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Intellectual Property –

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A new edition of the trusted book on intellectual property Intellectual Property simplifies the process of attaching a dollar amount to intellectual property and intangible assets, be it for licensing, mergers and acquisitions, loan collateral, investment purposes, and determining infringement damages. Written by Russell L. Parr, an expert in the valuation/intellectual property field, this book comprehensively addresses IP Valuation, the Exploitation Strategies of Licensing and Joint Ventures, and determination of Infringement Damages. The author explains commonly used strategies for determining the value of intellectual property, as well as methods used to set royalty rates based on investment rates of returns. This book examines the business economics of strategies involving intellectual property licensing and joint ventures, provides analytical models that can be used to determine reasonable royalty rates for licensing and for determining fair equity splits in joint venture arrangements. Key concepts in this book are brought to life by presenting real-world examples of exploitation strategies being used by major corporations. Provides practical tools for and examines the business economics for determining the value intellectual property in licensing and joint venture decisions Presents analytical models for determining reasonable royalty rates for licensing and for determining fair equity splits in joint venture arrangements Provides a detailed discussion about determining intellectual property infringement damages focusing on lost profits and reasonable royalties.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781119356226

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