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Binary code Mystery number two
Binary code Mystery number two
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Binary code Mystery number two

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– Are you serious, did you check it out?

She made a look on her face like she was looking at someone surprised by a television, so that Ruthra almost regretted asking. She answered nonchalantly, but changed her tone:

– That's the assertion of those who had anything to do with it. Listen to this. The same Cooper also told of the existence of a certain Jason Society, a small circle of the best specialists in the country, dedicated to the secret, including six Nobel Prize winners. Having passed the most rigorous security checks, they have been granted the highest security clearance and the privileges of the highest-ranking military officers in addition. They are the elite of the elite of the scientific world. They are the only ones who know the truth about alien technology and the real achievements of American physics. Do you know what this is about?!

Ruthra decided not to argue with her, to listen to the end. He simply nodded affirmatively at that question. When she agreed, she continued with equal fervor.

– Cooper traveled the country, meeting with people and telling scary things about the U.S. government's collusion with aliens, about human exchange – in secret from his own people and the world. He gave lectures, radio and television appearances until he was shot and killed in his home – as a result of resisting an attempted arrest. William Cooper was declared insane and everything he had "spouted" was a brazen fabrication.

"Well, it all fits," Ruthra said in his mind. Ruzi went on, leaning back in her chair, for she had stopped eating completely.

– But the first to break his vow of silence was not Cooper, but physicist Bob Lazar, who initially spoke under the pseudonym Dennis. He described the experiments with UFOs in Area-51 and on the aliens who were kept there until 1979, when as a result of the conflict that arose between the U.S. government and aliens, the latter temporarily left Earth. American researchers of this situation believe that one of the reasons for the conflict was the violation of the aliens of the 1954 agreement with President Eisenhower on non-interference in the affairs of earthlings. On October 9, 1955, Field Marshal Douglas Mac Arthur, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, addressed other countries, primarily Russia, despite the cold relations between the two countries, with such a puzzling appeal: "The nations of the world must unite, as the next war will be an interplanetary war … The nations of the world need … to form a common front against aliens from other planets. Why should they, if all alien mysticism is just a myth? Naturally, all such stories have their share of mystification and fantasy. Even at the highest, official level. For example, surrounding with a halo of mystery and top-secret object Zone-51. It would seem that there simply cannot be a more classified place than Zone-51. But about 15 miles to the south of it there is a more secret place – object S4, where we are, and from all this we can conclude that the hype around any place is necessary for the authorities only to hide even more secret place. So I wouldn't be surprised if there's something else that even we don't know.

– Is there any reason to think so? – Ruthra decided to ask, even though he knew there was.

– Quite, but to do that, you'll need to find someone who worked closely with Schneider.

– Who's that?

– Officially he was a military geologist, in reality he was a special facilities construction manager.

– Why is S4 more secret than Area 51?

– It is believed that mutual learning and technology exchange with aliens takes place here. This zone has been codenamed "Back Side of the Moon". Because on the back side of the Moon, according to astronauts who have been there, there are intermediate alien bases.

– What's really going on here?

– I don't know exactly, but all these technologies exist, but exactly who created them is not known. For example, if I fail at something, I get some scientific bureau to help me, but the result is the same, because the task at hand is from the realm of fantasy. In the end, the problem is solved, the invention or discovery appears, but who the author – is not known. You need to find Gabo.

– Why?

– He was working with Dennis.

– Who is he?

– His real name is Bob Lazar, he worked here, then fell into disgrace like Alikhanov, started talking a lot, claimed he couldn't keep quiet about what he saw, in the name of humanity.

– I meant who Gabo is, and in general, you know, the purpose of my visit is quite real, earthly. If it helps me in my task, I will find Lazar.

– It'll help, believe me. Your task will seem elementary once you know what they can do here. Decrypting and hiding a signal is elementary, it can be sent from space.

– And the encryption?

– Go to Livermore Labs, get an answer.

– Tell me what you know about this Lazarus.

– This is where Bob Lazar was assigned to S4. From December 1988 to April 1989, he headed the physical branch of the S4 facility. Upon arrival, Lazar found over a hundred manuals on his new desk in blue folders with information about aliens and alien technology. There were black and white photos of dead aliens, as well as medical reports of their autopsies. There were also photos of living aliens labeled "extraterrestrial biological entity" in the folders. In fact, S4 is a four-level underground ufological laboratory, the core of Area-51 and the biggest secret of the U.S. government. On September 29, 1995, President Clinton signed a special executive order on the special status of Area-51. He said: "It is of vital importance to the United States that classified information about this base not become public."

Rutra understood it from a different perspective. To this day, Area-51 is where the world's most technologically advanced airplanes are tested. In addition to the veteran F-117A, which is being retired, the Lockheed U-2, the Blackbird SR-71, the B-2 stealth bomber, the mysterious Aurora project, and others were developed here.

Ruzi was obsessed with something else. She wouldn't stop.

– Everyone I've talked to claims that all the super-secret inventions could only come into existence due to the activities of the ufological laboratory of the S4 facility, that is, due to the use of alien technology.

– That's it? – Ruthra asked with slight displeasure.

– Everything," she replied guiltily and resentfully.

Then, looking at Ruthra hopefully, she said, eyes wide:

– Find Gabo in the spatial metrology bay.

Ruthra understood everything. Lunch was over. They got up and walked back, she went into her compartment, Rutra went to the nearest scoreboard. In parting she said: "I want to go to the sea." Ruthra realized it was a request and a hint, nodded to her, turned around, looked for the space metrology bay on the schematic. He followed the laser line down the wizened corridors and floors. It was very interesting if someone walked toward him. Because of his inexperience, Ruthra often failed to see them in time and was constantly bumping into them.

Chapter 2: The Meaning of Thought

Ruthra finally found the bay, the badge blinked, signaling no access. A voice came over the speaker of the clearance system:

– Who are you?

– I'm here at Ruzi's request," Ruthra explained and introduced himself. – You can call me Dr. Rutra.

A few seconds later, the door opened. Behind the door, a man sat on a special device. He was an invalid, just as Ruzi had warned. He had something that looked like an outgrowth instead of legs. He had probably had polio as a child.

– I'm Dr. Gabo," he introduced himself, while looking intently at Rutra, "pausing" to study his eyes, then opening his own wide.

Ruthra realized what this was all about.

– Come in, just call me Gabo. Come with me.

He, sitting on something that looked like a cushion, pressed a button on a key fob that hung from his belt, the "cushion" moved it to the side, no leverage or hydraulics. It was a magnetic cushion rig, it literally floated in the air. Gabo pressed another button and "flew" forward.

– It's convenient with the button, you know exactly what you thought and duplicate it physically," he commented on the process, realizing that for someone who is allowed into such "holy of holies", it's backward technology.

Ruthra followed him. Soon they were in a room as empty and mirrored as all the corridors. Gabo pulled an object from his pocket that looked like a flashlight and inserted it into a hole in the floor. What happened next prompted Rutru to think that there was something else that could surprise him. Light "poured" from the flashlight, there was no other way to explain it. The blue light slowly began to illuminate and envelope Rutru and Gabo in a "dome". Soon the mirrored walls were no longer visible and neither were the floor and ceiling. They were inside the sphere.

– We've got half an hour before this gets suspicious. If anything, you and I were talking about the properties of the photoelectric effect. Alibis are important. I hope you don't get confused.

– Which one?

– The one that won Einstein the Nobel Prize.

– About the 3rd law of the photoelectric effect?

– All of them.

– Be more specific.

Ruthra asked for clarification, since Gabo had emphasized that the alibi was important. Rutra understood it himself, not quite realizing the essence of the meeting yet. And clarifications were needed, because the entire photoeffect was explained in 1905 by Albert Einstein on the basis of Max Planck's hypothesis about the quantum nature of light. For which, in 1921, he, thanks to the nomination of Swedish physicist Carl Wilhelm Oseen, received the Nobel Prize.

– It's not that hard to explain if the discovery has already been made," Gabo replied, thus making it clear that he understood the "topic", and at the same time it was a "marker" for the reaction by which they began to understand "their topic".

– Well, that explains it, now for the main point," Ruthra said.

– Are you the scientist Ruzi warned me about?

– I guess. I don't know what she warned you about or when.

– She's known about your visit for a long time. What are you interested in?

– Encryption, decryption, masking of the signal source. Covert, top-secret dual-purpose installations that can be used for this purpose.

– Why would you do that?

– We picked up a signal that the coded system accepted as valid.

– So what?

– This system is the Perimeter Program. Do you know about it?

– Oh, yeah. That's it?

Rutra didn't like that Gabo wasn't serious about what he said, so he decided to change the subject. As it turned out, it didn't work.

– Ruzi said you were going to tell me about a certain Lazarus.

– She got the point. Did you get any signals from outer space?

– I counseled, there was this version as well.

Ruthra remembered the scientist in the hallway, after counseling.

– There are much more fantastic things going on here, perhaps they are connected in a single chain," Gabo said mysteriously, his voice changing. – If you are interested in the story connected with Lazar, listen. One night in May 1989, a Las Vegas radio station broadcast an unusual story. A young physicist, speaking under the pseudonym Dennis, told of nine "flying saucers" being investigated by a small government group at a secret base near Groom Lake. Dennis stated that he had worked at the base and was very knowledgeable about its research and development.

– And what did he narrate? – Rutra asked, with the same intonation that Gabo had used before, as if to declare a commitment to empirical reasoning.

Gabo moved to the table and now no longer unwittingly distracted by his appearance, coupled with the "magic" installation on which he sat, businesslike, like a former veteran, began to tell a certain story.

– Robert Lazar was assigned to Area-51 for research, and then to an even more classified location, here in S4. Had you heard anything about her before? – he asked abruptly.

– How on earth could I have ended up here? Before Lazar was in the media, Soviet satellites photographed Area 51 and S4 three times a month. After Lazar spoke on television about the ongoing projects in S4, the Soviets began photographing the dry lake area almost daily. The initial Soviet interest in this area in Nevada was sparked by information about the Stealth and SR71 projects underway in Area-51.

– Understandable, but factual – the alien technology was researched and implemented in S4, not there.

– What did you do directly with Lazar?

– I helped him at the time, everything I know I know from his words.

– Which is what?

– Here scientists were engaged not only in physical and technical research, but also familiarized themselves with various aspects of everything that concerns aliens from outer space. According to Lazar, evolution on Earth has been controlled by aliens for many millennia, and for the past 15 years there has been a direct exchange of technology between them and the S4 scientists.

A quiet beeping sounded in the room.

– Come on, time's up," Gabo said fearfully. – I'll show you something. You don't need a pass, I'm the boss. Then we'll come back and talk about what must not be known.

– You don't know me at all. Are you recruiting me? – Ruthra asked, surprised at this trust in him.

– You worked with Alikhanov, that's enough," he replied calmly and confidently, turned off the flashlight, then "flew" into the next corridor.

Ruthra followed him. Soon they were in front of the doors, behind which the guide claimed was the underground complex that held the most secret of all. They went down there, entering the compartment itself. It was interesting, among other things, to watch the movement on Gabo's rig. Watching it, involuntarily his stories no longer seemed so fantastic.

– Look… what's in here. Can you imagine this? – he asked Rutra as soon as they crossed the threshold.

In the center of the huge hangar was something that could really be mistaken for what everyone called a "flying saucer". Ruthra was used to it, so he wasn't even surprised. He decided to see if it was an experiment or a real working model.

– This is the 'saucer' that was available to Lazar for research," Rutre Gabo introduced it.

– Have you been working on it?

– This place is called the Gravitational Systems Laboratory, Lazar's primary workplace, where he was paired with a scientist named Barry Castillo. The Galileo project Lazar was involved in was to study the physics and mechanics of the saucer's propulsion system. His attention was also attracted to the Sidekick and Looking Glass projects, as they addressed the problems of gravitational forces. The former was devoted to research on beam weapons, and the latter to all observed anomalous gravitational effects.

Ruthra had a doubt about that; he knew too much and in too much detail, all from the words of a certain mythical Lazar.

– What is the gist of it all, why are you telling me this, what is the secrecy of the story presented in parts? – Ruthra asked, pointing sideways, alluding to the part of the story in the Lightroom and here.

– Didn't you talk to Ruzi?

– Saying.

– Then listen up.

"Perhaps the semantic climax is ahead of us," Ruthra thought, and decided to listen to the whole story.

– Such observed UFO phenomena as instant disappearance, rotations at almost impossible angles, changes in shape and color, occur due to distortion of space around the UFO. A sort of "gravitational bubble" is formed, containing the saucer inside. In this mode of operation, it can become invisible to an outside observer, although it will still be in the same place.

Ruthra's hair stood on end as she heard the explanation, excitement surging like a tornado.

– Wait, wait, I saw something like that the other day. What about the light? Why do we see what's behind the object?

– The light coming from the object behind the "flying saucer" will go to the observer not in a straight line, but bypassing the "bubble", giving the person the illusion that there is nothing between him and the object.

– I see. What else? – Ruthra asked, hoping to learn something else "close" to his interests.

The last questions changed the expression on Gabo's face. He could clearly see that he was pleased at Rutra's interest. He went on with great enthusiasm.

There was something behind it all, but Ruthra couldn't make it out yet. He and Gabo walked a little farther into the compartment, to where the work was being done. There Gabo continued his explanation.