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Croatian Phrase Book
Croatian Phrase Book
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Croatian Phrase Book

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100: sto (stoh)

Counting Objects:

When counting objects, use the following phrases:

«Jedan» (one) – Use this for a singular object.

«Dva» (two) – Use this for two objects.

«Tri» (three) – Use this for three objects.

«Mnogo» (many) – Use this to indicate a large number of objects.

Prices and Currency:

When dealing with prices and currency, it’s crucial to know the numbers and currency names. Here are some phrases to help you in monetary transactions:

«Koliko košta?» (How much does it cost?) – Use this question to inquire about the price of an item or service.

«Kuna» (Croatian currency) – This is the official currency of Croatia.

«Euro» (Euro) – Though not the official currency, some places may accept euros.

«Kn» – This is the symbol for the kuna.


Understanding fractions can be useful in various contexts. Here are some common fractions in Croatian:

½: pola (poh-lah)

¼: četvrtina (cheht-vrtee-nah)

⅓: trećina (tretchee-nah)

⅔: dvije trećine (dvee-yeh tretchee-neh)

Ordinal Numbers:

Ordinal numbers indicate the position or order of things. Here are the ordinal numbers for the first ten:

1st: prvi (prvee)

2nd: drugi (droo-gee)

3rd: treći (tretchee)

4th: četvrti (cheht-vrtee)

5th: peti (pehtee)

6th: šesti (shehstee)

7th: sedmi (sehd-mee)

8th: osmi (oh-smee)

9th: deveti (deh-vetee)

10th: deseti (deh-setee)

Now that you have a good grasp of numbers and counting in Croatian, you’ll be able to handle various numerical situations. From ordering quantities to understanding prices and discussing numerical information, these phrases will enhance your communication skills.

Chapter 7: Common Expressions and Polite Phrases

Mastering common expressions and polite phrases is essential for effective communication and creating positive interactions. In this chapter, you will learn a collection of useful expressions and polite phrases in Croatian that will greatly assist you in your day-to-day interactions. By incorporating these phrases into your conversations, you’ll be able to navigate social situations with confidence and courtesy. Let’s begin!

Greetings and Introductions:

Start your conversations on the right foot with these common greetings and introductions:

«Dobro jutro» (Good morning)

«Dobar dan» (Good day)

«Dobra večer» (Good evening)

«Hvala» (Thank you)

«Molim» (Please)

«Oprostite» (Excuse me)

«Kako se zovete?» (What is your name?)

«Drago mi je» (Nice to meet you)

Polite Requests and Apologies:

Politeness is highly valued in Croatian culture. Use these phrases to make polite requests and apologies:

«Molim vas, možete li mi pomoći?» (Excuse me, can you help me?)

«Molim vas, možete li to ponoviti?» (Excuse me, can you repeat that?)

«Oprostite, mogu li vas zamoliti za uslugu?» (Excuse me, may I ask you for a favor?)

«Ispričavam se» (I apologize)

«Hvala vam na razumijevanju» (Thank you for your understanding)

Gratitude and Appreciation:

Expressing gratitude is important in Croatian culture. Use these phrases to show appreciation:

«Hvala puno» (Thank you very much)

«Hvala lijepa» (Thank you kindly)

«Hvala na pomoći» (Thank you for your help)

«Hvala na gostoprimstvu» (Thank you for your hospitality)

«Cijenim vašu ljubaznost» (I appreciate your kindness)

Making Small Talk:

Engage in friendly conversation with these common small talk phrases:

«Kako ste danas?» (How are you today?)

«Kako vam se sviđa Hrvatska?» (How do you like Croatia?)

«Jeste li ovdje na odmoru?» (Are you here on vacation?)

«Imate li preporuke za restoran?» (Do you have any restaurant recommendations?)

«Kako se zove ova ulica?» (What is the name of this street?)

Asking for Help:

If you find yourself in need of assistance, these phrases will come in handy:

«Možete li mi pomoći?» (Can you help me?)

«Trebam vašu pomoć» (I need your help)

«Molim vas, gdje mogu pronaći banku?» (Excuse me, where can I find a bank?)

«Je li ovdje neko tko govori engleski?» (Is there someone here who speaks English?)


End your conversations on a pleasant note with these farewell phrases:

«Doviđenja» (Goodbye)

«Laku noć» (Goodnight)

«Hvala na druženju» (Thank you for the company)

«Sretan put» (Have a safe journey)

«Nadam se da ćemo se uskoro vidjeti» (I hope we’ll see each other soon)

By incorporating these common expressions and polite phrases into your conversations, you’ll be able to build rapport, show respect, and create positive connections with the people you interact with in Croatia.

Chapter 8: Shopping and Bargaining

Shopping is not only a practical activity but also an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and find unique souvenirs. In this chapter, you will learn essential phrases and strategies for shopping and bargaining in Croatia. From navigating markets to negotiating prices, these phrases will help you make the most of your shopping experience. Let’s begin!

General Shopping Phrases:

Start by familiarizing yourself with these general shopping phrases:

«Gdje je najbliža trgovina?» (Where is the nearest store?)

«Imate li…?» (Do you have…?)

«Koliko košta?» (How much does it cost?)

«Što je to?» (What is this?)

«Mogu li ga/isprobati?» (Can I try it on?)

«Mogu li platiti kreditnom karticom?» (Can I pay by credit card?)

«Imate li veći/manji broj?» (Do you have a larger/smaller size?)

«To je preskupo.» (That’s too expensive.)

«Mogu li dobiti popust?» (Can I get a discount?)

Shopping for Clothing and Accessories:

When shopping for clothing and accessories, use these phrases to communicate your preferences:

«Tražim haljinu/suknju/hlače.» (I’m looking for a dress/skirt/pants.)

«Imate li ovaj model u drugoj boji/veličini?» (Do you have this style in a different color/size?)

«Može li se ovo skratiti/produžiti?» (Can this be shortened/lengthened?)

«Imate li ogledalo?» (Do you have a mirror?)

«Kako se ovo održava?» (How do I care for this?)

«Mogu li dobiti torbicu/šal?» (Can I get a bag/scarf?)