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Deploying and Administering Windows Vista Bible –

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Although analysts expect the majority of enterprises to tread slowly into migration, there certainly will be early adopters, as there are with any system or device. Because Microsoft has announced that it will support Windows 2000 only until the year 2010, enterprises using older versions of Windows will not have much time for leisurely testing and pilot projects before they need to seriously consider migrating to and deploying Windows Vista. Deploying Windows Vista will require an entirely new set of skills for IT departments called on to migrate from older versions of Windows. Any IT professional looking to the future of their enterprise network deployment will benefit from the advice, tips, and reliable information contained in this resource. The book covers all the important security issues that are top of mind in today's IT world, as well as troubleshooting practices to help get issues resolved in less time. A valuable CD ROM contains tools and utilities to help IT professionals as they deploy Windows Vista for the first time.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470439999

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