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Mistress By Arrangement
Mistress By Arrangement
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Mistress By Arrangement

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Mistress By Arrangement

A convenient affair? Nikos Alessandros needed a social hostess, and he'd decided that beautiful, sophisticated Michelle would be the perfect companion - temporarily. For Michelle, their pretend affair would certainly help her escape the suitable marriage she was being pressured into… .But Nikos was formidably sexy and Michelle found it hard to control her powerful attraction to this arrogant stranger. If she agreed to be his mistress by arrangement, could she stop pretense turning into reality?

“I guess we should set down some ground rules.” (#u7d06bc44-569a-5e7d-8759-5175b85f8bb2)Passion (#u5124df4c-4519-5355-bd55-35799a96b87c)Title Page (#u130245c8-4a5a-5f12-afc6-80af0f4fd24c)Dedication (#udfa53a3d-cf94-567a-9679-6ecae6a9c7a8)CHAPTER ONE (#u6ea91dc4-6767-5d26-97b3-8f4fb0a8ccec)CHAPTER TWO (#u998b4c0d-04a1-508e-b254-bd9617ca1d1d)CHAPTER THREE (#u4e8072b0-70c9-5cc4-ae5e-b75462c7b947)CHAPTER FOUR (#u41834267-4462-5868-a4fa-a90e9be521bf)CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

“I guess we should set down some ground rules.”

“What did you have in mind?”

Michelle looked at Nikos carefully, and was unable to see beyond the sophisticated mask he presented. “No unnecessary—” She was going to say intimacy, but that sounded too personal. “Touching,” she amended, and missed the faint gleam in those dark eyes.

“I’ll try to restrain myself, if you will.”

He was amused, damn him! “Do you want to put a time limit on our supposed relationship?”

One eyebrow slanted. “How long as it takes?”



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Mistress By Arrangement

Helen Bianchin (

For Alex and Angie Kidas

with gratitude and affection


MICHELLE sipped superb Chardonnay from a crystal wineglass and cast an idle glance at the room’s occupants.

The men were resplendent in black dinner suits, white dress shirts and black bow ties, while the women vied with each other in designer gowns.

This evening’s occasion was a simple dinner party for ten guests held in the beautiful home of their hosts, Antonia and Emerson Bateson-Burrows, whose reputation for providing fine wine, excellent food, and scintillating company was almost unequalled in Queensland’s Gold Coast society.

‘Another drink, darling?’

She felt the proprietorial clasp of Jeremy’s arm along the back of her waist.

Mine, the action seemed to shriek. The fond glance of his parents, hers, merely served to endorse their approval.

Did they think she was unaware of the subtle manipulative matchmaking attempts of late? It was too much of a coincidence that Jeremy had been a fellow guest at several social events she’d attended in the past four weeks.

Marriage wasn’t on her agenda, nor was she willing to drift into a meaningless relationship. Thanks to an annuity from her maternal grandmother, her life was good. At twenty-five, she owned her own apartment, ran a successful art gallery in partnership with a friend, and she had no inclination to change the status quo.

She felt the faint pressure of Jeremy’s hand at her waist and she summoned a polite smile. ‘Thanks, but I’ll wait until dinner.’

Which would be when? Were all the guests not accounted for? Speculation rose as she glimpsed Jeremy’s mother spare her wristwatch a surreptitious glance.

Who would dare to be late for a Bateson-Burrows soiree?

‘Mother is becoming a tad anxious,’ Jeremy revealed, sotto voce. ‘Nikos warned he might be unavoidably late.’

Curiosity sparked Michelle’s interest. ‘Nikos?’

Jeremy cast her an amused look. ‘Alessandros. Greek origin, relatively new money, respectably earned,’ he added. ‘Electronics. Bases in Athens, Rome, Paris, London, Vancouver, Sydney.’

‘If his Australian base is in Sydney, what’s he doing on the Gold Coast?’

‘He has a penthouse in Main Beach,’ Jeremy enlightened. ‘The man is a consummate strategist. Word has it he’s about to close an enviable deal.’ His mouth formed a cynical twist. ‘Instead of flying directly to Sydney, he’s chosen to negotiate from the Gold Coast.’

‘Impressive,’ she acknowledged, summoning a mental image of a short, paunchy, balding middle-aged Greek with a stylish much younger wife.

‘Very,’ Jeremy declared succinctly. ‘Father covets his patronage and his business account.’

‘And his friendship?’

‘It’s at an adequate level.’

Adequate presumably wasn’t good enough, and Emerson Bateson-Burrows’ extended invitation to dine was merely part of a larger plan.

Politics, business and social, involved an intricate strategy of a kind that occasionally sickened her altruistic mind.

‘Two hours to dine and socialise over coffee,’ Jeremy inclined. ‘Then we can escape and go on to a nightclub.’

It irked her that he took her acquiescence for granted. She was on the point of telling him so, when some sixth sense alerted her attention.

Curious, she lifted her head and felt the breath catch in her throat.

‘Nikos,’ Jeremy informed her, although she barely registered the verbal identification as her interest was captured by the tall male figure who had just entered the room.

He possessed broad-boned features, a strong jaw, and his mouth was chiselled perfection.

A man, Michelle perceived with instinctive insight, who wore the fine clothes of a gentleman, possessed the requisite good manners...and had the heart of a predatory warrior.

It was evident in his stance, the cool assessing quality in those dark slate-grey eyes as they roamed the room and its occupants.

They flicked towards her, paused, then settled in a slow appraisal of her dark honey-blond hair, green eyes, and the slender feminine curves encased in a black designer dress.

There was no power on earth that could suppress the faint shivery sensation feathering its way down her spine at the intensity of that look. She felt as if it stripped away the conventional bamer of clothes, lingerie, and stroked her skin.

It took considerable effort to match his appraisal, but she was damned if she’d concede him any sort of victory by glancing away.

Dark hair, well-groomed. Broad shoulders beneath expensive tailoring, and his shoes were hand-tooled leather. In his mid-thirties, he was the antithesis of the middle-aged paunchy balding man Michelle had envisaged.

She watched as he worked the room during an introductory circuit, noting the undoubted charm, the easy smile, an easy grace of movement that implied a high level of physical fitness.

‘Michelle Gerard,’ Antonia announced by way of introduction, reaching their side. ‘Jeremy’s girlfriend.’

Nikos Alessandros reached forward, took hold of her hand, and raised it to his lips.

Michelle’s eyes flew wide with shock as he placed a brief open-mouthed kiss to her palm, then he curled her fingers as if to seal in the flagrant action. Heat flooded her veins, coursing through her body as each nerve-end sprang into vibrant life.

‘Michelle.’ His voice held a faint inflection, an accent that was more international than indicative of his own nationality.

Primitive alchemy, potent and incredibly lethal, was a compelling force, and her skin burned where his lips had touched.

‘We meet again.’

Again? She’d never met him in this lifetime. If she had, she’d remember. No woman alive could possibly forget someone of Nikos Alessandros’ calibre!

Michelle was at once conscious of Antonia’s surprised gaze coupled with Jeremy’s sharp attention.

‘You’ve already met?’

‘While Michelle was studying at the Sorbonne in Paris,’ Nikos declared with knowledgeable ease.

A calculated guess? Somehow she doubted it. Which immediately drew the question as to how he came by the information.

‘Really?’ Antonia queried lightly after a few seconds silence.

Michelle watched in fascination as he directed her a blatantly sensual smile. ‘How could I forget?’

She should refute they’d ever set eyes on each other, and accuse him of being a sexist opportunist.

‘Your capacity to remember surprises me.’ That much was true, yet as soon as the words left her lips she wondered at the wisdom of playing his game.

Midsummer madness? An attempt to alleviate the matchmaking techniques employed by two sets of parents? Or just plain devilry.

Nikos’ eyes never left her own, and she experienced the uncanny sensation he could read her mind. Worse, that he could dissect the conventional barriers she’d learnt to erect and divine the path to her soul.

It wasn’t a comfortable feeling. But then, she doubted there was anything comfortable about this man.

Dangerous, occasionally merciless, powerful. And rarely predictable. A tiny imp added, incredibly sexual. An earthy, uninhibited lover who would seek every liberty, and encourage a similar response. Demand, she amended with instinctive knowledge.

Just the thought of what he could do to a woman, and how he would do it was enough to raise all her fine body hairs in a gesture of...what? Self-preservation? Anticipation?

Her eyes dilated at a highly erotic image, one that was so evocative she was unable to subdue the flare of heat from her innermost core.

‘Indeed?’ That deep drawl held a wealth of meaning she didn’t even want to explore.

Antonia sensed it, and immediately launched into an attempt at damage control. ‘Nikos, you must allow Emerson to get you a drink.’ She placed a hand on his sleeve, and for a moment Michelle held her breath at the possibility he might detach Antonia’s hand and opt to stay where he was.

Something moved in his expression, then he smiled, inclining his head in mocking acquiescence as he allowed his hostess to steer him away.

The electric force-field evident didn’t diminish, and it took considerable effort to lift the glass to her lips and take a sip of wine.

‘You know him.’

Michelle’s lips parted to deny it, only to pause fractionally too long.

‘And to think I’ve been playing the gentleman,’ Jeremy drawled silkily, raising his glass in a silent mocking salute as he conducted a slow encompassing survey from the top of her head to the tip of her toes and back again.

Indignation heightened the dark golden sparks in her green eyes, and anyone who knew her well would have heeded the silent warning.

‘One has only to look at Nikos to know his friendship with women is inevitably of an intimate nature.’

‘Really?’ Michelle tempered the query with a deceptive smile. She wanted to hit him. ‘You’d dare to accuse me on the strength of another man’s reputation? ’

Antonia Bateson-Burrows’ announcement that dinner was ready proved opportune.

‘Can you blame me for being jealous?’ Jeremy offered as they crossed to the dining room.

Nikos Alessandros had a lot to answer for, she determined wryly.

Unbidden, her gaze shifted to the tall male Greek a few feet distant, and she watched in fascinated surprise as he turned briefly towards her.

Those dark slate-grey eyes held an expression she couldn’t fathom, and for one infinitesimal second everything faded to the periphery of her vision. There was only him. The subdued chatter, the other guests, were no longer apparent.

A slight smile curved his lips, but his eyes remained steady, almost as if he withheld a knowledge of something she couldn’t even begin to presume.

The breath caught in her throat, and she deliberately broke the silent spell by transferring her attention to the proposed seating arrangements.

With any luck, Nikos Alessandros would be at the opposite end of the table, precluding the necessity to indulge in polite conversation.

An accomplished hostess, Antonia skilfully manoeuvred her guests into chairs, shuffling them so there were six on one side with five on the other, while she and Emerson took their position at the head of the table.

Oh hell. Thirteen at the dinner table on Friday the thirteenth. Could it get any worse?

Don’t tempt Fate by even thinking about it, a tiny voice taunted, only to discover she faced Nikos across a decorative floral centrepiece.

Emerson poured the wine while Antonia organised the serving of the first course.