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Catalan Phrase Book
Catalan Phrase Book
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Catalan Phrase Book

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Catalan Phrase Book
Ashok Kumawat

Unlock the captivating culture of Catalonia with the «Catalan Phrase Book.» This comprehensive guide is your passport to authentic communication while exploring this vibrant region. From polite introductions to understanding local customs, it equips you with essential phrases to connect with locals, delve into the culture, and immerse yourself in the heart of Catalonia with confidence. Your key to an enriching Catalan experience, all in one indispensable volume.

Catalan Phrase Book

Ashok Kumawat

© Ashok Kumawat, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-7134-6

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this Catalan phrase book, it is important to note that languages and cultural practices may evolve over time. The phrases and expressions presented in this book are intended as a guide and may vary in their usage or interpretation depending on the context and individual preferences. The author and publisher do not assume any responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions, or consequences arising from the use of the information contained within this book. It is always advisable to consult with native speakers or local experts for the most up-to-date and culturally appropriate language usage.

Chapter 1: Greetings and Basic Phrases

Greetings play a vital role in any language and are an essential part of daily communication. Learning how to greet someone in Catalan will help you make a positive impression and establish a friendly connection with the locals. This chapter will teach you common greetings, introductions, and basic phrases that will assist you in various social interactions.


When meeting someone in Catalonia or any Catalan-speaking region, a simple «Hola» (Hello) is a great way to start a conversation. It is a universal greeting suitable for any time of the day. To greet someone in the morning, you can say «Bon dia» (Good morning), while «Bona tarda» (Good afternoon) is used in the afternoon. In the evening or at night, «Bona nit» (Good night) is the appropriate greeting.

Introducing Yourself:

To introduce yourself, you can say «Em dic» (My name is) followed by your name. For example, «Em dic Maria.» If you want to ask someone’s name, use «Com et dius?» (What’s your name?). Remember to adjust the pronouns based on your gender. For instance, if you’re a male, you would say «Em dic Jordi,» and if you’re a female, you would say «Em dic Laura.»

Basic Phrases:

Here are some basic phrases that will come in handy during your stay:

«Perdona» (Excuse me): Use this phrase when trying to get someone’s attention or when apologizing for an inconvenience.

«Si us plau» (Please): Politeness goes a long way, so use this phrase when making requests or asking for assistance.

«Gràcies» (Thank you): Show your appreciation by saying «Gràcies» when someone helps you or provides you with something.

«De res» (You’re welcome): Respond to «Gràcies» with «De res» to convey that it was no trouble at all.

«Sí» (Yes) and «No» (No): These simple words will help you respond to questions or make your preferences clear.

«Entenc» (I understand) and «No entenc» (I don’t understand): Use these phrases to indicate whether you comprehend what someone is saying or if you need further clarification.

«Parles anglès?» (Do you speak English?): If you encounter language barriers, politely ask if the person speaks English.

«On és el bany?» (Where is the bathroom?): This phrase will be valuable in situations when you need to find a restroom.

Common Courtesies:

Catalans appreciate polite behavior, and using these phrases will demonstrate your respect:

«Com estàs?» (How are you?): A friendly way to inquire about someone’s well-being.

«Molt bé, gràcies» (Very well, thank you): Respond positively if you’re doing well.

«Si us plau, ajuda’m» (Please, help me): Seek assistance politely when needed.

«Perdona, no entenc. Pots repetir?» (Sorry, I don’t understand. Can you repeat?): Request clarification in a polite manner.

Remember to use a friendly tone and a smile when using these phrases. Catalans appreciate genuine efforts to engage with their language and culture.

By mastering these basic greetings and phrases, you will enhance your experience while interacting with locals, making new friends, and navigating daily situations. Practice these expressions, and don’t hesitate to use them as it will undoubtedly open doors to meaningful connections and enriching experiences during your time in Catalonia.

As you continue your language learning journey, feel free to refer back to this chapter for a quick refresher whenever you need it.

Chapter 2: Introducing Yourself

Introducing yourself is an essential skill when interacting with people in Catalonia or any Catalan-speaking region. Being able to express your name, nationality, and a few personal details will help you create connections and engage in conversations. This chapter will guide you through the process of introducing yourself in Catalan, providing you with useful phrases and tips to make a memorable first impression.

Basic Introductions:

When meeting someone for the first time, you can start by saying «Hola, em dic [your name]» (Hello, my name is [your name]). For example, «Hola, em dic Maria.» This straightforward introduction allows others to know your name right away. If you want to know the other person’s name, you can ask «Com et dius?» (What’s your name?). Remember to adjust the pronouns based on your gender. For instance, if you’re a male, you would say «Hola, em dic Jordi,» and if you’re a female, you would say «Hola, em dic Laura.»

Nationality and Origin:

Sharing your nationality or place of origin is a common part of introductions. To express your nationality, you can say «Sóc [nationality]» (I am [nationality]). For example, «Sóc americà» (I am American) or «Sóc alemany» (I am German). If you want to mention your place of origin, you can say «Sóc de [place]» (I am from [place]). For example, «Sóc de Barcelona» (I am from Barcelona) or «Sóc de França» (I am from France).

Occupation and Studies:

In social settings, people often inquire about each other’s occupations or studies. To talk about your profession, you can say «Sóc [occupation]» (I am [occupation]). For example, «Sóc enginyer» (I am an engineer) or «Sóc estudiant» (I am a student). If you’re currently studying, you can say «Estudio [subject or major]» (I study [subject or major]). For example, «Estudio biologia» (I study biology) or «Estudio història de l’art» (I study art history).

Hobbies and Interests:

Sharing your hobbies and interests can help you find common ground with others. To talk about your hobbies, you can say «M’agrada [activity]» (I like [activity]). For example, «M’agrada córrer» (I like running) or «M’agrada llegir» (I like reading). If you’re passionate about a specific interest, you can say «Sóc un/a gran aficionat/aficionada de [interest]» (I am a big fan of [interest]). For example, «Sóc un gran aficionat del futbol» (I am a big fan of soccer) or «Sóc una gran aficionada de la música clàssica» (I am a big fan of classical music).

Personal Information:

While introducing yourself, it’s common to share some personal information. For instance, you can mention your age by saying «Tinc [age] anys» (I am [age] years old). For example, «Tinc vint anys» (I am twenty years old) or «Tinc trenta-cinc anys» (I am thirty-five years old). If you want to talk about your family, you can say «Tinc [number] germans/germanes» (I have [number] brothers/sisters). For example, «Tinc dos germans» (I have two brothers) or «Tinc una germana» (I have one sister).

Additional Phrases:

Here are some additional phrases that can complement your self-introduction:

«És un plaer conèixer-te» (It’s a pleasure to meet you): Express your pleasure in meeting the other person.

«Què et sembla aquest lloc?» (What do you think of this place?): Use this phrase to initiate a conversation about the surroundings.

«Com estàs avui?» (How are you today?): Show interest in the other person’s well-being.

«On vius?» (Where do you live?): If you want to know where the other person lives, this phrase will come in handy.

«Espero passar una bona estona aquí» (I hope to have a good time here): Express your anticipation for a pleasant experience.

Remember to maintain a friendly and approachable demeanor while introducing yourself. A smile and good eye contact can go a long way in creating a positive impression.

Practicing these phrases will help you confidently introduce yourself and engage in conversations with locals. Embrace the opportunity to connect with people, share experiences, and learn from the vibrant Catalan culture.

Feel free to refer back to this chapter as you continue your language learning journey, and don’t hesitate to use these phrases to initiate conversations and make new acquaintances.

Chapter 3: Asking for Help and Directions

When traveling or exploring a new place, it’s common to find yourself in need of assistance or directions. Being able to ask for help and navigate your way around is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable experience. In this chapter, we will provide you with essential phrases and strategies for asking for help and directions in Catalan.

Asking for Help:

If you require assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help. Here are some useful phrases to express your needs:

«Em pots ajudar, si us plau?» (Can you help me, please?): Use this phrase to seek assistance in a polite manner.

«Necessito ajuda» (I need help): Express your need for help straightforwardly.

«No entenc» (I don’t understand): If you’re struggling to comprehend something, use this phrase to let the person know.

Asking for Directions:

When navigating unfamiliar streets or seeking a specific location, asking for directions is essential. These phrases will assist you in getting the guidance you need:

«On és [place]?» (Where is [place]?): Use this phrase when asking for the location of a specific place. For example, «On és el museu?» (Where is the museum?).

«Com puc arribar a [place]?» (How can I get to [place]?): If you’re unsure about the directions to a particular place, this phrase will help you ask for guidance.

«És lluny d’aquí?» (Is it far from here?): Use this question to inquire about the distance to your destination.

«Pots mostrar-me en un mapa?» (Can you show me on a map?): If you have a map and want the person to mark the location, this phrase will come in handy.

Giving Landmark References:

Sometimes, it’s easier to navigate by using landmarks as reference points. Here are some phrases to help you understand and give directions based on landmarks:

«Gira a l’esquerra/dreta» (Turn left/right): These phrases are used to indicate the direction of a turn.

«Segueix recte» (Go straight): Use this phrase to instruct someone to continue in a straight line.

«Està a prop del [landmark]» (It’s near [landmark]): This phrase will help you indicate that the destination is in close proximity to a particular landmark.

«Passa per davant de [landmark]» (Go past [landmark]): Use this phrase when the person needs to pass by a specific landmark.

Emergency Situations:

In case of emergencies or urgent situations, it’s essential to know how to seek help. Here are some phrases to use during such circumstances:

«Truca a una ambulància/policia» (Call an ambulance/police): Use these phrases when immediate assistance is required.

«Necessito ajuda urgent» (I need urgent help): If you find yourself in a critical situation, use this phrase to emphasize the urgency.

Polite Expressions:

When asking for help or directions, it’s important to be polite and respectful. These phrases will help you maintain a courteous tone:

«Perdona, em pots ajudar?» (Excuse me, can you help me?): Begin your request with this polite phrase.

«Si us plau, podries indicar-me el camí?» (Please, could you show me the way?): Use this phrase to politely ask for directions.

Remember to listen attentively and show appreciation for the assistance you receive. Phrases such as «Gràcies per la teva ajuda» (Thank you for your help) and «Moltes gràcies» (Many thanks) will demonstrate your gratitude.

By mastering these phrases, you will be equipped to seek help, ask for directions, and handle emergency situations confidently during your time in Catalonia. Don’t hesitate to approach locals, as they are often eager to assist and share their knowledge.

Feel free to refer back to this chapter as you navigate your way through unfamiliar places, and don’t forget to explore the rich cultural experiences that await you.

Chapter 4: Numbers and Counting

Numbers are fundamental to everyday life, whether you’re shopping, telling time, or exchanging contact information. Understanding numbers and being able to count in Catalan will greatly enhance your ability to navigate various situations. In this chapter, we will explore the numerical system in Catalan and provide you with essential phrases and vocabulary to master numbers and counting.

Cardinal Numbers (0—10):

Let’s begin with the cardinal numbers from zero to ten in Catalan:

0: zero

1: u

2: dos

3: tres

4: quatre

5: cinc

6: sis

7: set

8: vuit

9: nou