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Книги автора Abdelhanine Benallou

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Whether in a solar thermal power plant or at the heart of a nuclear reactor, convection is an important mode of energy transfer. This mode i…
Whether in a solar thermal power plant or at the heart of a nuclear reactor, convection is an important mode of energy transfer. This mode i…
This is the first book of a series aiming at setting the basics for energy engineering. This book presents the fundamentals of heat and mass…
While the topic of heat and mass transfer is an old subject, the way the book introduces the concepts, linking them strongly to the real wor…
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This is the first book of a series aiming at setting the basics for energy engineering. This book presents the fundamentals of heat and mass…
This is the first book of a series aiming at setting the basics for energy engineering. This book presents the fundamentals of heat and mass…