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Dark Harbor
Dark Harbor
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Dark Harbor

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A police cruiser?

Dread filled her when she saw the man who’d stepped out. Zach Davis. She’d recognize him anywhere thanks to all of the research she’d done on the man. Just because he was knock-me-over gorgeous with his curly blond hair and blue eyes didn’t mean he was a good guy.

Was he trying to stop Madelyn before she got to town and uncovered all of the unsavory moments of his life?

Was he somehow working with the driver of that white truck? It was the only thing that made sense. He must have somehow found out Madelyn was coming and planned his defense. All of her assumptions about the man were proving to be true. He deserved to be locked behind bars.

He marched toward her car and peered inside.

Madelyn made sure not to move, to remain perfectly still.

As the police chief straightened, his gaze skimmed the area.

Madelyn held her breath. Would he see her? For her safety, she prayed he didn’t. Because if he was as dangerous as she thought, she was in real trouble.

* * *

Zach Davis sensed he was being watched. As he scanned the woods, his gaze tried to zero in on something out of place. Proof teased the edge of awareness. Something was there. Hidden yet possible to find.

His hand went to his gun, just to be safe.

He’d gotten a report of a car driving erratically in this area. Since he was already close by, he’d decided to check it out. He’d followed the trail of dust on the gravel lane and found the burgundy Nissan. Where had the driver gone?

He’d already recorded the license plate number, and the car’s make and model. He’d run them soon. Until then, he had to pinpoint why he felt like he was being watched.

“I know you’re there. Come out.” His hand remained on his gun. “Let’s make this easy on both of us.”

A squirrel scattered up a tree. A bird chirped as it hurried across the canopy of branches overhead. A fly buzzed at his ear.

But silence was the only response from the person hiding. Usually people only hid when they were guilty of something. What was this person up to?

“Don’t make this harder than it has to be,” he continued. He shifted, trying to get a better look. He saw a gleam as sunlight hit something reflective. Sunglasses maybe?

A woman, he realized.

“I’m Police Chief Zach Davis from Waterman’s Reach. I won’t hurt you. We just need to talk.”

Again, nothing.

He stepped closer, afraid he would scare the woman and she’d take off in a run. She’d get lost in these woods. There were miles and miles of them out here. If the woods didn’t get to her, the wild animals would. Cottonmouths had been especially rampant this year.

“I have all of the time in the world,” he continued. “You can try to wait me out, but it won’t work. You can run, but you’re going to put yourself at risk of getting lost, getting injured or being dinner for some of the wildlife out here. It’s your choice. I’d say I’m the least scary of all of them.”

That seemed to do the trick. The woman stepped out ever so slightly, her hands in the air and an untrusting look in her eyes. “I assure you, I’m not looking for trouble.”

“Then why are you running?”

“Why are you chasing me?” she countered.

“Chasing you? I’m just following the lead of a citizen who was concerned by careless driving.”

“I was only driving carelessly because someone was following me.”

Following her? Was he dealing with someone who struggled with paranoia? Or was someone actually following the woman?

“Why don’t you step out here so we can talk like two rational human beings?” he asked.

“How do I know I can trust you?” Her voice wavered.

“I’m a cop. I have no reason to hurt you. Unless you’re aiming a gun at me, we should be just fine.”

Finally the woman emerged from the woods, wobbly in her high heels. Her gray skirt was stained and there was a leaf in her hair.

His breath caught for a moment.

She definitely didn’t look like she was from around here. Her hair was brown and glossy and cut neatly to her shoulders. She wore a white top with black polka dots and a straight gray skirt that reached her knees. Her heels looked uncomfortably high, and her purse probably cost more than Zach made in one week.

Both her words and the way she spoke indicated she was well educated. Just who was she, though? She just didn’t fit into the dynamic he’d experienced so far in the town. Most people here were grounded in the fishing industry. They had deep tans, easy accents and chose jeans to pencil skirts.

Most people who came into town for work had something to do with the seafood industry. But this woman did not appear to be the type to deal with fish or oysters. She looked too big-city.

Despite his initial attraction, his next thought quickly dampened the surge. She reminded him of Julia, he realized, the woman who’d broken his heart after the Baltimore fiasco when she’d left him faster than someone fleeing an oncoming tornado.

“A white truck followed me on my way down from Maryland,” the woman started. “I pulled off the main road trying to get away from it. I thought you could be connected with the other driver.”

She sounded scared but otherwise rational.

Concern filled him. If she was telling the truth—and he was beginning to think she was—then this could be a bad situation. “Any idea why someone might be following you?”

“None.” She crossed her arms.

“An ex-boyfriend?”

She shook her head. “No. Not a current boyfriend or spouse either. I have no good ideas as to whom this might be.”

“What’s your name, ma’am?”

She licked her lips, looking almost reluctant. “Madelyn Sawyer.”

“Where are you headed, Madelyn?”

Her frown deepened. “Waterman’s Reach.”

His eyebrows shot up. The town didn’t have that many visitors. City council wished they did. They pushed to have more people. But especially this time of the year, the place was mostly locals—5,479 to be exact. As the new chief, he made sure he knew all he could about the town.

“What brings you there?”

Her chin jutted up. “I’m writing an article, if you must know. A travel article. I’ve already been in touch with Eva Rogers, and she’s expecting me.”

He shifted, finally moving his hand from his gun. He had received some kind of memo about a visit from a reporter. The mayor had encouraged city employees to make her feel welcome and had reminded them how important this push for tourism was.

Zach had essentially ignored the memo. He’d had no intention of interacting with the reporter. No, a reporter was the last person he wanted to have contact with. He didn’t need some nosy journalist digging into his background. If she did, his whole investigation could be ruined.

“Do you remember anything about this truck that was following you?” he asked, suddenly ready to have this conversation done.

“Not much. It was white, probably ten years old, with tinted windows and a dent in the front bumper. Sound familiar?” Was that a challenge in her voice? What sense did that make?

“Can’t say it does. But I’ll see what I can find out.”

“I’d appreciate it.” She stared at her flat tire.

“Do you have a spare?” Zach asked. As much as he’d like to limit their interaction, that wasn’t going to be possible, was it?

She shook her head. “The last time I had a flat, my spare popped. I’ve had a bit of bad luck when it comes to car problems lately.”

“I can give you a ride back.” It was the least he could do. If there was some kind of threat on this woman’s life, he needed to do his duty as police chief. Then he wanted to be done with her.

He paused before climbing into his cruiser. A branch snapped in the woods. It wasn’t an unusual sound in itself. It could be a deer or even a raccoon. But that familiar feeling of being watched filled him again.

He glanced around but saw no one. What if Madelyn was telling the truth? What if the driver of that white truck was out in those woods somewhere watching them?

He scanned the woods one more time.

Then he heard the sound of someone crashing through the underbrush.

“Stay here!” he shouted before darting into the forest.

TWO (#ulink_d981a16f-473a-55f0-b532-b6679e303381)

Zach dodged trees and stumps and underbrush as he rushed after the figure in the distance. The woods were thick and hard to navigate. But he needed to figure out who was out there.

Maybe the person fleeing was a hunter who’d stumbled across them and feared getting caught without a permit. It was a possibility. And some hunters would run rather than face fines.

Zach reached a slight clearing and paused. He’d lost sight of the man he was following. Where had he gone?

He listened, hoping for a clue. Nothing signaled the man’s location. Cautiously, he took a step forward. He surveyed the area, his instincts on alert.

The man couldn’t have just disappeared. Was he hiding? Waiting to ambush Zach?

He had to be careful. He’d seen firsthand just how easy it was for an officer of the law to lose his life. Too many good people had died in the line of duty.

As he took another step toward an especially thick section of trees, he heard something click.

A gun, he realized.

Zach ducked to the ground. His heart pounded in his ears. He listened for footsteps, for any sign the gunman was getting closer or trying to stage an ambush.


Then a crack filled the air.

Something whizzed over him and splinters rained on his shoulders.

A bullet had hit the tree above him, he realized. A few more inches, and he would have been toast.

Heavy footsteps darted away. Branches snapped. Underbrush rustled.

Zach sprang to his feet, darting toward the sound. The man busted through the woods. Zach caught a glimpse of a long-sleeved black shirt, black pants and a black hat. Whoever was out here wasn’t a hunter. But he was trying to remain concealed. That was the only reason someone dressed like that.

Zach thrust himself through the wilderness, trying to reach the man. Shooting at a police officer was a serious crime. Zach had to do everything he could to catch the man.

A clearing stretched ahead. This was his chance.

Zach pushed himself harder.

A whistle sounded in the distance. He glanced over and saw a train traveling toward them down the tracks. His breath caught.


With a burst of energy, he sprinted toward the man, gaining speed by the moment.

Just as the man crested the tracks, the train barreled past.

Zach stepped back as the force of the engine brought with it a rush of wind. His hands went to his hips and he shook his head.

The shooter’s timing had been impeccable. Two more minutes’ difference would have yielded different results. Zach could have caught him, pulled that mask off and figured out who the man was, once and for all.

Zach stared down the length of the train—it was long. Really long. He knew by the time it went past, the man would be gone.

Shaking his head, Zach stomped back toward the sight of the shooting. He found the bullet lodged into the tree and studied it for a moment. He couldn’t tell much about it. He only knew it had come way too close to his head.

He pulled some tweezers and a bag from his pocket and collected the bullet. He used his phone to take some pictures.

He searched the ground for footprints, but they’d had a dry summer and the soil was rock hard. Just as he suspected, he found nothing.

He gave one last glance in the direction the bullet had come from and then turned back.

He had to make sure Madelyn Sawyer was okay. Because he had a feeling this all led back to her.

* * *

Madelyn felt beside herself. She’d been followed, stranded in the middle of nowhere and then she’d heard a gunshot. Had the chief been injured? Or had Zach Davis shot someone? Who had that man in the woods been?

The questions all collided in her mind.

She heard someone moving through the woods and froze.

Was it Zach? Or could it be the driver of the white truck? Her nerves were getting the best of her and making it hard to breathe.