In the French Quarter, two unearthly lovers explore the limits of their consuming hunger with some unique, non-human powers.In Tokyo, a newly arrived young woman eagerly investigat...
She found Tokyo intoxicating. . . but lonely. So when Steve, the object of her super-hot sexual fantasies, offers to introduce her to the Japan tourists never see–the erotic hideaw...
Spring 1873:I arrived in Japan a virgin bride, heartsick and anxious beyond measure. Yet I embraced this perplexing world with my soul laid bare after uncovering an erotic, intoxic...
The early summer of 1892 brought a heavy rainy season that year in Japan.Plum Rain, the Japanese called it, because it comes when the fruit bulges with ripeness and promise. Like a...
One day I’m getting canned from my job as a computer programmer for having wild copy-room sex with a guy I thought was the new game designer.The next, I’m crashing my ex-boss’s bus...
After being jilted by her fiance, Autumn Maguire uses her nonrefundable honeymoon tickets to explore Paris on her own.Eager to experience the true bohemian lifestyle, she answers a...
Europe 1939 The world may be teetering on the brink of war, but that's no reason for the privileged classes to deny themselves the satisfaction of their deepest lusts. In exotic an...
Breezy Malone has left her cautious archaeologist`s life behind, only to be poured into a leather corset and demand that bad guys ask—no, beg—for mercy in her new gig as a covert a...
24 ноября 1870 года
ушел из жизни Граф Лотреамон (comte de Lautreamont), французский прозаик и поэт, поздний романтик, предтеча символизма и сюрреализма (р. 1846).