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IBS Relief. A Complete Approach to Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome –

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Take control of IBS so IBS doesn't take control of your life IBS Relief, Second Edition is an extensively updated, hands-on guide to help you manage your symptoms and limit the frequency, intensity, and duration of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) episodes. Written by a doctor, a dietitian, and a psychologist, this guide gives you a multidisciplinary approach encompassing every proven strategy for managing IBS, including new drug therapies and stress management techniques. This book won't confuse you with medical terminology–IBS is confounding enough. Instead, the book contains questionnaires, lists, diaries, stress and food tolerance tests, and other tools to help you determine the pattern of your symptoms, identify triggers, and take appropriate action. You'll learn how to manage your problem based on your specific symptoms. Approaches include: * A three-step process for managing irritable bowel through healthy eating * Recommended diet adjustments for the six most common IBS symptoms * Three stress-management strategies, including specific techniques for calming the body, calming the mind, and confronting stress * Three steps to controlling pain This book gives you the tools, the techniques, and the information you need to make specific lifestyle and diet changes that can bring real relief.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780471794615

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