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Книги автора Stephen Baxter

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Phase Space
книги по философии
2025. Tied in to Baxter’s masterful Manifold trilogy, these thematically linked stories are drawn from the vast graph of possibilities acros…
2025. Tied in to Baxter’s masterful Manifold trilogy, these thematically linked stories are drawn from the vast graph of possibilities acros…
бухучет / налогообложение / аудит, малый и средний бизнес, монографии, налогообложение, бизнес и предпринимательство, продовольствие, малый бизнес
What if John F. Kennedy survived?President Nixon, with the help of former president JFK, has just green-lit NASA’s first manned expedition t…
What if John F. Kennedy survived?President Nixon, with the help of former president JFK, has just green-lit NASA’s first manned expedition t…
In the most exciting SF collaboration ever, Arthur C. Clarke and his acknowledged heir Stephen Baxter pool talent and unprecedented cosmic i…
прикладная литература, искусство фотографии, хобби / увлечения, фотоискусство, смартфоны
2010. More than a century of ecological damage, industrial and technological expansion, and unchecked population growth has left the Earth o…
2010. More than a century of ecological damage, industrial and technological expansion, and unchecked population growth has left the Earth o…
Venus has exploded. Showering Earth with radiation and bizarre particles that wipe out all the crops and half the life in the oceans. Sudd…
The Time Ships
биографии и мемуары, литературоведение
The highly-acclaimed sequel to H G Wells’s THE TIME MACHINE, from the heir to Arthur C. Clarke.Written to celebrate the centenary of the pub…
The highly-acclaimed sequel to H G Wells’s THE TIME MACHINE, from the heir to Arthur C. Clarke.Written to celebrate the centenary of the pub…
короткие любовные романы, эротические романы, эротическая литература, эротика, секс, любовные сцены, женский роман, обложка ню
Signs of life have been found on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.A group of visionaries led by NASA’s Paula Benacerraf plan a daring one-way mi…
Signs of life have been found on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.A group of visionaries led by NASA’s Paula Benacerraf plan a daring one-way mi…
Signs of life have been found on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.A group of visionaries led by NASA’s Paula Benacerraf plan a daring one-way mi…
Signs of life have been found on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.A group of visionaries led by NASA’s Paula Benacerraf plan a daring one-way mi…
Times of Bede
учебники и пособия для вузов, теплоэнергетика, теплоснабжение, техническое проектирование, теплотехника, тепловые машины, инженерные расчеты
Written by the late Patrick Wormald, one of the leading authorities on Bede’s life and work over a 30-year period, this book is a collection…
Written by the late Patrick Wormald, one of the leading authorities on Bede’s life and work over a 30-year period, this book is a collection…
попаданцы, эротические романы, любовно-фантастические романы, любовные интриги, далёкое будущее, романтическая эротика
2015: Astronaut Reid Malenfant is flying over the African continent, intent on examining a mysterious glowing construct in Earth’s orbit.But…
2015: Astronaut Reid Malenfant is flying over the African continent, intent on examining a mysterious glowing construct in Earth’s orbit.But…
современные любовные романы, зарубежные любовные романы
2015: Astronaut Reid Malenfant is flying over the African continent, intent on examining a mysterious glowing construct in Earth’s orbit.But…
2015: Astronaut Reid Malenfant is flying over the African continent, intent on examining a mysterious glowing construct in Earth’s orbit.But…
Phase Space
технический анализ, финансовые инструменты, управление экономикой, финансы, инвестиции, экономика
2025. Tied in to Baxter’s masterful Manifold trilogy, these thematically linked stories are drawn from the vast graph of possibilities acros…
2025. Tied in to Baxter’s masterful Manifold trilogy, these thematically linked stories are drawn from the vast graph of possibilities acros…
эротические романы, любовно-фантастические романы, эротические рассказы и истории, космос, далёкое будущее, рабство, обложка ню
2020. Fueled by an insatiable curiosity, Reid Malenfant ventures to the far edge of the solar system, where he discovers a strange artifact …
2020. Fueled by an insatiable curiosity, Reid Malenfant ventures to the far edge of the solar system, where he discovers a strange artifact …
2020. Fueled by an insatiable curiosity, Reid Malenfant ventures to the far edge of the solar system, where he discovers a strange artifact …
2020. Fueled by an insatiable curiosity, Reid Malenfant ventures to the far edge of the solar system, where he discovers a strange artifact …
The Time Ships
The highly-acclaimed sequel to H G Wells’s THE TIME MACHINE, from the heir to Arthur C. Clarke.Written to celebrate the centenary of the pub…
The highly-acclaimed sequel to H G Wells’s THE TIME MACHINE, from the heir to Arthur C. Clarke.Written to celebrate the centenary of the pub…
внеклассное чтение
2010. More than a century of ecological damage, industrial and technological expansion, and unchecked population growth has left the Earth o…
2010. More than a century of ecological damage, industrial and technological expansion, and unchecked population growth has left the Earth o…
What if John F. Kennedy survived?President Nixon, with the help of former president JFK, has just green-lit NASA’s first manned expedition t…
What if John F. Kennedy survived?President Nixon, with the help of former president JFK, has just green-lit NASA’s first manned expedition t…
законы и постановления, военное право
Venus has exploded. Showering Earth with radiation and bizarre particles that wipe out all the crops and half the life in the oceans. Sudd…
Venus has exploded. Showering Earth with radiation and bizarre particles that wipe out all the crops and half the life in the oceans. Sudd…