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Purchased: His Perfect Wife
Purchased: His Perfect Wife
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Purchased: His Perfect Wife

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Lara was aware of the concierge calling up Wolfe’s car, whereupon she gave Wolfe directions as they traversed slick wet streets, and a short while later they caught sight of fishmongers loading what was left of the catch.

Without a word she slid from the car and hailed two men by name as she raced towards them.

Wolfe cut the engine and emerged into the cool morning air, to lean lazily against the Lexus as Lara went into action, watching as she offered apologies and issued a plea to view and select her restaurant’s daily order of fresh fish, lobster, local crustaceans and prawns.

Wolfe witnessed the men’s expressions change from irritation to philosophical acceptance, and glimpsed Lara’s answering smile as they conceded her choices.

A short while later Lara returned to the car, and he straightened to his full height.

‘I gather you saved the day.’

She had, at wholesale prices. The alternative, if she’d been any later, would have meant buying at inflated retail cost. ‘Thanks.’

‘That’s it?’

‘For now.’

‘Why do I get the feeling there’s more?’

She crossed round to the passenger side, and relayed the day’s schedule as she opened the door. ‘I get to have an hour’s sleep, grab breakfast and hit the restaurant around nine.’

He leaned an arm against the roof and regarded her carefully. ‘Not today.’

‘Today.’ She slid into the seat, aware he copied her actions.

He fired the engine, and cast her a piercing look. ‘It’s not negotiable.’

‘The hell it isn’t.’ Her eyes sparked blue fire as anger rose to the surface. ‘Our deal, for want of a better word, begins when we sign the marriage certificate.’ Which, God willing, wouldn’t happen for another week or more at least.

She needed time to adjust to the idea of sleeping with him. Oh, get it right…intimacy. Even the mere thought elevated her pulse-rate and did strange things to her equilibrium.

If only she could indulge in the physical, and hold her emotions in check. Engage the body, but close out the mind.

Fat chance. He’d engaged her emotionally from the moment she’d first met him…something which hadn’t changed in a decade.

And now she would soon take his name, share her body with his, and attempt to pretend it was OK.

The early-morning rain shower had ceased, and the grey dawn subsided as the sun began colouring the landscape.

Light traffic traversed the streets, and within minutes they reached the hotel.

‘I’ll go work out in the gym,’ Wolfe indicated as he unlocked the suite.

Lara inclined her head as she toed off her trainers and shed her jacket, then she set her watch alarm and backed it up by requesting a wake-up call.

While she did that, he exchanged his jeans for sweats, caught up a towel and slung it over one shoulder, then he exited the suite as she crawled beneath the bedcovers.

A short morning nap was so much a part of her daily routine she was asleep within minutes.

The next thing she knew was the sound of the alarm buzzing in tandem with the insistent peal of the phone relaying her wake-up call, and she reached for the handset, closed the alarm, swung her legs out from the bed…and saw Wolfe unloading their breakfast tray onto the table.


‘You had no trouble sleeping?’

He’d showered, shaved and exchanged sweats for tailored trousers and a business shirt left unbuttoned at the neck.

‘The habit of years,’ Lara managed evenly.

He examined her features and the tumbled ash-blonde hair drifting onto each cheek. There was evidence of faint bruising beginning to emerge on the underside of her jawline, and he masked a momentary surge of anger.

With her, for neglecting to fill him in with the finer details of precisely who she’d owed money to and when it had been due for payment.

Wolfe pointed at the table. ‘Come and eat while the food is hot.’

Lara rose to her feet in one fluid movement and automatically loosened the tie holding her hair in place. ‘Give me a few minutes.’

She collected fresh clothes and attempted to ignore the way her stomach executed a backwards flip as she moved past him.

He disturbed her more than she was prepared to admit, and there was a sense of temporary relief as she reached the en suite.

In a matter of minutes she was done, and she emerged feeling better equipped to face whatever the day might bring.

Lara couldn’t pinpoint the last time she’d had a cooked breakfast, and she slid into a chair as Wolfe joined her at the table.

Coffee—hot, black and sweet—was liquid ambrosia, and she forked a portion of eggs Benedict, savoured it, then continued eating with renewed appetite.

‘First up this morning is a legal appointment,’ Wolfe began. ‘Followed by various real-estate inspections.’

‘You intend buying a house?’

‘We need somewhere to live.’

The plural ‘we’ caused sensation to spiral deep inside, and she took a soothing sip of coffee, then carefully placed the cup down onto its saucer. There was the home Darius and Suzanne had shared…

‘No,’ Wolfe refuted quietly, accurately reading her thought pattern. ‘That isn’t a consideration.’

If he insisted on adding to his property portfolio, why should she attempt to argue?

‘After lunch we’ll fit in some shopping before I meet with Darius’ managerial staff.’

He worked fast, she accorded silently. Although what else did she expect?

Her chin lifted a little as she met his gaze and held it. ‘You could have checked with me first. The restaurant is operating on minimum staff. I have to be there. There’s no one else to take my place at such short notice.’

Wolfe’s gaze narrowed. ‘Find someone.’

‘Sure.’ Her eyes blazed a brilliant blue. ‘I’ll just wave a magic wand and, poof, a sous chef will appear out of nowhere, ready to start—’ she checked her watch ‘—in half an hour.’

His expression didn’t change, and the smooth silkiness in his voice held a silent warning. ‘Take care of it, Lara.’

‘Or you will?’

One eyebrow lifted in silent cynicism. ‘Yes.’

Time out for a deep breath or three. ‘Hiring someone,’ she managed with attempted calm, ‘is my responsibility.’

‘Make it a priority. A celebrant will conduct our marriage on Sunday morning, after which we fly to New York.’

Her stomach executed a quick somersault and refused to settle. ‘Excuse me?’

Wolfe leaned back in his chair and regarded her steadily. ‘You heard.’

The nerves deep inside pulled tight almost to the point of pain, and she pushed her plate aside. ‘Do I have a choice?’


Succinct, adamant and spoken with an indolence that made her wary.

‘Why? My presence in New York will be totally unnecessary. You’ll be wheeling and dealing by day, and—’

‘Sharing your bed at night.’

Did hearts stop? She was willing to swear hers had. What was more, for several long seconds it seemed her whole body shut down. Then she remembered to breathe.

‘Payback time,’ she managed. ‘How could I have forgotten?’

‘Should I be flattered or flattened?’

Lara summoned a deliberate smile. ‘Flattened, definitely.’

His faint laughter sent goosebumps scudding down her spine. A reaction she refused to examine in any detail.

In order to survive, living with Wolfe would mean adopting a façade. Something she shouldn’t find too difficult, given she’d had practice presenting a sociable mask on the occasion she’d found herself in Wolfe’s presence.

‘Finish your coffee.’ He checked his watch. ‘We need to leave.’ Without a further word he crossed to the console and collected a set of keys.

She wanted to protest, and almost did. Except one look into those dark grey eyes was sufficient warning she couldn’t win.

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