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Positive thinking is an attitude that admits into the brain thoughts, words and pictures that are conductive to development, expansion and success. It’s an attitude that expects g...
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What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?Even though irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders encountered by doctors, a lot of people still do...
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Requirements for Fitness Trainer CertificationBefore you can take any of the different certification tests for becoming a fitness trainer, you have to meet certain standards. These...
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28 сентября 1803 года родился Проспер Мериме (Prosper Merimee) (ум. 1870), французский писатель.
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Детство. Время открытий. Время удивляться всему в мире. Радоваться, грустить, искать себя...