Constitutional Patriotism: Four European Reincarnations and the Russian Version (Игорь Нязбеевич Барциц)

Constitutional Patriotism: Four European Reincarnations and the Russian Version (Игорь Нязбеевич Барциц)
Автор: Игорь Нязбеевич Барциц
Жанр: научные трудынаучные докладыюридическая литератураправоведениеправовое регулированиеправовые отношенияистория государства и права
Язык: Русский
Размер: 385662 Кб
ISBN: 978-5-7749-1422-7
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This study examines the theory of constitutional patriotism with respect to the interests and needs of constitutional and legal development of Russia. The author pays special attention to the views of German legalists and philosophers as originators of this legal theory. Thoroughly analyzing foreign documents that define the content and purpose of constitutional patriotism and give examples of countries using this concept as a basis of their national development, as well as shaping of the European Union’s common identity, the author explores its relevance for the legal doctrine of the Russian Federation and other countries.