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The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis, Volume 7 –

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The classic reference on the synthesis of medicinal agents – now completely updated The seventh volume in the definitive series that provides a quick yet thorough overview of the synthetic routes used to access specific classesof therapeutic agents, this volume covers approximately 220 new non-proprietary drug entities introduced since the publication of Volume 6. Many of these compounds represent novel structural types firstidentified by sophisticated new cell-based assays. Specifically, a significant number of new antineoplastic and antiviral agents are covered. As in the previous volumes, materials are organized by chemical class and syntheses originate with available starting materials. Organized to make the information accessible, this resource covers disease state, rationale for method of drug therapy, and the biological activities of each compound and preparation. The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis, Volume 7 is a hands-on reference for medicinal and organic chemists, and a great resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in organic and medicinal chemistry.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470180662

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