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Royal Holiday Baby
Royal Holiday Baby
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Royal Holiday Baby

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“Why?” he challenged, not eager for the evening to end either. He would go back to his apartment, full of memories that reminded him of how much he’d lost. “It’s just ice cream with a local boy.”

“Boy,” she echoed in breathless disbelief, giving him a once-over.

“Okay,” he amended. “It’s just ice cream.”

“Well, you did rescue me from that creep,” she said, caught in indecision. She squished her eyes together for a half beat then opened them. “I really shouldn’t get into a car with a man I’ve just met.”

“I can get you a cab,” he said.

“Thank you,” she said, disappointment leaking through her tone. He escorted her to the door of the private club and waited with her while the valet waved a car forward.

He opened the door and just before she stepped inside, she glanced over her shoulder. “I could still meet you for that ice cream float if I knew the address.”

“Calahan’s Diner on 54th and Poplar,” he said to the driver and her. “See you soon.”

Forty-five minutes later after Tina removed her mask, she sat across from the rugged man with the magnetic eyes. “I can’t remember the last time I had one of these,” he said as he drained the last drop.

Her gaze slid down his hard jaw, taking in the slide of his Adam’s apple, then lower to his broad shoulders. Watching him drink the float was the most seductive experience she’d had in a long time.

Tina wondered if that was just plain pathetic as she took another sip of her own float. She liked the way his bedroom eyes crinkled at the corners. The fact that he was knocking back an ice cream float made him seem a little less dangerous than if he’d been swilling whiskey. She supposed that if she were ever going to do something wild and impetuous with a man, he might be a good choice. Not that she ever would.

“You never mentioned where you live,” he said.

“Out of the country, right now,” she said. “But I attended college at Rice.”

“Is that where you met Keely?” he asked.

Tina blinked, digesting his comment and what it meant. She felt a rush of self-consciousness. “You were the one Keely asked to look after me.”

He nodded and his lips tilted into a half smile. “My pleasure.”

She resisted the urge to fan her heated face. “This is a little embarrassing. I didn’t know you were assigned to look after me. I shouldn’t keep you any longer—”

His smile fell. “No,” he said. “When I said it was my pleasure, I meant it. I haven’t been out in awhile. Being with you has—” He broke off and shrugged those broad muscular shoulders. “It’s been great. I haven’t felt this good in a long, long time.”

His eyes darkened with emotion, and she felt a visceral tightening in her stomach.

“I don’t want it to end,” he said.

His words echoed her own feelings. She sucked in a quick breath, determined to clear her head. She had responsibilities. Her duty was most important. Always. “I don’t either, but it must end.” She closed her eyes for a quick moment, trying to stiffen her resolve. Opening her eyes again, she shot him a smile that she knew was weary. “Grown-ups have to be grown-ups.”

He nodded, giving a slight chuckle as he slid his gaze over her from head to waist, heating her from head to toe. “Damn shame, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she said, wishing she were a little less responsible, wishing she could be impetuous and follow her heart … or hormones….

“I’ll get the check, then get you a cab,” he said.

Moments later, she sat in the back of a cab driving her toward Keely’s house. Damn chivalry, she thought and gave a dark laugh at herself. It would have been so much easier if he’d taken advantage of her. Oozing his sexy Texan charm, it would have been sooo easy. Instead, he’d given her a choice, which meant she’d had to take the chaste high road when she’d wanted to be a bad girl. Just once. She’d always been the good daughter. At the moment, that halo she wore felt way too tight.

The taxi stopped at a red light. When it turned green, the vehicle sputtered and stalled. Great, she thought. She was accustomed to riding in perfectly maintained limousines. Riding in a taxi was an adventure. Under a torrential downpour, she looked outside her window and hoped the cab would start.

The driver cranked the engine again. And again. And again. To no avail.

Darn it, she didn’t even have an umbrella with her. Her staff usually provided that. Tina sighed. Perhaps she should call her security. Heavens, she hated the idea. There would be a fuss from the head of security and her brother and maybe even her father.

She waited several more moments, her cell phone ready in her hand. An SUV pulled alongside the cab. A moment later, a knock sounded at her window, startling her. Frightened, she stared into the rain, reluctant to open her door.

“Tina,” a male voice said. “Open up.”

Recognizing the voice of Zachary Logan, she opened the door. “Zach,” she said.

His Stetson dripping with raindrops, he swung an umbrella toward her. “Need a ride?”

“To where?”

His gaze gave a dark flicker. “Wherever you want. I can take you to Keely’s or I can take you to my place in town.”

Tina stared into his eyes and felt as if she were balanced on a precipice. She could be sensible or cautious or for once, give into her passions. She saw a ravenous need in Zach’s gaze that called to something inside her. She’d been taught to ignore her needs. But somehow, the tug she felt toward Zach was stronger than anything she’d ever felt before.

Tina rose from the cab with all the grace she’d been taught since she could walk and accepted his hand. “Your place,” she whispered.

Chapter Two

Tina stepped across the threshold of Zach’s apartment, her heart hammering in her chest. When Zach flicked on the light behind her, she stared into the spare, generically furnished living space and felt her stomach dip with reticence. What was she doing?

“Let me get you something to drink,” he said, walking past her and removing his hat. “Sorry I don’t have much to offer. I spend most of my time working when I stay here instead of at my ranch.”

She followed after him and watched as he stared into a near-empty refrigerator. “Juice, water.” He craned his neck. “Beer and chardonnay.”

“Water’s fine,” she said, licking her lips.

“Sure you don’t want wine?” he asked, looking over his shoulder.

“Maybe just one glass,” she said. “Besides ranching, what kind of business do you have?”

Zach grabbed a beer, then opened the bottle of wine and poured the golden liquid into a glass. “My brother and I own some companies together—information-sharing systems and upgrading equipment for mid-size companies. We also offer consultation for trading futures and trade them ourselves.”

“Sounds busy,” she said and accepted the glass of wine.

“What do you do?”

“I work in public and international relations,” she said, not wanting him to ask any further questions. She took a quick sip and stared into his gaze, feeling her stomach dance with nerves.

He skimmed his gaze over her, then took a long drink of beer. “Listen, if you’d like me to take you to Keely’s—”

“No,” she said, quickly, breathlessly. “Unless you want me to go.”

“No,” he said just as quickly, but his voice was rougher with a sensual edge to it that affected her on a visceral level.

She took another sip of wine and willed herself to be more brazen. She took two steps forward then stopped. “I’m not accustomed to making the first move,” she whispered.

He raised his eyebrows and nodded, taking another long drink of beer. “Maybe I can help with that,” he said and closed the space between them.

Inhaling deeply, she caught the scent of him, soap, cologne and just a hint of musk. He smelled male, good, seductive. He slid his hand over hers and tugged her toward the kitchen counter where he propped his can of beer.

His hand felt strong and warm around hers. Taking her wine glass from her hand, he took a quick sip, then also set the glass on the counter. He dipped his fingers into the wine and rubbed them over her lips.

She blinked at the raw seductive move, but had no desire to object.

“I think I need another taste of that wine,” he said and lowered his mouth to hers. His mouth was firm and sensual. He slid his tongue over her lips and she felt his hunger vibrate inside her. When he pulled her against him, his hard-muscled frame made something inside shudder and relax at the same time.

She wasn’t dealing with a college boy here.

She remembered her first time as heavy kisses, awkward fumbling, a rushed penetration followed by a stab of pain. Afterward, she’d wondered Why bother?

Tina knew she was experiencing the opposite side of the spectrum. Zachary was a man, and he clearly knew what he was doing. He knew what he wanted and at this moment, she knew that he was what she wanted. From the time she’d been born, Tina had been bred for duty and responsibility. Her position was more important than her desires or personal needs. She was always to behave responsibly. If things went wrong, then she was supposed to fix them. She would always need to remain on guard.

For the first time in a long time, if not forever, she let down her guard. She had the bone-deep sense that Zach was the most responsible man she’d ever met. For now, his responsibility meant taking care of his needs and her own, and she felt a delicious anticipation that he could achieve both tasks. She sighed with a combination of relief and excitement and clung to his strong frame.

Giving herself into his sensual care, she drew his tongue into her mouth, savoring his taste. He quickly inhaled in surprise or approval, or both, and rocked her pelvis against his hardness.

A thrill raced through her and she pressed her breasts against his chest. He gave a low growl. “Are you sure you—”

“Yes,” she whispered desperately against his lips and slid her hands upward, knocking his hat from his head.

Within seconds, he had pushed off her coat and unzipped her dress. Tina felt a draft of cool air when her dress pooled at her feet, but his warm hands replaced the fabric, quickly distracting her. She tugged at his jacket and tie then fumbled as she unbuttoned his shirt.

It seemed like both forever and no time at all before she felt his naked warm skin against hers. The sensation of her breasts against his chest made her nipples tight with need. Heat and desperation grew inside her. When had she wanted like this? When had she allowed herself to want like this?

Her brain shorted out as he dipped his head, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. Tina gasped in pleasure.

He swore under his breath. “You’re so sexy. Don’t know how long I can wait.”

“Don’t,” she urged, sliding her fingers through his hair. “Don’t wait.”

Taking her by surprise, he pulled her into his arms and carried her out of the kitchen down a hallway. In a darkened room, he set her down on a bed and pulled back. During those few seconds, she felt cold without him.


“Right here,” he said, returning, leaning over her as he opened a foil packet and protected himself. “I don’t trust myself much longer.”

He slid his hand through her hair and down her face to cup her jaw. “I never thought I’d feel this—” He broke off and shook his head. He trailed his hand down over her breasts and lower, over her abdomen and between her legs where she was hot and moist. “Perfection,” he muttered. “All woman.”

Toying with her, he took her mouth in a French kiss. The desperation and need tightened inside her so she could hardly stand it. Unable to bear another second, she slid her hand down to where he was hard and big and all male. She stroked down his shaft and he gave a hiss of arousal.

“That’s it,” he said and pushed her thighs apart. One breath later, he plunged inside her, stretching her, filling her.

He swore. “You feel so good,” he said and began to pump. She moved in counterpoint to his sexual invasion, craving every millimeter of him.

She felt the first flush of a climax soar through her. She was so close, so very close, but then he plunged one last time crying out, and sank on top of her.

His weight was heavy, but somehow sweet. His breath flowed over her and she was left with a strange feeling of satisfaction despite the fact that she hadn’t gone over the top.

He struggled up to rest on his elbows, looking deep in her gaze, his eyes still dark with sex. “You didn’t come,” he said.

Surprised, a little self-conscious, she dropped her jaw. “It’s not a big deal. Not—”

“I can fix that,” he said and lowered his mouth to hers again.

Tina awakened to darkness and a man’s heavy leg trapping her lower body. A clock on the bed stand displayed the time as 3:47 a.m. She wasn’t sure what had awakened her—perhaps the unfamiliar sensation of sharing a bed with a man who gave satisfaction a completely new and wonderful meaning. Guilt and responsibility that had developed before she exited her mother’s womb. Or just the fact that her left leg was falling asleep.

Alarm rushed through her. What on earth had she done? What on earth was she doing? Her security detail would be descending on her any minute. She was surprised they hadn’t shown up already.

Oh, that wouldn’t do, she thought, cringing at the image of Rolfe, her head security man, bursting through the door. She had never caused a scandal. She was the dependable one. Her brother Stefan, the crown prince, was the one with a temper. Her younger sister was the beautiful, impetuous one with the whole family breathing a sigh of relief that she was settling down. Her other younger siblings were involved with their own lives and personal dramas. Getting them to help with royal duties was like pulling teeth from a wild boar.

Tina was the go-to princess. Someone had to be. She should leave before Zach was dragged into the craziness of her life. Her heart twisted with regret as she studied the hard planes of his face, his dark eyelashes and his dark hair, mussed by her fingertips.

He’d given her a sliver of an out-of-time, out-of-body experience. Thank goodness for these few hours, she thought. She’d never felt more like a woman. Sadness twisted through her as realization sank through. She might never feel like this again.

Sunlight seeped through the blinds of Zach’s condominium window. He didn’t open his eyes, feeling a bone-deep relaxation and satisfaction that prevented him from any muscle movement. His muscles were relaxed, his mind blessedly blank. For a full moment.

Then flashes of the night before skittered across his brain. His eyes still closed, he saw a woman with sexy, plump lips and inviting eyes and a body that made him hard. Again.

He opened his eyes. Tina. He glanced around the bed and inhaled, smelling the scent of her. Where had she gone?

“Tina,” he called, lifting up on his elbow.

Silence answered him.

“Damn,” he muttered and raked his hand through his hair. He shouldn’t have brought her here, he thought. She was Keely and Brent’s friend. He was supposed to see her safely back to their place.

But she’d been so soft and sexy and irresistible. And now she’d run out on him.

Not until he’d taken her over the edge, he reminded himself. Several times. For both of them. He couldn’t remember a wilder night. Not even with his wife.

His gut squeezed at the thought. His dead wife and his dead baby. For a little while, Tina had given him something else to think about. His elbow scraped against something. Metal, he thought, scooping up a small chain. He studied it for a moment, noting the catch had broken. He remembered the way the silver bracelet had played over her skin when she’d caressed him with her hands and mouth.

He closed his eyes, his sense of pleasure and ease evaporating quickly. His little break from pain was over, and his time of torture and self-recrimination had returned.

Twelve hours later, Tina sat in her brother’s parlor waiting for his to-do list. He usually delivered it via e-mail, but Tina suspected that since she’d ditched her cell phone for that one night at the masquerade party, he didn’t trust electronic communication. Or perhaps he just didn’t trust her.

Her brother’s assistant had already bowed in greeting a few moments ago. Standing, he waved his hand to the door to Stefan’s office. “His Royal Highness will see you now,” he said.

Tina could have pushed to eliminate the wait, but after rushed good-byes to her friend Keely, and her transatlantic flight to Chantaine, she was grateful for a moment to catch her breath. “Thank you, Pete,” she said and entered her brother’s office.

Her brother stood, even though his royal position made it unnecessary, and rounded his large, antique desk. He opened his arms to give her a quick hug. “Welcome home,” he said. “Why is it that we seem to get hit with an onslaught of royal duties every time you leave the country?”

She smiled. “It’s the same amount of duties as always. No one picks up the slack.”