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Revenge – served cold
Revenge – served cold
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Revenge – served cold

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I agreed with her wholeheartedly, rushing back, going to join our rescue.

Following me, a burly woman flew into our plot, in whom I could hardly identify my neighbor on the right. This time she was wearing a plush bathrobe and carrying a huge skein of rubber in her hands. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a hose, just catastrophically wide in diameter.

" Come on, help me!"

The two of us quickly unwound the hose. I with one end stood in a fighting stance at the fence, going to water the fire. My neighbor hooked the other end to the faucet and opened the water.

The hose shuddered and hummed suspiciously. I was alarmed; I had never heard water make such a sound before. Seconds passed, and still no pressure.

The water rushed out like a geyser, hitting the fence. I fell on my back and let go of the hose. It danced around, splashing everyone with water. I jumped up and tried to grab the hose. A neighbor decided to do the same, and we collided on the approach. I collapsed to the ground, the neighbor snorted contemptuously. She was an indestructible rock holding the water pressure, directing it in the right direction. True, she had several targets, the fire and its culprit.

When she was done, she turned off the water and proudly walked away, leaving the firemen to deal with the arsonist. I was left sitting on the ground in a puddle of mudd.

" Impressive, to say the least," Ramilya commented.

I hooked and pulled myself up off the ground and wandered into the house. Why wouldn't this hard day full of surprises end?


After a sudden hose shower in the bathtub, I soaked for about an hour. I had to literally scratch the dirt out of my hair with a brush. And here's the most amazing thing, if you make a natural mask and diligently rub it into your scalp to revitalize and nourish the bulbs, about half of it stays dry. And if you fall on the ground and get doused with water, it's like you've gotten a lamination.

So I cleaned myself up. I got into a tracksuit, as it turned out, neighbors can quickly and effectively diversify life, and there will be no time to change clothes. I went to the kitchen. The suspiciously familiar smell of something spicy beckoned. I hope my nose is not deceiving me and Ramila is making mulled wine.

" You know what the saddest part is? You'll have to live side by side with these people for years to come," she said sadly.

" Maybe it's not so bad?"

Ramila looked at me skeptically. I lowered my eyes. We've only lived here a week, and the neighbors have already revived our life. They're running around our yard, or trying to burn it down!

While Ramila was stirring the potion of soothing, I made sandwiches. Dinner turned out to be peculiar and far from proper nutrition, but tasty. Sometimes you have to indulge yourself. After thinking, I sliced some cheese and opened a jar of olives.

Having poured the drink into half-liter high mugs, we sat down at the table. It was under the hot wine with spices that I told my friend about the upcoming business trip. The longer I thought about it, the more I did not understand the motives of Andrew .

" Great! " Ramilya was excited. " Is he handsome?"

" Who? " I did not understand.

" Andrew ."

" Mr. Roberts , " I added. " So…"

Feigning indifference, I introduced the boss, a tall, statuesque brunette with green eyes. And that's just the beginning of his virtues, to everything else he is also smart. He's just predictable, judging by Camille. But he always smelled nice, his perfume, obviously bought not in Russia, with dignity silent about the number of zeros in foreign currency in its price tag. Oh yes, without a doubt, you can't pass by such a thing. Only after some time, I'm allergic to handsome men.

" So he's handsome," Ramilya said.

" He's not my type," I said.

" Well, we've already seen yours," Ramilya said skeptically.

" You know, when I came to the interview, there was a whole corridor full of models, and I was chosen. What does that say?"

" That they birch trees? " Ramila suggested.

I shook my head and, carefully scooping up the "brew" with a tablespoon, drank my mental torment. Unlike my friend, I had another theory. Against the background of beauties with legs from the ears, I was a natural gray mouse. And Ms.Adams was looking for a secretary who would work, not dream about the boss. And if fantasies wander into her head, the boss will not want to realize them.

" But if that's the case, you probably shouldn't overstep your bounds. This business trip will be a test. Whether you can stand the test of his beauty and charm or not. You need to pack your things. "

And not in a way that makes it look like you're ready to jump into bed with him, even though you'd rather be on the table with your boss. You have a different mission for this company.

That's where I totally agreed with her. I didn't have a normal job in my employment history. I had to be able to hold it for a couple years. And ideally get a promotion. Rendezvousing with my boss didn't fit into that plan.

" But, you know, it's time to get out of the "mousey mouse" mold, too. There will be other men there," Ramila added unexpectedly.

I grimaced. After the betrayal of my beloved, I was not ready to let someone into my life.

" Hey, neighbors!"

There was a knock at the kitchen window. We shuddered and turned at the knock. A burned-out neighbor loomed in the yard. This time he looked almost decent: in sweatpants and an open turtleneck, but in the same alcoholic T-shirt. He looked about forty years old. His blond, long uncut hair fell over his eyes, and his face was framed by a beard that would only scare a barber.

" What do you want? " Ramila snorted, opening the window.

" I just came to apologize. I didn't know you'd already arrived."

The man's logic was strange. That is, if he knew that the house was inhabited again, would not have set fire to the wood?

" Well, apologize, " "allowed" Ramilya.

" Wo!"

The neighbor shook a colored shabby bag and… climbed through the window. Ramilya recoiled, and I jumped up. No one had ever come to visit us like that before. The neighbor threw the bag on the table and introduced himself:

" Mathew."

" Ramilya, Rina."

Unexpectedly, my friend responded, approvingly squinting at the bag, which in fact turned out to be full of smoked fish.

" I smoked it myself," Mathew said proudly.

" Have a seat," Ramilya almost purred.

Smoked fish was her weakness. She consumed it in immense quantities and drank it with sweet tea. To me, it was a terrible combination. The guest did not talk himself into it, and sitting down at the table, he grunted approvingly, taking a mug of mulled wine. Being in some shock from unexpectedly formed neighbor's meetings, I snatched my phone without looking and answered the call.

" Hi, " Dimitri said hello.

" Hi," I answered muffled.

My heart sank somewhere in my stomach and fluttered. I must have changed my face, because Ramila immediately looked up to see who was calling me. When she saw the contact, she hissed angrily. We had agreed on the train that I would not answer his calls.

" For some reason I can't reach you. I miss you very much," Dimitri went on the offensive.

I kept silent, because I knew who was the only one of us missing, and who was living life to the fullest and had even started a family.

" Where did you disappear to? Why are you silent? " Dimitri asked, without waiting for an answer.

" I'm here."

I couldn't pull myself together. The words were stuck in my throat. They were backed up by sobs, which I was ready to burst into tears. My head was like a balloon, it was going to blow away.

" Someone important is on the phone," Mathew said.

" Yes, it is," Ramilya snorted.

" Who's that there? " Dimitri asked suspiciously. " A man? Did you get another one? Is that why you don't answer my calls?"

" Why? " I got angry.

" I'm working for our future! And you!"

I couldn't believe my ears. He's trying to make me jealous?! I was sitting at home like a fool, daydreaming. and now he's accusing me of cheating on him!

" It's the neighbor! " I enlightened him.

" Oh, yeah?!"

" Well, yes! " I confirmed it with a challenge.

" I've got it all figured out, it looks like I'm in danger of catching a scene from a cheap joke!"

" Vaudeville," I corrected him.

" Are you laughing? Honey, if I came home, would you at least let me in?"

I didn't say anything, desperately fighting myself. To start sobbing into the phone was to bring myself down even lower. We'd meet at the office sooner or later. It's a miracle we haven't crossed paths yet.

" Tell him we're waiting for him, and we'll make pies, his favorite! With meat! " Ramila came to my rescue

" With cabbage. Dimitri likes cabbage, " I corrected him.

" What kind of man doesn't like meat? " muttered the neighbor.

" "The best," Ramilya grinned. " Tell me, I'm already running to the market for cabbage. Or better to the fields, I'll take it from a private citizen, just in time for his arrival and I'll turn around."

Now Dimitri was silent, listening to our argument. I tried feverishly to think of something to say to him. When Ramilya and Mathew laughed, Dimitri hung up.

I sank down in my chair and stared dumbly at the screen.

" Should I call him back? " I muttered.

" He'd call me. He's in dire need of you right now," Ramila snorted.

" What's that? " I didn't understand.

" He badly needs your part of the money for the mortgage," she said.

Unfortunately, she was right. In my mind I understood it perfectly well. But that didn't make it any easier. I finished the contents of my glass in a gulp, said goodbye to my neighbor and went to pack my things.


I decided not to take too much with me, so I pulled out a small gym bag and packed two suits, one dress, and a pair of shoes. The clothes had to come from Ramili's closet. That made it a little embarrassing. If it wasn't for this trip that couldn't be turned down, I would have gone to the mall on Saturday and bought my own. The tutor didn't need business suits. Oh, and for the past few years, I've only bought things out of necessity. When things that had fallen into disrepair couldn't be darned without a mark.

" Are you going? " Ramila asked. I nodded. " Ta-dam!"

My friend pulled out several tubes of paint from behind her back.

" Now we'll do your head. Since we can't fix the contents, we'll fix the outside. Please!"

I frowned skeptically, then sat down resolutely. It was reckless to entrust my hair to a manicurist. Though it wouldn't be any worse than it is now.

Ramila stirred the paint with inspiration and made the first stroke. Judging by the number of bottles used, she was a professional. I sincerely hope my hair won't fall out after it!

Chapter 4

A nasty, nasty sound popped into my ears, cracked my head, and threw me out of my dream and into reality. My body wasn't going to give up just like that, so I tried to sleep it off. But as soon as I closed my eyes, the sound repeated itself. The realization that it was an alarm clock brought a sharp sense of doom. By the end of the week, after commuting to work every day, spending four hours a day on the subway, my only dream was to get some sleep.

Fumbling for the phone under my pillow, I decided to cowardly postpone rising for ten minutes and was surprised to find that it wasn't an alarm clock! It was a bell! And it was only half past five in the morning!

Wondering who could have called at this hour, she accepted the call. I was going to say everything I thought about this person, and in the most obscene form.

" Rina! I knew you'd been awake for a long time. Smart girls get up early!"

The voice of the unknown interlocutor was ringing. I wasn't thinking straight, and it took me fifteen seconds to understand the meaning of the word "early".

" What?" I asked in surprise. " Who are you? "

" I'm Mila."

In fact, if I wanted to insult her to her face, that's what I'd call her.

" I asked who you are and why are you calling so early?"

I sat down on the couch and shrugged irritably. Today I have a hard day ahead of me and instead of getting a good night's sleep and rest, I have to talk to some crazy woman.

" I'm the manager, I'll bring the waiters to your office," she reported cheerfully.

" It's twelve o'clock in the afternoon! " I got angry.

" Yes, yes, there's not much time left. We'll be there at eleven o'clock and…"