’d make her career, and she’d learnt the retail clothing trade from the floor up…initially through her mother’s expert tutelage, then in one of Sydney’s large city stores for three years before returning to co-manage her mother’s Double Bay boutique.

Until five years ago when Claire had met and married Felipe, the second love of her life, shifted base to Noosa, leased her apartment and left Tina in control.

The Double Bay social set employed a reasonably routine shopping pattern, meeting around nine-thirty for coffee, electing to begin browsing the various boutiques around ten-thirty, followed by a long lunch at one of the trendy restaurants, before doing the air-kiss thing and departing for homes cleaned by professionals.

Lily arrived promptly at ten, almost bursting into the boutique, modifying her excitement as Tina finished dealing with a patron who’d bought the entire outfit displayed in the front window…including shoes and handbag.

A folded newspaper was placed onto the glass-topped island counter.

‘Have you seen this?’ Lily demanded, sotto voce, following it with an irrepressible grin.

Tina glanced at the newsprint and felt the breath catch in her throat. Strategically placed centre page was a reasonably sized photograph taken the previous night at the restaurant, together with a bold caption speculating a date for Nic Leandros’ forthcoming marriage to Tina Matheson.

‘How come you kept this to yourself?’ Lily teased. ‘Give.’

The truth was a credibility stretch…even for a friend. ‘It represents a gross misinterpretation by the media.’ Initiated by a determined manipulative man, Tina added silently, and met Lily’s speculative gaze.

‘That’s all you’re going to say?’

‘For now.’

The electronic door buzzer provided a timely interruption, and she turned to discover the courier delivery guy with a packing box.

‘Where do you want this?’

Three patrons entered the boutique, one serious buyer, Tina judged, and two browsers idly riffling through the racks.

With a quick word she excused herself and crossed to the courier’s side. ‘Out back.’ She silently signalled Lily to take over while she checked the invoice.

Minutes later the courier clipped the signed invoice onto his clipboard and departed, leaving Tina to cross to the two women checking out a garment, whereupon she offered assistance, complimenting the designer, the fabric and style.

Another sale, followed soon after by another, adding to a productive morning, Tina reflected as she took a moment to complete the unpacking of new stock.

‘Oh, my.’

The hushed tone in Lily’s voice had Tina shooting a glance in her direction. ‘As in?’

‘Serious eye candy about to walk through the door.’

Male, Tina deduced. An attractive husband intent on buying his wife an expensive gift? She didn’t bother glancing up. ‘Go for it.’

‘I wish.’

Lily’s reverence brought forth a slight smile. Lily was equally friend as valued employee, and considered herself to be a connoisseur of men.

‘However, he’s yours.’

Tina’s gaze shifted to the salon entrance and the breath caught in her throat in recognition of the man engaging Lily in conversation.

Nic Leandros…here?

If he thought she’d walk over to him and play pretend in Lily’s presence, he could think again.

With outward calm Tina extracted the last garment from the box, deftly inserted a clothes hanger and transferred it onto a rack so it could air for a while. After lunch she’d freshen today’s delivery with the steam-iron before transferring the garments onto display racks in the salon.

She was acutely aware of the muted background music whispering through strategically placed speakers, creating a relaxed ambience that was reflected in the elegant combination of delicately blended cream, wheat and beige utilised in the furnishings. A luxurious setting to display the exclusive range of designer garments for which the boutique was known.


It was a voice she’d recognise anywhere. It was also one she didn’t want to hear. Yet good manners forced her to school her features into a polite mask as she turned to face Nic Leandros.

Her gaze was silently challenging. ‘Is there something I can help you with?’ Cool…she could do cool, despite the fact her nervous system was in direct conflict. It was insane the way one glance at that well-shaped, sensual mouth brought a vivid recall of how it had felt possessing her own.

‘Lunch,’ Nic informed her with deceptive calm. ‘Your assistant is happy to take charge for an hour.’

He really was the limit! ‘I already have plans.’ She didn’t, but he wasn’t to know that.

‘Change them.’

‘Why should I do that?’

‘We can discuss arrangements here,’ he informed steadily. ‘Or over lunch. Choose.’

The electronic door buzzer sounded, signalling the arrival of a client.

‘This is neither the time nor the place,’ Tina protested quietly, silently hating him for placing her in such an invidious position. She made an instant decision. ‘Give me five minutes.’

She made it in four, spoke briefly to Lily, preceded him from the boutique, and waited until they reached the pavement before demanding, ‘What do you want?’ She kept her voice low, but her pent-up anger was an audible force.

‘To continue the discussion you walked out on last night.’

His drawled tone held a steely quality she chose to ignore. ‘You’re giving me a choice?’

There were a few trendy cafés and restaurants dotting the street, and Nic indicated one close by.

She wanted to turn and retrace her steps, and almost did. Except he’d probably follow.

Within seconds he caught a waiter’s attention, sought a table, and waited until they were seated before venturing, ‘It’s possible the media will make contact with you at some stage this afternoon.’

Tina was unable to prevent a cynical element tinging her voice. ‘For this I need your help?’

Nic’s gaze remained steady. ‘Regarding my statement announcing our imminent marriage.’

A waitress crossed to their table and stood with pen and pad poised as Nic placed an order for two.

‘I may not want the chicken Caesar salad,’ Tina stated, and fixed Nic a deliberate glare before turning towards the waitress. ‘Don’t you just hate it when a man thinks he knows a woman’s mind?’ A double-edged query, if ever there was one.

The waitress, having undoubtedly witnessed the behaviour of numerous patrons during her employment, merely flicked Tina a glance that clearly queried Tina’s sanity.

What woman wouldn’t give her eye-teeth to have a man of Nic Leandros’ ilk appear so…in control?

Damn. She liked Caesar salad. ‘Make mine spinach and fetta tortellini with the mushroom and bacon sauce.’

Tina met Nic’s hooded gaze. ‘We can argue this back and forth for ever.’ She wanted to hit him…or, failing that, go several rounds in verbal battle. ‘Give me one good reason why I should agree to marry you, aside from being pregnant with Vasili’s child.’

He regarded her thoughtfully. ‘Protection.’ He could promise her that. ‘Loyalty. Trust,’ he endorsed quietly.

Sans love or fidelity.

Get real, a silent voice taunted. Neither love nor fidelity enter the equation. Nor do you want them to. So why even go there?

‘And the child? You intend claiming it as your own?’

Nic’s eyes narrowed. ‘Foster the illusion I’m the child’s biological father?’

Her chin tilted a little. ‘Yes.’

‘I will delight in my wife’s pregnancy, and initiate adoption proceedings immediately following the birth.’

Ensuring the legalities were neatly taken care of.

‘You avoided answering the question.’

‘The child will be born a legitimate Leandros, with two parents.’ His eyes speared hers. ‘No one, apart from Paul and Stacey, need know personal details.’

‘And Claire.’ Dear heaven, she had yet to enlighten her mother of the pregnancy. She eyeballed the man seated opposite. ‘I won’t keep the truth from her.’

‘I wasn’t going to suggest you do.’

There were a few other conditions she needed to voice, and she paused as the waitress presented their meals.

‘Claire’s boutique is my responsibility,’ Tina insisted as soon as the waitress was out of earshot. ‘Don’t expect me to give up work and assume a social butterfly persona.’

‘No objection, with one proviso.’ Dark eyes lanced her own. ‘Unless the medics advise otherwise.’

She wanted to argue, and her eyes darkened to a deep emerald-green. Something that fascinated him. She was fire and ice, and a complex mix of strength and vulnerability.

‘I want a prenuptial agreement protecting my interests.’

That was his criterion, surely? ‘Anything else?’

‘What if either one of us chose to file for divorce?’

‘I doubt the possibility will occur.’

‘But if it does?’ Tina persisted, and met his hard, level look.

‘Be aware I’d fight you in court to assume full custody of the child.’

‘You’d never get it,’ she said with certainty. ‘The courts generally favour the mother, especially when the male parent is not even the child’s biological father.’

One eyebrow arched in silent cynicism. ‘You doubt my ability to prove a case against you?’

A chill shiver feathered its way down her spine. Nic Leandros had both wealth and power in his favour. Sufficient of both to employ the finest legal brains in the country.

‘No.’ She paused imperceptibly. ‘But don’t underestimate my determination to oppose you.’

Brave words from a brave woman. He selected his cutlery and indicated she should do the same. ‘Let’s eat, shall we?’

The tortellini looked and smelt delicious, but Tina’s appetite had gone on strike. Instead, she cast an envious glance at the crisp cos lettuce in Nic’s bowl, the croutons and sliced chicken, the delicate sauce…and caught the faintly humorous twist at the edge of his mouth.

Without a word he signalled the waitress, ordered another chicken Caesar salad, and met Tina’s glare with equanimity.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’

‘Ensuring you have what you’d prefer to eat.’

Her glare intensified. ‘And you know this because?’

One eyebrow rose. ‘Can I look forward to a battle-field with every meal we share?’

‘Count on it if you intend overriding every choice I make!’

Nevertheless the Caesar salad, when it arrived, was too tempting to resist, and she ate in silence while steadfastly ignoring the man seated opposite.

‘No polite conversation?’

Tina offered him a level glance. ‘I was trying to avoid indigestion.’

His soft laughter surprised her, and her eyes widened fractionally as she caught a gleam of humour in those dark eyes.

‘Our relationship will be an interesting one.’

His drawled observation attacked her equilibrium, and she fought to retain it. ‘A qualification…I’ve yet to agree.’

‘But you will.’

‘Why so sure?’

‘Because in your heart you know Vasili would see our liaison as an ideal solution.’