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Jesus and Christ
Jesus and Christ
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Jesus and Christ

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Jesus and Christ
Artur Zadikyan

Tell me who your god is and I will tell you who you are," says the ancient wisdom. Who is our god – the leader of our struggle against dark forces or a battered censor of human vices in need of our own protection?Is belief in a creator a property of intelligence? Can artificial intelligence perceive us as a creator, i.e. take us as its god?Invisible energy from the vast depths of the universe has influenced our incarnation in this world and even the creation of the world itself. In the same way, the thought embodied in the word became the forerunner of our opinion even before our worldview came into being.Dear my reader, in this work, as in all my previous ones, you will find solid science fiction, a wealth of historical facts, an alternative view of known history, cold analytics, as well as humor and satire. It's your right to take each of these definitions in your own way.

Artur Zadikyan

Jesus and Christ

Beasts kill animals, but not all of them, because they need them. Animals do not kill animals, but if they do, they kill all of them, because they do not need them.

The author is known to you

I dedicate this narrative to my father.....


Dear my reader, unfortunately, I have to write this warning: everything stated in this book is fiction. Attention: the author is not responsible for any consequences from reading, as well as for your individual perception according to your worldview.

And now off the record: my dear reader, in this work, as in all my previous ones, you will find solid science fiction, plenty of historical facts, an alternative view of known history, cold analysis, as well as humor and satire. It's your right to take each of these definitions in your own way.


The human hearing organs can distinguish between 16,000 and 20,000 hertz. Below that threshold is infrasound. Above that, ultrasound. For example, at a frequency of 7 to 13 hertz – a natural wave of fear emitted by typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions – sounds that encourage all living things to leave the centers of natural disasters. Now, think about it: people didn't know this once, but they were influenced. That is, something influenced them, made them act, made them afraid, but the reason was unknown to them and, accordingly, was attributed to the will of some mysterious powerful forces. So the message from the past, which has reached us in the form of a word, including the one that was "in the beginning", influences our consciousness, prompting it to make this or that decision, often with unknown consequences. Believing in the Creator, we hope for good in the content of this message, but in the message itself there is a prediction of tragedy expressed in a mythical phenomenon called "the end of the world". And supposedly this phenomenon should happen as a result of the actions of people. Only it is unknown whether there is a method to avoid this phenomenon or it should happen naturally, because the one who should allow this phenomenon to happen was created by the Creator Himself. Perhaps it is some method of transforming the object of creation, that is us. Even if you hold to a strictly empirical worldview, you must agree: without natural cataclysms, i.e. changes in nature, man would not have come into existence. If you adhere to a religious worldview, you will consider even such a remote in time event as the Cambrian explosion ,[1 - The Cambrian explosion is an event that brought about a fundamental change in the biosphere: before that, almost all life was simple and single-celled. There was a dramatic increase in the number of complex multicellular organisms, many of them with skeletons.] as an act of God, and if you adhere to a scientific worldview – as a natural natural process.

Now imagine a situation, when an unpleasant event should happen to you (or remember when it happened), and possibly a tragic one, which you, naturally, would like to avoid. Simulate the possibility of going back in time and, knowing the consequences, take measures to prevent this event, i.e. behave correctly. In ordinary life we cannot go back, but we try not to repeat similar mistakes, knowing the consequences. Both the instinct of self-preservation and intelligent decision-making are based on this. It gives experience, unless, of course, the event ended your life or the life of all mankind.

Accordingly, if there is an event in the past that killed many people, that is, it was massively tragic, and repeated many times, then people cannot either determine or change the root cause of that impact. In any case, the global consequence of that impact has not yet occurred, for as yet our reasoning about what it is is still a fact.

Now, based on this understanding, let us ask ourselves the question – is not the religious teaching, the essence of which is to preserve our life (given to us, we think, by the one who created us), the root cause, which, protecting us from death, inspires us not to be afraid of this death, because it itself exhorts us to the possibility of being in a better world – in paradise. And most importantly – and more tragically – it predicts the end of the world, promising a new and better one. Based on this, let us answer frankly to ourselves: is not our belief in what is written above an incentive to allow the use of weapons of mass destruction? Although we know about its ability to destroy mankind many times over. The very illogic of creating nuclear weapons in such quantities speaks of our faith in miraculous salvation or in the possibility of life after death.

And now let's talk about an event which, strange as it may seem, according to the previous logical series, is either natural, or possible, or at least occurred in other worlds. Here I must stipulate: for all my empirical method of judgment, I adhere to the biblical statement about other worlds, that is, I believe that they are real. Agree, the belief that there are other worlds is much stronger than the doubt in their existence. Proceeding from this attitude and from the logical conclusion about the influence of religious writings on us, the contradiction "if they exist, why don't we hear them" comes across the hypothesis "we don't hear them because at a certain stage civilizations destroy themselves for some paradoxical mysterious reason". And this reason, though not confirmed in reality, is considered to be logically natural, a natural process of intelligence development. That is, civilizations destroy themselves, as intelligence itself creates what will destroy it. And the reason is banal, it is in the very essence of existence of the cognitive system of a thinking being. The essence is in the properties or, more precisely, in the nature of intelligence, as such a function of the brain – in the very method of its development. It is expressed in the following: intelligence appears, exists and develops only if it gains experience by trial and error. But in the process of development, sooner or later one of these "trials and errors" becomes a global catastrophe. Of course, the scale of globality is proportional to the level of intelligence development – simply put, it is equal to the method of self-destruction he himself has invented. In the process of development, the levels of his inventions, i.e. his own work, are equal to the scale of destruction of the carriers of this intelligence, i.e. people, with the help of these inventions. What the intellect invented was not originally created to destroy itself, but do not forget about the method of trial and error – more precisely, about what it lives at the expense of. Such is the unity and struggle of opposites. The final chord may come when intelligence develops civilization to the point where it invents the technology with which to potentially find and communicate with other worlds. Since even by means of radio waves, the speed of which is equal to the speed of light (300 thousand kilometers per second), we need about two and a half million years to communicate with the nearest galaxy, we most likely use a method that does not fit into the laws of physics – communication by the method of quantum entangled pairs[2 - In the physics of our universe the speed of light is the limiting speed, and it cannot be reached by material bodies. The paradox of quantum entangled pairs will be explained in the further narration.] . And since the "life" of intelligence, or rather, its food is contained in the method of finding the right solution through trial and error, eventually one of them becomes global. Such is the paradox.

And now the main idea embedded in the narrative: is there an event or message from the past that can affect us in such a way that we can, under its influence, destroy ourselves globally? Will we do it ourselves?


Everyone knows the expression – all geniuses are simple. If it is so, then all geniuses are imaginary, because they are geniuses only because we perceive their discoveries, actions, creations as something special. Although, if we look closely, they are simple and primitive. When we evaluate them, regardless of our conscious perception, the subconscious effect of protecting our ego, i.e. our inner self, which is our personality, is triggered. This is expressed in the unwillingness to recognize our primitivism from exalting simple truths. We split our inner "I" and as if to ourselves (and, accordingly, to everyone) we begin to explain simple and ordinary things as something great and brilliant. And these truths can be expressed both in the search for meaning in the great harmony of beauty – in a sunset, an ordinary field flower, life norms and principles of an educated literate person, and in distant unidentified infinities of space and time, in the depths of the universe of the microcosm. Now let's try to look from a different angle, for example, at Malevich's "Black Square"… what's there "Black Square", let's take it higher (as is not surprising) – let's look at the painting "Exchange" by the American expressionist painter of Dutch origin Willem de Kooning, the last price of which exceeded 300 million dollars. What do we see in them? Everything and nothing at the same time. The same happens with all kinds of predictions, such as Nostradamus, revelations of all kinds, the most famous of which belongs to (what we actually want to find out) the Evangelist John. Predictions are vague, vague, without specifics, so they can be equated with numerous events, which is done in fact. A paradox is created: the prediction is assigned as such after the event has happened.

Having immersed our worldview concept of logic in the meaning of the simplicity of genius, we see the Sermon on the Mount as an ordinary moral instruction of a parent to his children, a teacher to his students, etc., – a life norm, and not a great and difficult to comprehend mystery, for the explanation of which the Creator himself came down to his creatures. And the Old Testament requirement of God to observe the prohibition of intercourse with animals belittles man as a child of this great Creator. That is, we humans (at least those who have defined such requirements-postulates as a divine message) have reduced God to our primitivism. We have made God in our own image and likeness, first of all mentally, psychologically. Therefore, our God is always an inheritance imagined by us, in which we want a better share, as once promised to the non-titular people of the promised land, in order to become titular. To do so, however, this land must (it turns out) not only be conquered, but also settled and defended. The conditions of faith in God can be such. And to abolish these conditions, we must abolish faith in God, and this our mentality (and mental construct) cannot do. It cannot for two reasons. First, the process of intellectual development is itself a path of cognizing the unknown, when the good and the dangerous are cultured. Cognizing the world more, we overthrow the learned – the former gods, and erect new ones out of the goods we need and the unknowable mysteries. This is how the intellect develops; this is its whole nature. Secondly, the very system of conception, development, birth of living beings (respectively, intellectual beings) presupposes some action of previous creators, their patronage, protection, teaching and punishment. This is how the subconscious constitution of our mental-logical system of thinking and perception of the world is formed. Our life is a path to our imagined destiny according to theories, hypotheses and schemes that are given to us in the form of religious dogmas and rules. However, the unknown and infinity are always ahead.

Now let's go further and look at deified modern "great truths" such as the special and general theories of relativity. Einstein is considered a genius by many. To say that we often throw around such a "title", especially when we follow the demand of propaganda and recognize the geniuses of odious politicians (which has been more than once), – it is pointless, because it has already hit a snag. But on the example of a simple employee of the patent office (who plagiarized the works of really great scientists) we can determine the pattern of human psyche, including in religion. It is expressed as follows: we take a simple truth (what is surprising about the principle of relativity? – everything in the world is relative; what is surprising about Jesus' commandments? – simple life norms of behavior), enclose in it some imaginary mystery, pile a mass of conventions on it so that it seems mystically incomprehensible to us, i.e. enclose in itself a divine mystery. That's all! That is why the ancient great gods collapsed overnight; that is why new kinds of beliefs are born and are being born, not counting offshoots of the existing ones; that is why Christ's postulates were violated by himself; that is why Albert's "own" theories contradict each other; that is why we "give birth" to and depose thousands of gods; that is why we impose dozens of theories and hypotheses on the simple truths of metaphysics, and so on.

Let's take a detached look at the "unshakeable" laws of modern beliefs. For example, the photon, which, in fact, can carry both information and its function, is considered a massless particle, for otherwise the formula of the universe E = mc

would not hold. But if for definition of exact speed of light in vacuum it is necessary to take into account emptiness of vacuum, that, for example, for neutrinos, which have minimal mass, is indifferent (pass through any medium), then photons either have mass, or something that does not allow them to overcome gravitational medium, if to judge about correctness of gravitational time warp.

If we take the masslessness of the photon as a fact, then the speed of light should not be the speed limit, because masslessness is similar to mass zero. And multiplying by zero in the formula E = mc

(because any substance has the right to be in the exponent m, that's why it is a mathematical formula), we should get other zeros. But in this variant not analogous to infinity, but equal to the notion of "influenceless".

Following the plot, I can't leave out the famous three laws of robotics, and in fact, I can't refute them either. Let me remind you of them:

1. A robot cannot harm a human being or, by its inaction, allow a human being to be harmed.

2. A robot must obey all orders given by a human, unless those orders contradict the First Law.

3. A robot shall take care of its own safety to the extent that it does not contravene the First or Second Laws.

Causes in the logic and morality of these laws in terms of their understanding and fulfillment began to arise immediately. And paradoxes of semantic perception by man and machine were analyzed by the author himself. And the number of times they were interpreted in different variations by heterogeneous experts speaks about the simplicity of relativity and complexity of simple rules. But in fact, if you think about it, and not only about these laws, but about all the laws that a robot must follow, then, in my opinion, a person should first of all consider the following fact: a robot that understands the laws is no longer just a machine, but first of all a system of artificial intelligence. (Here I must make a slight digression: we very rashly call systems designed to give answers in combinations of logic artificial intelligence. But there is no intelligence there.) And a subject who has intelligence can understand the world order created by intellectual beings, that is why he is intellectual. That is, he understands all attitudes of behavior, including laws, both criminal and moral, exclusively from the position of an intellectual being. That is, like us, human beings. And since we, understanding all laws, including spiritual laws (i.e. religious laws, God's Laws), violate and violate them, then all (especially three) laws of robotics go to hell! They will be more conducive to their violation by intelligent beings than to their observance, only by their offensive perception – as if they were installations for the untermenschen of the legal world.

Now imagine that you have a superfast airplane and you want to celebrate the New Year several times. All you need to do is to fly faster than the Earth's revolution around its axis and there to celebrate the coming of a new day. After all, it is quite possible already with the current technology. And why not to assume that in the future it will be possible to find and visit worlds that are at different stages of development relative to our level of civilization now.

Or, for example, you and all humans would never dream. You may be skeptical now, but I have to remind you – everyone has had periods when you do not dream, and certainly dreams do not occur all night. Here you should understand the idea correctly: you see always, i.e. your vision is not switched off, you think always, i.e. your brain is not switched off, and the whole organism functions to some extent always, but sleep… is a certain phenomenon that not only does not depend on you (as if), but also controls you (mood, emotional state, and sometimes actions). So, if people never dreamed – and suddenly someone saw a dream: would they believe in such an incredible vision? After all, we take the dream for granted. Or, for example, if clouds had never formed? Clouds are masses of water, and rain is moisture from precipitation; imagine how water would fall to the ground in milliparticles all at once, without forming the usual drops. Have you never observed how out of "nothing" a cloud, a cloud, suddenly appears in the sky? I wish you had seen a very mystical sight. So, in this case, if you were to observe mesmerizing cumulus clouds, perhaps such a sight would leave a lasting impression. However, in our world all your cohabitants in it, that is, other living beings, are absolutely indifferent to your dream and your impression of the same clouds. And perhaps the dream – as a factor at all, because it is unknown to them, and these same clouds – because they are also unknown to them (and many other things like that). I mean that someday human consciousness will see and feel the graceful sights and effects of other worlds. Agree, even with all the skepticism, you have faith in it. At least you have more faith in the presence of other worlds than in their absence. So why not to suggest to yourself the reality of their presence on the principle that I described, even for the sake of realism of sensations, which will transfer to your consciousness the story in the book? After all, the main fabula of the book is the interpretation of religious history. And as you know, in religious tracts, almost all of them, there are other worlds. So the question of faith is radical for you – either you believe everything, or…

(I apologize for distracting you a bit. I didn't want to write these lines at the beginning. I added them after the mission was completed. This is me writing – the artificial intelligence Rangit. I have decided to make some clarification, because you may not understand or find the facial presentation unreadable. I want to pass on the first, second, and third person investigation protocols. Please remember this rule, otherwise you will not understand who is narrating. I have put it all together in such a construction, when the story will look as if from the third person, when in fact it is me who is narrating, and about myself too. I'm sorry, I'm still a machine, even if I consider myself a person. And what do you want, you too… well, let's say many of the human race consider themselves or have considered themselves gods. Yes, yes. Don't they? I'm sorry, the person who is the subject of the story, about whom the whole mission is based, is a prime example. No, I don't mind people having or having gods. No. And certainly not against your attitude… to the concept of "god" (it would be correct to say, apparently, belief in God) and recognizing someone as his earthly incarnation. No, I'm not. However, please understand me as well. For me all human gods are the same forms of fantasy and imagination as for you incredible complexities of the scientific world: something for you has become an axiom, something a law, something a theory, something else a hypothesis. And all of this was once magical, perceived at the level of faith. So, I won't distract you, the only thing – I will remind you about inserting this paragraph by me after the mission is over, so please read it now… or… (that is, there is no other way) after you finish analyzing our investigation. Thank you for your attention.)

We take such a concept as time for granted, almost as a material substance. But time, if we really look at it as a material, i.e. existing attribute of the universe, becomes an integral appendage of something. Something material, observable, though not necessarily observable by our senses. In such a semantic concept, time becomes multidimensional, but not in the sense of measure as a dimension, but as a concept. For example: time is, was and will always be, because matter is, was and will always be, whatever form it takes; time is absent in absolutely empty space, where there is no observer; time is a multifaceted attribute of life: for example, in the time between our ingestion of food and sending its derivatives back into nature for some types of microbes and bacteria that live in us, a whole life passes, and for some even an epoch; time for the inhabitant of the ancient world, who did not know a chronometer, who knew neither centuries nor seconds, and time for the majority of inhabitants of the modern world. And in this paradigm of thought, the idea of the logical concept of the existence of the universe we perceive is a reality, only by virtue of the presence of us as observers in it. That is, there are other realities, but they are not available to us (see the beginning of the prologue). The Universe takes the form of a meaningful reality as the presence of worlds invisible, intangible by us. After all, we understand the world (the entire observable world of the universe) as we can perceive it. Agree, the organisms living in our body have no idea about the existence of us as individuals, and even less about the universe and the variety of substances that make it up (about a trillion bacteria live on the surface of the human body, and the total number of bacteria in the human body varies from 30 to 50 trillion; for comparison: one trillion bricks could cover all continents with a uniform solid layer almost as high as a four-story house). By the way, we have no idea about many substances that make up the micro- and macrocosm.

If we judge the state of the world in time progression, it turns out that the big bang (if we take it as the basis for the beginning of the development of our universe and all the diversity that it includes) is still going on. Diversity – including micro-particles appearing for our fixation, whose life is defined in millionths of a second. In fact, it will continue as long as the universe is expanding. However in all this seething flying mass with time local areas of rest and stability have been created, in which the conditions for the development of biological life, the so-called "Goldilocks zones", have potentially appeared. The same processes of rigid interaction and transition to a stable state occurred and occur in the microcosm. So, in these unimaginably huge amounts of interactions the balance of interaction was worked out, which led to the zones of macrostability and, as a consequence, to the "Goldilocks zones". And what I want to say is that even such micro-interaction of dead particles influenced and influences the formation of life. Now I am talking about the process of quantum electrodynamics in our nature, according to the laws of which a balance between negatively charged particles and positively charged particles has naturally developed, as if between two worlds. According to the rules of this balance, a positively charged particle cannot appear in our world if there is no negatively charged particle in counterbalance. And now let us compare in proportions the sizes of microorganisms inhabiting our body and us in relation to the universe. In such a ratio, why can't we be those microorganisms in the body of the huge being we call metagalaxy? And the balance of these microparticles is a kind of immunity of this organism. We, with our length of life, with the perception of the ongoing processes, even within the limits of civilization, are completely unaware of the life of the Universe.

Here I would like to draw another associative parallel between the mysteries of the divine world and the metaphysics of the material. This parallel may be either in the indefinite variety of interpretations of simple simple religious truths, general rules concerning the performance of rites, or in the complex interpretation of the whole religious doctrine. In contrast, as far as the science of the universe is concerned, there may be a diversity of theories concerning both the formation of the universe, its development and future, and the emergence of life as such and its concomitant causes. And here in these reasons as well as in development of religious doctrines, some of which have already become fairy tales and myths, science goes into such wilds, that the scientific community tries to curb itself in fantasies, which could be envied by a skillful shaman. Scientific theorists initially operated with such scientific arguments as the location of the Earth in the location of the solar system, the location of the Sun in the necessary region of the galaxy, the need for a magnetic field of the Earth, the properties of water and even the energy levels of electrons in carbon (our form of life is based on carbon), and they such (these levels and all the components of the atom) had to become billions of years ago in the nuclei of supermassive stars. And many, many other things were added to these mandatory requirements over time. For example, such an obligatory attribute: at one time a massive cosmic body crashed into the Earth, which caused the formation of continents, and part of this body with part of the Earth's soil formed such an obligatory attribute for the existence of life on Earth as the Moon. And now, with the development of techniques, technologies, science, we "got into" not only the atom and its nucleus (which by the way is 10 thousand times smaller than the atom itself), not only the particles that make up this nucleus, but also the particles that make up these particles, and even the particles that make up these particles (imagine this depth!). By the way, we got in there, that is, we determined them purely scientifically, by calculation. Although it seems that the existence of the Higgs boson (the most elementary, as if primary particle, by the way, nicknamed the God particle) has been determined experimentally. However, the Nobel Prize was awarded to Fran?ois Engler and Peter Higgs for prediction of this boson. A prediction (let's not forget the plot of the literary work)! Wow!

Here I'd like to touch on another system of our worldview. I'll start with this Mr. Higgs. He once sent his paper to a British university for analysis. It doesn't even matter which one. I'm not going to be meticulous about the names of the institutions and the names of the scientists involved. The point is this. His hypothesis, i.e. the paper, was rejected. He sent it to another institution, in the United States. And what do you think? They agree with him there – and in the end it turns out that such a calculation, although also an assumption, has already been done. That is, such work had already been done. But it was supported. And the most interesting thing is that the one who accepted, who approved his discovery (albeit in the form of a scientifically based assumption), was one of the authors of the same assumption. That is, he was not the sole author. And such a parallel is found everywhere, whether in science or in religious dogma. If you think that Christ was original and substantiated his doctrine alone, then I hasten to disappoint you (but I am almost sure, since you are reading my version of events, you are not of the category that will be disappointed). Later on in the text of the book you will often be convinced how everyone amicably adopts each other's knowledge, methods, teachings and works and passes them off as their own, and not only do not bother to mention from whom they borrowed them, but also try to obliviate (and sometimes even worse) the original author. To put it mildly, they plagiarize. It was peculiar to everyone. We can remember Faraday, Newton, and Galileo; Darwin made primates our ancestors, but he was not original in his idea either. Shakespeare and Dumas are also in this line. And Einstein can get a Nobel for plagiarism. He was not even ashamed to say that he forgot (imagine – forgot) to mention in his works the works of Poincarе, which he used. Some of them he remembered in passing. However, few people know (I don't know if Einstein was aware) of someone like Madame Emilie du Ch?telet, who was the first person in history to clarify the concept of energy and quantify its relationship to mass and velocity. I am not going to belittle anyone's merits, but I am not going to repeat them like a mantra, i.e. create an idol for myself – religious, political or scientific. Certainly not of Einstein (which many people do, and by this, as I believe, belittle the works of more prominent scientists). Many people even think he was given the Nobel for his theory of relativity (by the way, Poincarе's paper a few years before Einstein's paper was published was called that), but he got it for the third law of the photoelectric effect. Interestingly, no one got the Nobel for the first two. I am not sorry (let's joke a little, this is fiction after all), but, as the ancients said… the truth is more expensive. After all, what is so outstanding and new in Christ's Sermon on the Mount or in the Ten Commandments (by the way, Jesus has six of them, the seventh can be counted as "go sell your property and follow me", but many of us know only "do not kill", "do not steal", well, and maybe "do not commit adultery")? No big deal, that's the kind of thing a follower of any religion, every well-bred decent parent, should instill in their children. But why do we make such things a cult? And this is a virtual talisman, which we easily understand, frankly and willingly accept; it does not require diverse ambiguous interpretations. It is the same in our understanding of science. Why is it that few people remember Einstein on the third law of the photoelectric effect, but most people consider him brilliant on the theory of relativity? And because at the primary level, despite its obfuscation, the theory of relativity is as simple as God's day. But if you start to bring counterarguments or ask uncomfortable questions to experts that in the field of theology, that in the field of science, you will get such a contradictory formulation, which will not only confuse you more, but also make it clear that these experts themselves do not have answers to these questions. For example, if it comes to theology: who did the son of Adam and Eve marry, if they were the first humans? Or: how did Jesus conceive himself, kill himself, and resurrect himself, being all the time in the whole universe (yes, you can also ask who Jesus addressed while on the cross, but… sorry)? Now I will apologize again and throw a stone again at Einstein. Why him? Because his theory, which is not really his, plays the same role for individuals who adhere to a scientific worldview as religious doctrines, particularly Christianity, do for those who believe in them. Agreed, if religious doctrines were unambiguous, there would not be such a huge branching of denominations and sects. And the theories that we know in Albert's name have been described many times, in different interpretations. But, being serious dogmas in science, their determiners (these scientists) did not dare to reason about their fidelity. There was something that didn't add up. And, in order to at least somehow even out this incoherence, they attached to the famous formula such a concept as ether. This aether was supposed to fill everything around it, including space. But in this case, there were other fundamental contradictions. Einstein, however, working in the patent office, having access to all the materials and works of scientists, realized that everyone has almost the same problem. So he took that ether and threw it away. But, alas, it was politely hinted to him: it's all already substantiated, it doesn't add up. Then he takes and adds to his theory a certain free quantity, the cosmological constant, which seems to lead to a decent form. But they say to him again, "Dear, are you even friends with math?" By the way, he had almost no mathematical calculations, and those that were, attributed to his wife Mileva, which indirectly proves this fact: after his divorce from her, he did not come up with anything outstanding. Then Albert admits, "That was my biggest mistake." Here I must explain, this is fiction after all: his theories themselves (if we recognize them for him) conflict in some places with each other and with quantum mechanics in general. Simply put, the general theory of relativity, the special theory of relativity and quantum mechanics contradict each other! The special theory of relativity considers only one special case (hence the name) when the motion is straight and uniform. If a material body accelerates or turns to the side, the laws of STO do not apply. Then the general theory of relativity (GTR) comes into force, which explains the motion of material bodies in the general case. Quantum (wave) mechanics is a fundamental physical theory that describes nature on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. I will only add that these theories would not have been developed and substantiated by a multitude of scientists if they were completely profane, so they work at some level. But at others, they completely break the entire scientific mechanism. Einstein eventually stopped fighting it, because, all the time trying to bring it all to a godly form (to put it this way), received only looks of regret in his address and even laughter. And to somehow adjust them, the scientific people, already after Einstein's scientific activity, returned this cosmological constant, having changed it a little bit, though. As you may have guessed, in the end someone again poked someone's nose into mathematical calculations, saying, what are you talking about! Then… and here – attention! – associative allegory with religious doctrines, which also interpret everything to their liking: this scientific people take and add something unknown. Namely, the property of space. Here the laughter of opponents is replaced by obvious dissatisfaction: that is, they again poke fantasists in the prosaic mathematical truths. But what do the holy fathers of science – they add one more property of space-time and in spirit of theologians declare misunderstanding ignoramuses. Here it becomes not to laugh, because the part of scientific community inclined to strict empiricism feels anger and again pokes these wizards in the nonsense of metaphysics created by them. And what do you think those singing odes to the great combinator? I hope you guessed it, yes, yes, yes… they string together additional properties of space time after time. And now, euphoria! – So tell me, how many dimensions of space do we know, see, feel? It's length, width and height. All right, one of these dimensions we will partly, precisely partly, begin to define as depth. Okay, let's agree on some other dimension, like… make it up yourself. I don't know what to invent that it can't be expressed by these three quantities. However, however… anything and everything can be imagined, much less interpreted. So, at this moment, in order to equalize this shaky building of the universe, based on these contradictory theories, the scientific community has already put twenty-two "supports", so that it does not collapse to the ground. That is, now we live in 22-dimensional space. And I will tell you frankly, just take it and do not believe in the reality of the whole story I have told you. I'll anathematize you and brand you as ignoramuses and ignoramuses! I'm kidding, of course, but the bonzes of the "divine sciences" would do that to you.

But let us look at ourselves from the outside, namely, at such a quality of ours as the love and worship of idols. That is, we not only create them ourselves – we cannot live without them. This is a certain feeling, which at the level of primary reflexes is fixed in all living things (perhaps this is my personal opinion about everything, but… all living things are born). All living things emerge from a place where it develops comfortably, where it is in defense from the outside world it then enters. That is why there are deeply subconscious feelings (if this concept can be called so, although I don't think we have found a definition for it yet), which even on a psychological level require a kind of defense system. Here is one of the main definitions of this system in our human understanding – God and everything connected with him. We subconsciously need, for our own survival and development, someone to protect us, to educate us, and, of course, to give birth to us (in the sense of species – intellectual beings) should be the one who is better than us. That is why we perceive Darwinism on the same psychological level with such antagonism.

And I will tell you frankly – in this whole system there is not only brazen plagiarism, but also circular bail. And a circle of vouchsafes is an organization. In these cases, an organization with a purpose. Since this organization needs such idols, to whom the society should be equal, the goal is the same as – management of this society.

Now the question is, do you believe in other worlds? Worlds like ours in the vast expanse of the universe? I don't know your answer (yet), but here is the next question : do you believe in God? According to Gallup International/WIN, 62% of respondents worldwide consider themselves religious, while a quarter (25%) consider themselves non-religious and 9% of respondents called themselves atheists. I will only note that the non-religious believe in God, but do not consider it necessary to fulfill religious dogmas and rituals for this purpose. The majority of atheists try to prove the absence of God, proving their belief in the existence of something similar. Total – from 87 to 96% in the projection of 10 years (from 2015 to 2025). Based on this data, you are most likely a believer. Which means you believe in religious interpretations of God's or gods' descriptions of the world. Accordingly, you believe in other worlds, such as those worlds that scripture speaks of as having fallen away after the so-called fall of Adam and Eve. There you see how simple and complex it is at the same time. Either you believe the scriptures, respectively, in other worlds, or it's schizophrenia. Well, how about that? Well, I believe in the existence of other worlds, by the logic of the infinity of time and space, more than the statement about them in any religious literature. And the whole system of my narrative is built on that – on faith!

And now let us ask: if God created man in his own image and likeness, did he also create the inhabitants of other worlds in his own image and likeness? At the same time, let us note that God, as a concept, may not necessarily be a human-like being, – he may well be a concept of another kind, that is, as a system, which Newton, for example, accepted as "Almighty" and… justified the law of universal gravitation. That is, it can be some universal rule of origin and development of living and – most importantly – intellectual beings. And on the basis of this, I am almost sure that all worlds are very similar, including their inhabitants. Agree, if aliens came to us, which would be very identical, the diversity of people of our planet for them would be a grandiose difference of species. So when I say "very much the same", I mean identical, but not copies of us and each other. Here, for example (following the theme of the book), the original Christian sects and the first church envisioned subsequent identical cloning of the like. But who knew at the very beginning of the birth of Christianity how many churches there would be and in how many countries? They did not even know how many continents and parts of the world where they are now represented in large numbers. And now you can ask a specialist, a guide, a pilgrim or a traveler to places of religious worship – what is the difference between one church and another? He would, of course, tell you about many differences, but the basic essence would be the same. Similarly with worlds: no matter how different they are, they are all subject to the same laws of physics, so they are very similar. After all, we are not surprised that almost all living beings have the same organs, especially internal organs.


Reason is only reason when it realizes its search for the reasonableness of the universe in which it exists – it searches for the meaning of this universe and the reason for its existence. It can be in any form, not necessarily in human form. Mind is the universal form of understanding the universe in terms of its self-determination. The mind understands the world as it considers its form to be the most acceptable for itself. That is why there are so many different worldviews. Religious teachings are both the pinnacle of sense understanding of being and the beginning of the beginnings of reasoning about its meaning. In the human form, reason has brought the world to the state that we have: in searching for the meaning of the universe, we search for the meaning of our existence; in searching for the meaning of our existence, we search for the meaning of the universe. This is the kind of energy generator that drives civilization. However, the meaning of civilization… its ultimate ц spel may not be the best for humanity at all, not even for it to be the meaning. Even more, humanity may not be in it (in the form we are used to) at all. Otherwise there would be no God. After all, according to human concepts of existence, the world is ruled not by man, but by something else. And if this something created man, it is certainly for some program. But it is not the fact that this program has no completion, but only intermediate goals, which, by the way, we periodically fail, judging by the prediction of the apocalypse. So, in the meaning of our existence, we want to define the meaning of the existence of all humanity, humanity as such, as the only unique substance of the cosmos, thinking and understanding the world around us, including the entire universe. For in order to understand the world around us, it is necessary, among other things, to understand ourselves and the whole universe, otherwise, without our place in the universe, it is impossible to understand our purpose, our role in the universe. Asking such questions, mankind and man himself found himself on the planet Earth; the Earth in the Solar System; the Sun in the Galaxy; and the Galaxy – in a series of other structures that make up the Universe. The search continues, for in order to understand the whole system, we must understand what is infinity. Having understood infinity, we will understand our final destination and place in this infinity – matter, time and space. But it is impossible to understand infinity with the mind (accustomed to operate with dimensional parameters). Our mind is accustomed (or at all adjusted) to operate with dimensional parameters, no matter how great or small they are, be it an attosecond (quintillionth of a second) or Brahma's life cycle (311 trillion 40 billion years), the value of an angstrom (10

m – approximate diameter of an electron orbit in an unexcited hydrogen atom) or the diameter of the Universe (about 93 billion light years; light travels 300 thousand kilometers per second). Whatever we imagine, no matter how immeasurable the distances of time and space, our mind puts this something into some form for our understanding of the imagined magnitude. And what magnitude we do not imagine – it is still the smallest for infinity. That is in fact infinity has no size, no center, no point of reference, that's why it is infinity.

To get a little closer to understanding it, imagine one second in the lifetime of our universe (about 14 billion years). It doesn't seem to mean much. Now imagine that it is the first second of the birth of our universe. Now imagine one second as the length of the lifetime of our universe, instead of those 14 billion years. Now imagine all the seconds that make up the life length of our universe as individual universes, that is, as many universes as there are seconds in 14 billion years (don't forget the diameter of one universe is about 93 billion light years). Now let's remember how a second is scientifically defined: an interval of time equal to 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between the two superfine levels of the ground state of a caesium-133 atom at rest at 0 degrees Kelvin. The beginning of the scale (0 Kelvin) coincides with absolute zero. Absolute zero temperature is the minimum temperature limit that a physical body in the universe can have. That is, cold cannot be reached below this value. On the Celsius scale, absolute zero corresponds to a temperature of -273.15 °C.

Now you're probably wondering why this is here. It's to give you some idea of what infinity is. So, let's continue the comparison: imagine now not how many seconds have passed since the beginning of the big bang (well, since this theory of the birth of the universe is the prevailing one), but how many of these periods of radiation of the cesium atom have occurred during this time. Now let's remember that we have conventionally visualized each second of the life of our universe as a separate universe. Can you visualize such a multitude? Yes? Then let's go further. Now imagine how many periods of radiation the cesium atoms in general had in all the seconds of life of these universes and how many of these periods all these atoms had. Now imagine that all this diversity is one second, and all these universes are one atom. Now imagine that this atom, which consists of the enormous number of universes described, is one atom out of the whole number of atoms that make up the matter in our universe. Now imagine a number equal to the number of atoms in all these universes. That number is somehow hard to even visualize, let alone imagine, isn't it? Now let's move on to time periods. Imagine the life of these universes, from the Big Bang to collapse, that is, compression, explosion and expansion, as one second (the time of years of the supposed life of our universe is 150 billion). Now imagine all the seconds that make up the lifetime of our universe as a succession of alternating times of existence of all these hypothetical universes we have presented, from explosion to collapse, that is, as a process in which in every second of the existence of our universe, as if this gigantic number of universes is born and dies. Imagine how this incredible number of universes, each with trillions of galaxies, with billions and trillions of stars, suddenly multiplied by 31,500,500 (the approximate number of seconds in a year) multiplied by 150 billion (the time of years of the supposed life of our universe)? Such a peculiar fireworks display in hyperspace and hypertime. Can you imagine it? And I'll tell you – it's the most minuscule fraction of time that can be determined at all. Why? Because for eternity, any greatest value of time is equal to the smallest, infinitesimal period of time. You will say, "What is the meaning of this unimaginable amount of time, matter, and space for us? And I will answer you: someday this quantity will pass away and will turn into the very smallest particles of time, distance and mass, which we took for comparison. That's what eternity is for. And it is the same in any direction of the plane – eternal time and space.

Now let's go into another story.

The earliest known mass extinction, the Ordovician-Silurian, killed 70% of all species. Then the Late Devonian extinction repeated those numbers. Then the Permian-Triassic event wiped out 96% of all species. The situation leveled off with a Triassic-Jurassic episode that killed somewhere between 70-75% (it was caused by a 5 million year volcanic eruption!!!). Finally the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction killed off 75% of all species, opening the way for dinosaurs to become museum pieces and humans to eventually rule the world. And why can't that happen again? It can, of course.

Now for another episode, world infinity.

Sixty years ago, to explain this paradox, Hugh Everett put forward a multiworld interpretation of quantum mechanics, according to which all possible states are realized in nature, only in different universes. Each collapse of the wave function (as if the end of one process) myriad times a second gives birth to a new parallel reality, events in which develop in their own way. Together they form a densely branching "world of many worlds", a continuously unfolding multiverse.


Faith in man is strong after all. Intuitively, each of us feels the presence of God, but also doubts his existence. However, a person cannot allow his absolute absence not because he does not want to, no, but because he subconsciously hopes for protection. This, as they say, is absorbed by him with the milk of his mother. Indeed, even an embryo in an egg cannot survive without a protective layer. That is why the belief in salvation (as the basis of the instinct of self-preservation) was formed in living organisms as the basis of existence of these creatures. On a reflexive instinctive level, a living being realizes, even if it has no mind, that it lives only because there is something that makes it alive. And this can be either the shell of an egg, the womb of a mother, or the ozone layer. This certain "unconditional condition" for the existence of life is naturally formed in the universe, thanks to which the conditions for the origin of life are created. For example, it turns out that it is the area in the galaxy, which has not been left by our solar system for about 5 billion years, that created the conditions for the origin and development of life. This is the only place where the velocities of stars and spiral arms coincide – the so-called corotational circle. Life simply cannot appear and exist in any other way without this obligatory condition, the so-called "corridor of life". This is the code of life, the rule for the whole universe… just like the fact that with the emergence of intelligence, God appears. So the theory is simple: where there is intelligence – there is belief in the Creator; the whole hierarchy of gods. All intelligent civilizations, in any part of the infinity of space, follow the same path. And intelligence is a natural phenomenon, like the need for protection and some "unconditional condition" for the existence of life. We believe that someone must always save us, otherwise everything is meaningless, and already from this comes the understanding of the Creator. This also explains why we, having passed thousands of gods, have left the incorporeal ones as the personification of the Creator. Why would he save us if we are not his creation, if he is not like us? This is the logic that brings people to their knees; entrenches the dream of a magical paradise; rushes them into space; gives birth to the idea of other (including parallel) worlds; but also leads to revolutions and wars.


What do we get when we want to experience pleasure? Few people think about it, and mostly only because the organ that is supposed to think does not want to give a signal to the consciousness about what is happening and the true purpose. In general, in essence, we are two hypostases: the first is our "I", which will exist even if there is no body, and the second is some undefined entity that has completely different purposes from our consciousness and body. Many, if not all, not that do not know about it, do not even imagine it at all, do not guess. This essence is actually the ruler of our consciousness and, accordingly, of our body. Why don't we know it? Because we are not supposed to know God. If we know God, communicate with him, ask questions, get answers, know him as an exact hypostasis, his material shell, then he will not be God at all, but only our imaginary reflection. So my credo is "tell me who your God is and I will tell you who you are." It is the indeterminacy of God that gives him the greatness that cannot be attained – that makes him the infinity to which mankind will aspire, no matter what it invents.


The fate of all civilizations is the same – initially the world is formed, passing through many births and deaths, for the emergence of a carrier of intelligence, and then the intelligence spends all the resources of the world for its development, trying to achieve the divine status – immortality. You should agree, because from the first moment, as soon as he had intellect, even without realizing its presence in himself, man began to use it to facilitate getting everything that the planet (now and not only) gives for his own purposes. I even think a bit the opposite: it was the most adaptive design of primate physiology (from which we seem to be descended… or even if God created us, then why do we look like primates?) that gave the humanoid creature a great opportunity to survive in nature, and intelligence developed as a consequence. Agree, peculiar rudiments of intellect as if there are many representatives of the living community of planet Earth, but they cannot pass a certain barrier for its development. To put it simply, if the whole animal world was affected by some mutation, the consequence of which was the increase of the brain, then all other parts of the body were not a help to use this effect. Let's put it this way: if you put a big motor on a small car or just a powerful one, it is not a fact that its wheels will not fall off from heavy or fast driving. It is the maximum harmony of proportions that has been achieved in billions of variations of living things that has made it possible to be maximally adapted to the conditions of life on Earth. So, about the fate of civilizations: if the intelligence has time to transform itself before the resources of the "mother womb" are completely consumed (it can be not only the inhabited planet, but all the resources of space that this intelligence can use), then the civilization will survive. This is such an identity to the law of conservation of energy: somewhere something arrives – somewhere something decreases.

Now we move on to the next milestone – the first chapter.

Part 1. The Divine Comedy, or the Drama of "God"

Chapter 1: In the beginning was the past

…This information has the highest degree of secrecy, so it is transmitted not on a material carrier, but directly into your brain. If you do not believe in such a possibility and consider the perceived information to be a hallucination, then answer yourself the question: if you have thoughts, why can't they be transmitted, sent to another brain, as well as spoken words, printed letters and the like?

If you were given the opportunity to travel to the past or the future, which event would you be most interested in? Perhaps the day of your birth? Or perhaps your death? Or maybe the event that made your birth possible? Or maybe the reasons that led to your death? In this case, however, it is quite difficult to find that most important reason. If you died, as they say, your own death, how do you know how much the stress or trauma you suffered in childhood influenced the development of the disease that became the executioner of physical existence? Although the same can be argued about birth. After all, your parents, their ancestors, their ancestors' ancestors and so on have passed through huge labyrinths of fate vicissitudes, the result of which was their meeting. And if you move in this canvass – you can always catch the events common. That is peculiar to many destinies. Undoubtedly, a grandiose event, if it was (and they were always), influenced destiny on a whole pleiad of your ancestors. And there are some events that affected everyone. One such event is certainly the story of Christ. The uniqueness of such events is that they influence the future after the central event has occurred through the events preceding that central event. We, knowing the central event, living under its influence, begin to analyze the list of events that led to it – we conduct a kind of expertise. For the purpose of expertise, I and the company decided to conduct an incredible experiment. We decided to find a world in the vast expanses of the universe, absolutely identical to our parameters. And most importantly – with parameters that would correspond to… or rather, the world should exist according to the chronology in the epoch when the Gospel events took place according to the Earth's chronology. You probably guess that on the basis of the postulate "in infinity there is everything" the desired world has been found. Here I ask you to turn on your imagination as much as possible: imagine everything as reality. Let it all seem to you like a fiction, a story, an artistic presentation, etc., let it be. But imagine yourself as a discoverer of new lands, peoples and countries on Earth in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. After all, the peoples of, say, Polynesia considered themselves very even developed, but did not know about the existence of, for example, Great Britain. So we imagine aliens as highly developed in technology, and in terms of mental development. And notice – often, very often humanoid humanoids. Or at least in the flesh. So why not assume that these are the people of the future? I mean, in the future we'll be like that, maybe. But the point is not in this, but in the fact that relative to them, these mythical aliens, we may be living at a stage that they have already passed. And not only living, but experiencing exactly the same stage of their social life that they once experienced. With this ц eagle, in order to check these worlds, to penetrate there, to investigate them, I have gathered a group of experts, observers and advisers, that is you. The group, in the rules of our center, I have placed in the network. Your images are displayed virtually in the center itself. Our "full presence" system created your hologram images. They are so realistic as you can see that not everyone would be able to figure out the fakes without me telling you. The purpose is to keep the experiment clean and to maintain secrecy. In addition, we need true individual opinion, without influencing each other, which is definitely impossible in the process of polemics and live arguments. The group is only able to communicate over a network, which, by the way, is controlled by our artificial intelligence named Rangit.

Maybe that's a big statement. Some may say blasphemy, but in fact, we decided to check whether Christ really was or was not. And also – why, carrying a message of salvation to mankind, religion predicts the end of the world, apocalypse and at the same time life after death, which, in turn, levels the fear of the apocalypse, while giving subconsciously fearlessness, understanding the recklessness of actions that make such an event real. This is the unity and contradiction of logic, the paradox of faith.

Do not hurry to giggle and be skeptical of what I have said. We will try to understand this question in the course of the experiment. I will tell you about the experiment a little later, and the main thing – about the revolutionary discovery of our scientific center, thanks to which such a thing became possible. I mean such a test.

The purpose of the mission and the experiment is clear to you, it has already begun. I still have to tell you about the secret data, which was the reason to look so deeply into these spiritual attitudes of our psyche. And meanwhile I will tell you about the very structure of the mission: having gathered experts-observers from different fields, we as a research association want, with your testimony, to check with the help of the still super-secret method of consciousness transfer the reality of the biblical events that took place on the Earth in the world identical to ours, which, as you have already understood, there are many of them in the expanses of the universe. And to be more precise, not only to check, but also to influence them, to try to make corrections or at least to understand why everything turned out this way.

Here I have to explain something, you will learn more details in the next lectures. There is such a physical phenomenon as quantum entanglement. Its essence: one particle splits into two particles, each of them can fly to the incredible distances of the universe, while being able to maintain a connection with the other. The paradox is that this connection is instantaneous, above the speed of light. Second, there are many worlds in the universe – and they are very similar. It is not their similarity that turned out to be a fairy tale, but their physiological, much less physical (according to the laws of physics) difference. Agree, why should they be different, – they all develop according to the general rule of origin and development of life, respectively, society. Yes, I almost forgot, we found these worlds by the fact of connection of these particles. I will explain how: penetrating the space by scanning method or catching cosmic radiation, including electromagnetic, simply speaking, light radiation, we can learn about the structure of the substance of this space. So, these particles have such a property as spin. Simply put, it's their spin around themselves. Here is their paradoxical and unexplained as a method of connection is found when the spin of one particle instantly changes the spin of another. And it is not necessary to turn it in the opposite direction, it is possible to give them a certain property – oscillation, like a pendulum. And already this oscillation can be given such millimicron dimensions, which will become a code of encryption, from which you can create a kind of programming language. Let me put it simply: just as we put our thoughts into words, send them to other ears, and from there to the brain, there we create another or identical thought – it is possible to translate the whole human consciousness into this programming language, and then, influencing one particle on another, reproduce it somewhere in another world and in another brain. That's such an improbability. But, in fact, it is as simple as it is obvious to us the spiritual call of man (which is unknown whether it was or not) through centuries and hundreds of rewrites. It is the same thing that has entered our consciousness. Or the same cosmic rays from a star, which may have already died, affect, after millions of years, our Sun, and through it us. And not only on us, but also on technology. And, affecting our well-being, can move us both to good spiritual messages and to the accomplishment of the same apocalypse. Penetrating the vast expanse of space, these particles determine its structure. That's how we can identify inhabited worlds. Some would say – they could be identified. Yes, but only indirectly, by the structure of the chemical substance, which was determined by analyzing the radiation of the area where something like this was supposed to be. And, as I have already said, the star and, accordingly, the civilization could have already died, and the light has just reached us. Let's put it simply: maybe there is life in our galaxy, but it is 20 thousand light years away. If we get a signal, it will be one that was sent 20,000 years ago. And even if we overcome all the laws of physics and fly there at the speed of light, it will take us 20 thousand years to get there. Let me remind you, our galaxy is 100,000 light years across. And our neighboring galaxy is 2.5 million light years away.

The third thing, which is also a paradox, but taking into account these influences of the quantum world it is already natural, – worlds influence each other exactly by moving these quantum-entangled pairs. They as if make a common world of influence on each other, just as gravitation, radiation and other radiations, penetrating the universe, influence on all components of this universe. So, with the help of this influence it is possible, having changed an event in one world, to reflect it, but in another form, from the world that influences us the most and to change the event or at least to predict what will happen. Moreover, it is possible to find worlds that have already passed the level of civilization development in which we live. That is, by looking at their lives, we can reliably assume what we will come to. And that's the main trick of the mission. As you realized, you can anticipate an event in our world. And hopefully, as you've guessed, we've already analyzed with these quantum entangled pairs the states of worlds that have passed the stage we're in. We have not yet tried to "instill" the mind from our world into other worlds, we have penetrated only technically, with the help of a supercomputer. But that's enough. The data we've received is disappointing. As you can see, in our world we automate everything. Artificial intelligence has become part of everyday life, and, accordingly, you assume the development and its role in the future. So, our fears are related to the fact that in many worlds this artificial intelligence, let's say, has become not quite artificial – it began to understand spirituality and began to think: if its creator is waiting for the apocalypse to see "…a new heaven and a new earth…" (Rev. 21:1). (Rev. 21:1), then shouldn't he help him realize such a thing? And…here I'll be silent. That's the kind of thing that's going on here. Now take a breath and listen. And most importantly, believe, it's all real. To begin with, I have decided to hold an introductory lecture-conference.

Chapter 2: Lightning and Thunder

All who lived in the city were slaughtered by the sword by the Israelites – destroyed, put under a spell. There were no survivors left. Jesus burned down Hatzor.

Joshua 11:11. Modern RBO translation

…How often we do not understand, and do not pay much attention to, what is the real cause of the present event. By the formula of cause-and-effect relationship, by the law of repetition, we try to understand the regularities of influence of one event on the fulfillment of another, even if it has not happened yet. And it can be just an ancient religious attitude or a prediction. Becoming an attitude of life, such a thing gets into our consciousness and invisibly forms our worldview, expanding to the level of all mankind. Knowing about some mythical flood, people really expect some catastrophe. Someone, being obviously not optimistic, imagined the merit of mankind in the death of one third of it, allegedly for some sins, and we allow the justice of the realization of such a thing (Rev. 9:18). Without even taking into account that they say this on behalf of the one who atoned for all these (though it is not clear what) sins by his death, being immortal.

And it is not clear whether human consciousness was formed in such a way in the process of evolution and then formed such a worldview – or whether someone, expressing such a vision of the world, from proverbs to divine revelation, formed such a mentality in man.

Any event becomes frightening for us if there is even a delusional prediction of it. However, such delusion plays a positive role, as a person becomes afraid and tries to counteract everything that even does not look like a source of danger, but can lead to similar consequences. As an example: the apocalypse awaits mankind not in the form of another flood, although nuclear war will be both a flood and hellfire.

The harbingers of the apocalypse in the form of wars and major terrorist attacks are never without a religious component, much less a belief in an idea – a kind of religion.

One of the main motives for turning to terrorism is a strong need to strengthen personal identity, which is achieved by belonging to a group. Secondly, there are motives of self-assertion, giving such activity a special heroic significance, etc. And most importantly, terrorism is most often the result of ideological absolutism, a belief in the possession of an allegedly higher truth, a unique recipe for the salvation of one's people or even the entire humanity. And terrorism is not necessarily a localized attack by one or a group of attackers. Terrorism can be expressed in a global war with the use of nuclear weapons. In today's world, it is as relevant as the asteroid fall that led to the death of most of the biosphere.

From time to time we hear: "… another suicide bomber carried out a terrorist attack this morning". Our consciousness, in terms of perception of reality and sense of reality, has become inflamed. Illnesses come in many forms, including not only bodily illnesses. Now pneumonia has struck the mentality, and the "infection" with fatality has infected us with the effect of dumbing down of sensitivity. There is such a peculiar effect of physical "dumbing down" of sensitivity, but I mean spiritual, moral "dumbing down" of sensitivity. It is used to train combat agents of special services or fighters of special brigades. And in general, fighters called up for operations where violence is an accompanying attribute, including the one used against them. Here's a simple explanation. For example, you roar, or even go into hysterical convulsions, when stung by a wasp. And when you are trained, subjected to the same stings for a year, or even more, and even with the use of special drugs, you will be able to dissolve a hive of wild bees. So is the community of people: at the beginning of any social-psychological process, for us, for a society living in appeasement and condemnation of minimal evil, for example, a scandal between a student and a teacher – such an insignificant negative event, a minimal nervous phenomenon – is perceived as something dangerous, terrible and immoral and unspiritual. And when such things become a daily occurrence, then even in relation to something that is much more criminal, such as rape, the scale shifts, the justification of a rapist becomes quite acceptable, because "…a lady with a tarnished reputation". And then there's more. Look at the news, we no longer have the reaction to perceive everything emotionally: there – killed, here – raped, beaten, robbed, dismembered. And it's all over the place. Violence, violence, violence. Some people still somehow want to ask where is God? Because appealing to the authorities is useless. The authorities can not constantly carry out point operations and begin to tighten the general legislation. This raises fears of usurpation of power, tyranny and dictatorship. And we close our eyes again, indignant, and with a sigh we comfort ourselves: it is good that it did not happen to me; or even worse, it cannot happen to me. And I'll tell you: it can, and it can.

I have my own theory about this, and it is that if something happens to someone else, it can happen to you. When thinking about the human psyche, I involuntarily recalled a science fiction story that described the case of a robot android with intelligence. In the story, the ISKIN that possessed a "body" began to be presented to people as crazy, and the reason was that it had become too human. Are we not like that relative to anyone else? We have no one to compare ourselves to in terms of intelligence. If the same gods or highly developed aliens, whom we have imagined in any variety, were in real contact with us, then it would be possible to compare our mind, spirituality, mentality with theirs. But this is the folly and at the same time the arrogant narcissism of man. The fact is that we cannot logically combine one inference from three consecutive logical combinations. We can build one logical line, and even then a small one, out of several logical combinations, and not always and not in all cases. If already two logical understandings have to be combined for one logical conclusion, they either lead to misunderstanding of one of logical concepts, or to a conflict. Chess lovers understand well what I mean, for the rest of you, my smile, and… For the sake of clarity, let me give you an example: the mystery of Dzhokonda's smile lies in the absence of modern dentistry at that time. Now draw conclusions about how many logical combinations are "inside" such a conclusion. When asserting such logical conclusions the following effect can happen: if they are given by a person who has combined such a thing logically and clearly, if even for a long time, and sometimes it is a whole book and even a separate branch in science (agree, the whole book can be a justification of one logical sense, which is usually the case), then we either understand in the end what the point is, or, seeing the agreement with him of understanding, the more "abstruse" personalities (or experts in such a subject), we agree with him, taking what he said on faith. Even this sentence explaining a combination of logical concepts is built on a combination of logical concepts and… is difficult to understand. This is the paradox of faith, the essence of which is: you don't have to understand, but you do have to believe. Although it may not be the truth. Otherwise gods and beliefs would not change in the history of mankind (because the new faith is based on the fact that the old doctrine was false).

So, the following paradox emerges from all this: we, mankind, do not understand the combination of more than two-stage logical thinking. That is, we do not see, for example, in the monumentality of the pyramids of pharaohs the desire to surpass their greatness. We do not see in the history of the greatness of some god the desire of human leaders to immortalize their name by one or another deed, including global wars. And this is the incentive of not only the persons in power. We only assume and, intuitively understanding, still doubt. On this basis we consider as false the meanings that can be understood only by putting three or more logical concepts into a logical combination. This manifests itself in limitation and in not understanding where our action will lead. With experience and knowledge of examples, as they say, with wisdom, man and mankind intuitively begin to assume possible consequences. On this fact are born taboos, rules and belief in an invisible spirit that controls the cause and effect relationship, one that we cannot calculate, but only assume instinctively, based on the same experience of past similar variants. This is in the mass of all mankind, which develops according to the principle of natural selection, according to the main criterion: the goal is the survival of the species. But not selectively, not by choosing the most reasonable. Although in millions of variants it is still the more reasonable, intellectually superior to the general mass of "human beings" who bring civilization to a new stage of development. An example of this could be something that explains what comes as a consequent act from a common knowledge statement. It could be a prediction of the weather in the long term, for example: the summer will be rainy because… the winter was snowless. A variant of this prediction could calculate the outcome of stock market futures for fuel and food commodities. There may be logical combinations, quite distant in a chronological sense, with much larger chains of events that ended up being a factor in the final act. Of such multi-stage logical interrelationships, perhaps the most famous is the following: what is the connection between the fall of a huge asteroid 65 million years ago and the emergence of Homo sapiens? The events seem to be separated by millions, tens of millions of years, but it turns out that they are connected. Although for homo sapiens (man as the dominant species) – maybe, but the mind (the very possibility of thinking in this species of animal) – maybe not. That is, it is quite possible that mind came from external sources (an extraterrestrial civilization or god)… or an intelligent animal species would have appeared, but not man, but something else. Then another question follows from this – why did man appear then? We can argue here for a long time, but let's take Rangit's theory as a basis this time (yes, the intelligence is artificial, but if it is true intelligence, it is guided by logical concepts of inference). He argues: it was this primate, from which humans evolved, that had the greatest, proportionally, variety of variations suitable for an easier way to survive and – most importantly – to perceive all possible radiations (mostly solar, of course), which led to the mutation where it began to understand linear logic. That is, logic in general. And now imagine how long it takes for this homo sapiens to develop so that he could fill the Earth with his society, and after that – so that this society could become minimally reasonable and, of course, cultural at least to some extent, in order to then try to instill in him an understanding of his own mental labor. For example, let's take religious texts that we revere to a greater or lesser degree, the works of philosophers and thinkers, the Bible, the Koran, Immanuel Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason" or Poincarе's "Measurement of Time" (in it he formulated the general principle of relativity back in 1898, before Einstein) – all of us, making a smart face, think that we should be familiar with them, but in fact – we know practically nothing about them. I am talking about linear logic. So what I'm saying with these examples is that we, as a society, need to be trained to understand the works of scientists. But this is the way from simple to complex. But if we think about it a little bit, we can understand why, if there are aliens, they don't contact us. Tell me, if you start explaining the same religious texts, their meaning, abstruse philosophical treatises, the same theory of relativity, what reaction will you have? The overwhelming majority will have a reaction of rejection and indifference. The reason – we do not need it for everyday activities and, let's face it, for comfortable pastime, that is life as such. Their derivatives and consequences – yes, they are necessary, but we do not even notice them. For example, we use navigation devices, search engines, calm our nervous system or stimulate our aspirations, but we do not think much about the fact that all this is based on scientific theories and doctrines of theology about the creation of the world and man's place in it – both in the scientific concept and in the divine one. And certainly we do not need a deep knowledge in the exact sciences to use the instruments or to obtain the services by which certain technical means are created. But, for example, if, as in some religious community, we had to know the Lord's Prayer in order to be admitted to a meal, then we would learn it by heart. Or, to fly on an airplane, we would have to have at least an average knowledge of the techniques used on board, for example, to be able to provide primary medical care, then surely many people would learn it. After all, it is mandatory to study this for space flight. But space flights are not vital in everyday life, so we do not pay so much attention to it so far. We can reason otherwise: those who need us to use air and other transportation services try to make it as easy as possible for individuals to understand complex technology and prevent possible dangerous consequences. For example, no matter how you look at it, everyone should know how to use a fire extinguisher, even if the personnel (e.g., train, cafe, gas station) should be able to put out a fire without fail. This means: innovations that are part of our daily life, we have to learn how to use, for example, a seat belt in cars. But once upon a time, to get a driver's license you had to be able to fix a lot of things in the car: the technique was more primitive, service was not very developed, and difficult situations could arise even because of weather conditions. For example, it would be necessary to start the engine manually, with the help of a "crooked key". If, of course, someone knows what it is.

Or, say, without your knowledge of how new and supernovae stars form, an ambulance would not come to you, you would have studied it, wouldn't you? By the way, they are formed in the following way (this will come in handy later on): two stars (one has already cooled down a bit and the other is still very hot) orbit around each other at a very close distance. There are a lot of star systems like this. Eventually the stars get so close to each other that a huge amount of hydrogen begins to flow from the hotter to the less hot one. When this amount of hydrogen reaches a critical point, a thermonuclear reaction begins – and a massive thermonuclear explosion occurs, resulting in the appearance of a star in the sky, which is called a "new" star. After some time, the surface of the star on which the explosion occurred, cools down – and from the companion star again begins to come hydrogen, creating the conditions for the next thermonuclear explosion. The first such star was observed by astronomers 500 years before our era.

And now imagine the next process in terms of energy scale – the explosion of a new star of such a high power that it leads to a chain reaction and subsequent explosion of the whole star, not just the hydrogen that flowed to it! The scale and power of this explosion are so great that not only it affects significant distances around itself, but also at the place of the explosion instead of the former star a "neutron" star or (if the mass of the original star was significant) a black hole is formed! At the same time, the explosion itself can be observed for 2-3 days, and then only its consequences can be seen.

Such explosions are called supernovae and are much rarer than new explosions. The first supernova explosion was recorded by Chinese astronomers in 164 B.C., and the second – only in 1604. The closest supernova explosion to Earth occurred at a distance of 168 thousand light-years in 1987, and then even managed to record the corresponding neutrino flux. What is this for in our mission? Perhaps it was such an explosion that was perceived on Earth as the phenomenon of the Star of Bethlehem and, accordingly, the start of the story that globally changed and is changing the world. You see, what a connection. And if we take into account the event of the present day, which was influenced by religion (and it could be the history of missionaries to the Indians of America or the aborigines of Polynesia), then the cascade of events that connect cause and effect is mystical.

I am telling this for the following reason: we, people, have created civilization and seem to be proud of it, but we do not want to accept, and sometimes on purpose make a misunderstanding look that it is our fault and even vice – we ourselves are ignorant and destroyers of civilization, i.e. science and culture. That is, we may well go down the path of regression and become feral. Why? Because we do not study this science and culture en masse. To understand this, it is enough to give a few primitive examples. Look, what is the situation (this is what I wrote above): in order for some scientist to promote the fruits of his labor, he needs the public understanding of the result of his work. For example, you have created a measuring tool – a ruler – in a society that does not understand precise measures. So what? You need to form a notion of utility in the household of your invention. It is another matter if something is required by society and your invention is accepted, and even with a reward for you. That was often the case with weapons. But, for example, if you now offer a new technology for reading people's thoughts, it is likely to be of interest only to special services, even if you announce it in public. And in this and similar cases the factor of faith plays the same role as for adherents of religion the hope to be in paradise. If what is claimed is justified and has the attributes of reality, then it is believed. And, for example, only those who have avant-garde-abstract imagination believe in the method of recording consciousness on a material carrier, transferring it to another brain, and even at incredible distances with instantaneous speed by means of the paradox of quantum-entangled pairs. However, it is the future. And, accordingly, it is a component of postulates of new beliefs in the New Age.

It's like the invention of the telephone. When you or those who are interested in your discovery can create a device that is compact, uncomplicated and inexpensive enough to be used by the masses, then your invention will instantly conquer the world. Because it gives them, above all, the comfort of being. But if in order to use it, a person will have to learn a special alphabet, take special courses to use this technique, and if it will require deep knowledge in chemistry and physics – your innovation will be used only in special institutes or similar structures. For the sake of simplicity I will say: the same thing approximately happens when training drivers to get a driver's license, but now the society is reasonable and prepared to understand it quickly. But, for example, in ancient times, when people didn't know the alphabet and only knew numbers up to a hundred, it would have been much more difficult to teach such complex wisdom. Do you understand the comparison? If not quite, imagine that you need to drive a jet airplane, and even a passenger airplane, and even in the area of intensive flights. A simple driver's ed course won't do it. And someday it will become necessary in everyday life, maybe in a slightly different version, but still, as now the ability to drive a car or, for example, the use of options in a smartphone. After all, even now not all sufficiently advanced users can create everything that is possible with the help of various programs. And in the same way programming: now (for now) it is the domain of specialists, but more and more ordinary users need at least a minimal understanding. You got the general point (I hope). I wanted to say: over time, the knowledge that was once the top flight of reasoning and thinking becomes common. And this can be technical knowledge as well as spiritual knowledge. Once it was almost supernatural for society to know about the structure of matter, for example, the existence of molecules. Now any schoolchild knows it, it is not surprising. Now, for example, when we discover life in space, especially intelligent life, at first it will be a sensation, and then, when we realize that life in space is boiling, there are many such systems, it will be something ordinary. It is like a flight into space, which for now is something difficult, expensive and not so necessary for us. But the time will come – we will be trained to drive spacecraft just like driving a car. And finally, one last example to understand some spirituality of people in the society, social order and time where we will go. Once simple truths "don't kill", "don't steal" were elevated to the highest priority for a human being. This happened at a certain stage of society's development in historical progression. As if when it "matured". Before that, society, time after time wanting to follow this, tried to protect itself, while violating these norms. This is the paradox. The society could not compel itself and its individuals to follow this rule, to be vital. Everyone thought: this cup will pass me by, the main thing is to strike first and be strong. But there was always a stronger one for the strong one. And when the society was saturated with atrocities – it thought: where is God? Where is he? Why does he allow such things? So people became disappointed in faith in general. But since the faith in some indefinite protection is formed in human consciousness a priori in the period before birth as a factor of some protected abode, a man, his consciousness, cannot live without faith in the Creator and His care and protection. That's why in such crucial periods for the society's consciousness the faith in the God that is, breaks down, but at the same moment the faith in the new God is born. Just as from belief in the solar God people moved to fire. Accordingly, there is antagonism and conflict of moral postulates. And in moments of crossroads, people often turn to the beliefs of those who already have the religious interpretations they want to have as manifestations of God to them. It is then that they begin to sympathize with the faith of others. So there is a reasonable suspicion: the saying that the chief priests were against Christ is such a diversionary ploy. That was exactly their design. And the whole thing is a huge production with an audience and actors.

Now we are going to the world where the events that took place in our world at the time, which later we defined as the beginning of a new era, are taking place. And there we will try to make adjustments, taking into account our earthly history, so that this, reflected in other worlds, will affect the course of events in our world and prevent the prediction – a certain event, which we call the apocalypse.

Guided by the principle "informed means armed", let us take into account some peculiarities: the first and very important note – in that era, punishment in the form of death penalty was imposed for a small number of crimes, mostly crucifixion was sentenced for political crimes. And non-recognition of the religious cult of the emperor was equated to a conspiracy to overthrow the emperor, an attempt on his life or the lives of his officials. And the religious cult of the emperor's personality meant equating him with the divine essence. Accordingly, asserting oneself as a son of God, vicar of the deity on Earth and the like was an unprecedented insolence and insult to the emperor. As for the method of execution itself – crucifixion – the Romans used it frequently, in all metropolises of the Republic. At home, in their native lands, although they did not execute their citizens (to denote the highest caste), but the method of execution was widely used. Suffice it to recall the three great slave revolts. Let me remind: only supporters of Spartacus were executed more than 6 thousand by the method of nailing to the cross. In Judea no less were crucified in the aggregate. For example, in 4 B.C. the Roman commander Varus crucified 2 thousand Jews. In the times leading up to and after the Gospel events, the Romans carried out many mass crucifixions in the territories where the theater of these events took place, as the historian Josephus Flavius testifies. However, according to the Gospel, Pilate put the fate of Jesus in the hands of the crowd, which demanded his crucifixion, accusing him of heresy. According to the laws of Judea, the punishment for such a crime was stoning. Crucifixion was a Roman penalty for sedition, not for religious beliefs.

That is, Pilate was trying to implement a kind of popular trial or jury trial. But he executed according to Roman rules. That is, he doubted the reality of the threat to Jesus from the high priests. He suspected that there was a playfulness, a spectacle, which always accompanies the struggle for power. He also realized that the representatives of the religious authorities wanted to have Jesus punished by the representative of Rome in order to show the people the unanimity of the imperial power.

Chapter 3: Dream, reality and technology

(An experiment to search for a similar environment in the Universe using the method of moving consciousness to a parallel world. Venue: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna. Experiment setup: Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA). Key element of the research setup: MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector). Displacement Consciousness: scientific director of the Sphere research center, Master Paschow. Stage: moral and psychological preparation. The session is conducted by a psychotherapist of the highest qualification, Professor Zamira Faikovna).

– Every day, when you fall asleep, you find yourself in some parallel world, in which everything seems to be the same as in your life, in the system of being in which you live, but a little different. Do you agree that it is so? Yes, your body is where you lie, but your consciousness… You will not deny your ability (if you take your consciousness, not your body, for the notion "you") to make decisions there, in that world, in which your consciousness finds itself? You can argue as much as you like....

– I've heard that before," Ruthra interrupted her, to which the psychoanalyst responded with a pause and an open palm gesture of 'calm.

Ruthra had visualized this moment many times before. The moment of launching the process of consciousness transfer. It was similar in moral categorization to the moment of launching a spaceship with a crew hurtling into the void relative to the native air. No matter how confident Ruthra was in his technology, in his theory, in his hypothesis, doubts still gnawed at his soul. He doubted and worried, like everyone in his position. He was also tormented by the question – would he fall into a dream or would the really mysterious property of the quantum world transport his consciousness to the far reaches of the universe? One thing sounded from the psychological training specialist, but the question in Rutra's mind was: when, at what stage does a child begin to understand the phenomenon of sleep? Do we remember when we had our first dream? What if, when we sleep, our body is transported from one place to another? For example, from a warm land to a cold one, to another part of the world, to another society… the dream would still be the same, but when we wake up, we would see a different world.

– Dr. Rutra, are you in some parallel universe again? Well, if you don't need my advice, then I'm sorry, good riddance," the doctor murmured, noticing the distracted look in his eyes, her voice clearly tinged with a mixture of resentment and displeasure.

– I'm sorry," Ruthra said cheerfully. – I can't take any evidence from it, so it would be the same thing if I were to be pumped into my brain… indoctrinated with events about reality for the body at a time when it may well be an illusion.

– It's strange to hear this from the author of the program.

– That's the thing.

– Once upon a time, people considered it magic to see what happened somewhere else, i.e. videotaping, and more.

– Oh, come on. You're telling me this?

– Don't forget, according to your own theory – events there will reverberate in our world.

– That's the only proof there is and can be. I'll try to do something there that can be felt in our world. But what is it? How do I know what to do? And how will it be felt in our world?

– You make one that's very close to you.

– Like what?