The Number RM in DNA. Non-coding DNA (Zakia Bayguzhina)

The Number RM in DNA. Non-coding DNA (Zakia Bayguzhina)
Автор: Zakia Bayguzhina
Жанр: научно-популярная литератураестественные наукибиологияестествознаниебиохимиягенетиказнания и навыки
Язык: Русский
Размер: 349205 Кб
Издательство: SelfPub
Год издания: 2024
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Описание книги:
The Human Genome project has shown that the most of human DNA is non-coding DNA, which is sometimes called “junkˮ. But nature is wise and so arranged that there is nothing superfluous, unnecessary in it. And it helps to understand “the number RMˮ, which is directly related to non-coding DNA.