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A Baby In The House
A Baby In The House
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A Baby In The House

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A Baby In The House
Pamela Bauer

The bridesmaid is pregnant…The stuffy air in the church and her queasy stomach are a bad combination, especially since Krystal Graham is trying to hide her condition–particularly from Garret Donovan, the groomsman assigned to escort her down the aisle. The groomsman who just happens to be the father of her baby.Unfortunately, once the "I do's" are over and the newlyweds are on their way, Krystal knows she's in trouble, and she tries to make her exit before she embarrasses herself. But that's the least of her worries. Garret's a smart man and a doctor. What's she going to do once her secret is out?

The door flew open and there she stood wearing a pale blue nightgown

“Were you asleep?” Garret asked.

“Of course! It’s two o’clock in the morning.” Panic replaced the sleepy look in Krystal’s eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“I need to come in.”

“If you came here to check on me, it’s not necessary. I’m not sick.”

“I know. You’re pregnant.” That stunned her into silence. He waited for her to say something, but nothing came out of her mouth. “It’s true, isn’t it?” he said.

She moistened her lips, then said, “Yes. I’m sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn’t practically begged you to take me to bed, we wouldn’t be in this—”

Garret cut her off. “Wait a minute! Are you saying I’m the father?”

Dear Reader,

As a child I spent many hours with a length of clothesline in my hand. My friend Susie would be on the other end and our friend Joanie would be in the middle, jumping as we twirled the rope and sang one of the many ditties created especially for skipping rope. Our favorite was the one that ended with “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Joanie pushing a baby carriage.”

It’s a refrain that echoed often in my head while I wrote this book because my heroine, Krystal—like a lot of women—believes she’s going to fall in love, get married and have a baby—in that order. Then she does a favor for a friend and discovers that her plan has suddenly been thrown out the window. Now she finds herself wondering if it’s possible to have a baby first, then get married and then fall in love.

As you read this story you’ll find the answer. You’ll also meet the women who live at 14 Valentine Place, a wonderful old Victorian house where love has a way of sneaking up on its tenants when they least expect it. I hope you’ll enjoy your visit with them.

If you’d like to write to me, I love to hear from readers. Send your letters to Pamela Bauer, c/o MFW, P.O. Box 24107, Minneapolis, MN 55424, or you can visit me via the Internet at


Pamela Bauer

A Baby in the House

Pamela Bauer (

For the baby in our house,

Aedan Paul.

What a joy you are!

And a special thank-you to

Michelle Rudolph for sharing her

professional insights with me.


















KRYSTAL GRAHAM SPOTTED Garret Donovan across the ballroom, briefly locked her eyes with his, then glanced away. She waited only a moment before allowing her gaze to slowly wander back to his, giving him a smile that said, You know what I’m thinking and it’s a bit naughty.

The flirtatious move hinted at an intimacy that didn’t exist and was part of a plan to make Samantha Penrose jealous. It worked. Samantha couldn’t keep her eyes—or her hands—off Garret.

As Krystal stared at Garret, she could see why. He was cute. Not exactly her type, but still cute. And sexy. That realization rocked her for a moment. She hadn’t thought of him in that way before. He’d always been her landlady’s son. A friend. But tonight he looked good enough to send a little jolt of pleasure all the way down to her toes.

She shook her head. There was no point in thinking of Garret in that way, because she was making a new start with Roy.

She glanced at her watch, wishing she were with him now. As if Garret could read her mind, he came toward her and suggested they leave.

She slipped her arm through his as they said goodbye to his colleagues. Seeing Samantha across the room watching their movements, she whispered to Garret, “If you kiss me now you can make your old girlfriend very jealous.”

He looked her in the eye and said, “As tempting as that offer is, when I kiss a woman it’s not for someone else’s benefit. It’s because she wants me. Do you want me to kiss you, Krystal?”

She did, only she wasn’t about to admit that to him. It was a startling discovery and one that kept her quiet as they walked through the hotel corridors to the front entrance. When they were waiting for the parking lot attendant to bring his car around, she knew she needed to say something about the sexual tension that seemed to have come out of nowhere between them.

“Garret, the reason I came with you tonight…” she began.

“I know why you’re with me, Krystal. My mother asked you to be my date, but contrary to what you—or my mother—may think, I don’t need help when it comes to my relationship with Samantha Penrose.”

It wasn’t the first time she’d heard those words. When his mother had suggested they go to the hospital ball together, Garret had objected to the idea, but it had been a good-natured objection. Now he sounded angry.

“Look, it’s still early. Why don’t you go back inside and I’ll take a cab home,” she suggested.

“You aren’t taking a cab anywhere. I brought you here and I will take you home.”

His tone made her sound like an obligation. “I wasn’t planning to go home. I thought I’d go to Roy’s place.”

“Old unfaithful, huh?” He slowly shook his head.

As her friend, he knew about her on-again, off-again relationship with Roy Stanton. Until tonight, however, he’d kept his opinions of the other man to himself.

“He’s changed.” She felt the need to defend her decision to give Roy another chance.

“I’m glad to hear that,” he stated. She wished she knew if he truly meant those words, but as usual, his face revealed nothing of what he was thinking.

The parking lot attendant had brought the car around, and he held the door open for her. Reluctantly, she climbed inside. Garret didn’t speak as he drove except to ask for directions. She should have been used to it by now—his penchant for silence. It had been that way since the first day she met him. She’d never known a man who could get so lost in his own thoughts.

When they reached Roy’s apartment complex, he said, “Wait. I’ll walk you to the door.”

He was the dutiful escort, making sure she arrived safely inside the dimly lit lobby. “Thanks. It’s right here.” She motioned to the lower level apartment. “Someone’s home. I can hear music.”

“So can half the neighborhood,” he said dryly.

“You can leave. I’m fine.”

He surveyed their surroundings with a critical eye, then said, “I’ll go back to the car, but I’d appreciate you signaling when you’ve made it inside.”

She nodded and watched him walk away before pounding on Roy’s door. She knew it wasn’t likely he’d hear her. The music was too loud. She figured he was probably stretched out on the sofa, watching videos on MTV and missing her.

Krystal dug deep into her purse for a key she’d never returned after one of their earlier breakups. She inserted it in the lock and pushed open the door.

“Surprise! Party was over sooner than I expected,” she announced as she stepped into the room.

Only the party wasn’t over in Roy’s apartment. He was indeed on the sofa with music videos playing on his big-screen TV, but he was definitely not missing her. Next to him was a woman. A naked woman whose limbs were entwined with his.

The blood rushed to Krystal’s face and pounded in her temples. For a moment she was too stunned to speak, but then her anger erupted.

“You scumbag! How could you do this to me?” She screamed at him. “You told me being in the military had made you realize how important I was to you, that you were never going to look at another woman again. You…you…” she stammered, struggling to get her breath, so great was her fury. “You are a disgusting pig, Roy Stanton, and I can’t believe I was stupid enough to believe you could ever change!”

“Wait, I can explain,” he began, but she wasn’t going to listen to one more word he had to say.

She threw the key at him, bouncing it off his bare chest. She turned and ran out of his apartment, sickened by what she’d seen. To her surprise, there were no tears flooding her eyes.

As she stepped outside she saw that Garret’s car was still at the curb. He saw her coming toward him and got out to open the door for her. She slid inside.

He didn’t say a word to her until he was behind the wheel. Then he said, “Change of plans?”

“Yes, change of plans,” she managed in a voice that was surprisingly calm.

“Where to now?”

When she looked at him she didn’t see her landlady’s son. She saw the man who’d looked at her with desire in his eyes. “Did you mean what you said earlier this evening?”

“You ought to know by now that I don’t say things I don’t mean,” he answered in a voice that sent a shiver of awareness through her.

“Then take me to your place.”


“I’M SORRY YOU HAD TO WAIT, Angie,” Krystal said as she escorted her eleven-o’clock appointment to her workstation.

It was an apology she issued often in a typical workday. No matter how hard she tried to stay on time, she usually failed. Not because she was slow, but because she regarded styling hair as an art form and one that shouldn’t be hurried. Creating the right look for a client was more important than staying on schedule.

Angie brushed away her apology with a flap of her hand. “No problem. I needed the downtime and your reception area provided a very nice distraction. That construction site across the street is crawling with men in tight, dusty jeans. Have you seen the size of the arms on some of those guys?”

“I try not to look,” Krystal told her, shaking out the black plastic cape before draping it over Angie’s shoulders. “A guy I used to date works there. A real zero. Cute with a great body but—” she pointed to her head “—nothing up here.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. A good personality can make a guy look attractive, and you can always drag him to the gym and work out together to get his body in shape, but if he’s dumb as dirt, what’s the point?”

“There isn’t one. So what are we doing today? The usual?”

“Uh-uh. I need a change. Chop it off.”

“Oh-oh. If you want me to cut it, you must be having guy trouble.”

She grinned. “You know me well, don’t you?”

Krystal knew most of her regular clients very well. She regarded them as friends and she often found herself privy to information some of them hadn’t even shared with their closest family members. She knew that before this woman left, she’d know all about her breakup with her boyfriend.

“Any ideas as to what you want me to do?” she asked, running her fingers through the blond tresses.

“Take it up to about here.” She used her hand as a measure, raising it to just below her ear. “I’ll let you decide how you want to style it.”

Krystal studied the hair from all angles, lifting and rearranging strands as she mentally sculpted a new style. She loved it when a client gave her carte blanche. Creating the right look for someone was a challenge and she took great satisfaction in knowing that if she did her job well, she would make a woman feel better about herself.

While Krystal shampooed and rinsed the woman’s hair at the sink, the client filled her in on her troubled love life. Krystal didn’t mind. She was a people person and enjoyed hearing what was happening in their lives—the good and the bad. It was one of the aspects she loved most about her job—interacting with others.

“So how are things with you?” the young woman finally asked Krystal when she was once more sitting facing the mirror.

It was a question Krystal expected to hear from all of her regular clients at some point during their visits. And usually her life was an open book, with many of her customers knowing as much about her personal life as her friends did, but not today. A page had been written she wasn’t ready for anyone else to read. At least not yet.

“Things could be better,” she said, tossing the wet towel into the bin behind her.