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Enterprise Security with EJB and CORBA –

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Building secure applications using the most popular component technologies Did you know that most corporate computer security breaches are inside jobs by trusted employees? This book addresses the need in the era of multi-tier systems to implement security solutions across all enterprise applications, not just firewalls that target intrusion from the outside. With nationally recognized CORBA security experts Bret Hartman, Donald J. Flinn, and Konstantin Beznosov, this book shows application developers how to build secure, real-world applications that deliver tightly integrated security at all system levels using the latest component technologies and tools. Coverage also includes a sample e-commerce system built using Java with EJB and CORBA as well as case studies of implementations in finance, manufacturing, and telecom.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780471150763

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