With the immortal denizens of the subterranean Lightworld and Darkworld societies locked in battle, the heiress to the Faery throne is exiled to the Human realm above.Accompanied t...
In a time not long from now, the veil between fantasy and reality is ripped asunder—creatures of myth and fairy tale spill into the mortal world.Enchanted yet horrified, humans for...
At a Lightworld royal gala, Queene Ayla announces the betrothal of her daughter, Cerridwen, to a high-ranking councilor. Though strategically brilliant, the engagement comes as a s...
When ER doctor Carrie Ames is attacked in the morgue one night by a reanimated corpse, it’s the beginning of a whole new “life” for her.As she discovers what she has become, she en...
My father always said fear was a weakness. Well, that’s easy to say when you don’t have to worry about vampire slayers. In the two months since I was turned into a vampire, I’ve ki...
Love Sookie Stackhouse and Bella Swan? It's time to meet newly turned-vampire Carrie Ames. Being a vampire is a life-or-death situation. When I was first turned, I had only my surv...
I am no coward. I want to make that perfectly clear. But after my life turned into a horror movie, I take fear a lot more seriously now. I finally became Dr Carrie Ames just eight...
Love Sookie Stackhouse and Bella Swan? It's time to meet newly turned-vampire Carrie Ames.I have reached my breaking point. And now I will not, cannot be stopped. With the Soul Eat...
Graf's stuck in a town where no-one enters. . . and no-one leaves.
As a vampire Graf's free to indulge his every dark, dangerous and debauched whim. He was just looking for a good...
20 декабря 1904 года
родилась Евгения Семеновна (Соломоновна) Гинзбург (умерла в 1977г.), узница сталинских лагерей, писательница ("Крутой маршрут"), мать Василия Аксенова.