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The five-volume series provides a comprehensive overview of all important aspects of drying technology like computational tools at different scales (Volume 1), modern experimental...
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Drying is by far the most useful large scale operation method of keeping solid foods safe for long periods of time, and is of fundamental importance in most sectors of food process...
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This five-volume series provides a comprehensive overview of all important aspects of modern drying technology, concentrating on the transfer of cutting-edge research results to in...
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The five-volume series provides a comprehensive overview of all important aspects of drying technology like computational tools at different scales (Volume 1), modern experimental...
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The five-volume series provides a comprehensive overview of all important aspects of drying technology like computational tools at different scales (Volume 1), modern experimental...
В этот день...
17 июня 1911 года родился Виктор Платонович Некрасов (ум. 1987), русский писатель.
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Детство. Время открытий. Время удивляться всему в мире. Радоваться, грустить, искать себя...