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Psychoanalysis –

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With contributions from leading European and American psychoanalysts, this innovative text systematically investigates and analyses the relationship between clinical practice and psychoanalytic theories. It examines clinical practice experience in detail and links it with the knowledge gained from official theory. To make this type of analysis of clinical material possible, the team of authors have devised a grid called The Map. This new instrument details the implicit theories of the analyst at work and can be used in everyday clinical work and supervisions. These analyses highlight the divergences and convergences with theory, but also reveal outlines for new models. Psychoanalysis: From Practice to Theory makes a significant contribution to the debate about the most important problems that psychoanalysis presents. It will be of great value to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, and students of psychoanalysis. Contributors: Jorge L. Ahumada, Werner Bohleber, Jorge Canestri, Paul Denis, Peter Fonagy, William I. Grossman, Gail S. Reed, David Tuckett, Samuel Zysman Whurr Series in Psychoanalysis Edited by Peter Fonagy and Mary Target

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470033685

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