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Lord Of The Manor
Lord Of The Manor
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Lord Of The Manor

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Instead, he suggested, “Mayhap you should have asked your father if you could keep the frog.”

Philip shook his head. “I have no father. He died when I was so little that I do not remember him.”

Richard noted the lack of sorrow in Philip’s statement, just as Richard felt no sorrow when the subject of his mother, who’d died giving him birth, arose.

Lucinda must be a widow of several years, then.

“This Oscar you spoke of, mayhap he would have let you keep the frog.”

“Not Oscar. He never went against Mother’s wishes. Nor did Hetty. I wish…”

True grief had crept into the boy’s tone. Richard gave Philip a gentle squeeze. “What do you wish?”

“I wish they had not been so old, because then they might have survived the sickness in the village. Mother tried every potion she knew of to help them get well, but none worked.”

“Were you sick, or your mother?”

“Nay.” Philip sighed. “Mother thought it best that we leave the village before we got sick, too. She looks for a new home for us, but has not found one that suits her. I hope she finds one she likes very soon. I tire of riding on that mule.”

He knew of a suitable home for mother and child. His manor, Collinwood. The people had suffered greatly under the lordship of Basil of Northbryre. Since being awarded the land, Richard had done his best to improve his vassals’ lot. If Lucinda possessed skill at caring for the sick, his vassals would accept her gladly.

He needed to talk to Lucinda about the prospect, but first he must find Stephen and begin his task of gathering information for Gerard. He wouldn’t need to inquire about which heiresses would be granted in marriage. Stephen would already know.

Lucinda’s ankle had healed somewhat, but he suspected the monks at Westminster Abbey would advise her to rest well before resuming her hunt for a home. He could visit her—and Philip, of course—at the abbey on the morrow.

The only problem with this whole plan of taking her home with him lay in his attraction to Lucinda. He had but to look at her to feel a tug on his innards.

However, resisting the temptation of her would be easier if he took a wife. An heiress. A noblewoman to share his bed to assuage his physical needs and bear his children. An heiress who brought with her enough wealth to raise his status and pay for the betterment of his lands.

For those reasons alone, he could resist temptation.

Richard reined Odin to a halt. He lowered Philip to the road with an order to return to his mother.

“’Tis not broken,” the red-faced monk declared.

Lucinda hid her amusement at the monk’s embarrassment. Brother Ambrose had touched her hosecovered ankle as briefly as was possible to confirm the wholeness of her bones.

“You must rest your foot until the swelling is gone,” he prescribed as a cure. “I will have space prepared for you in the ladies’ court.”

“And my son?” Lucinda asked.

The monk glanced over at Philip, who was intrigued by the array of jars neatly arranged on shelves in the abbey’s infirmary.

“He is young enough to stay with you, I would think, if we can arrange for a cell for the two of you. However, sleeping space is dear. The child may have to sleep on a pallet in the dormitory.”

That didn’t surprise her in the least. The streets of Westminster overflowed with people, making passage slow, and therefore dangerous. At Richard’s order, half of his soldiers had surrounded the wagon that carried her and Philip. The escort hadn’t left her until she, Philip and the mule had been safely inside the abbey. A few of the nobles streaming to Westminster would likely take refuge at the abbey until finding other lodgings.

Lucinda struggled to put on her boot.

She’d feared recognition by Richard, but that fear had deepened upon entering Westminster. Now, in close quarters to members of the court and their families, someone was sure to recognize her as Lucinda of Northbryre.

Thus far she hadn’t seen a familiar face. To her knowledge, no one had turned to stare at her, marking her presence. Which shouldn’t surprise her. Few nobles would deign to notice a peasant woman with a small boy in tow. Not even Richard had given them a second glance until that unruly mule took flight with Philip on its back.

Then Richard had taken too much notice. He looked too hard, and too long. She’d taken far too much pleasure in feeling the heat in his gaze. He’d despoiled her belief that she would never again wish to be held, much less touched by a man. After all she’d suffered from Basil, she’d thought herself cured of wanting any man. Richard of Wilmont had proved her wrong with merely a lustful look and a gentle touch.

After the morrow, Richard would not look on her in that way again, for on the morrow he would learn the truth of her identity. On the morrow, she would petition King Henry for a protector for Philip.

By placing Philip within a noble house, under edict from King Henry to safeguard the boy, she could ensure Philip’s safety from not only Basil’s family but his enemies. Most notably Gerard of Wilmont—and his kin.

Her brush with Richard had emphasized the extent of her vulnerability. She possessed neither the physical might nor the power of wealth to protect Philip from anyone who wished him ill. Had some unscrupulous Norman come upon her on the road, she and Philip would have been in deep trouble.

“Brother Ambrose, I am willing to pay for our sleeping space. Would the donation of my mule to the abbey cover lodging and meals for two days?”

The monk rubbed his chin. “I should think the mule more than fair payment. I will ask the abbot.”

After the monk left the infirmary, she patted the bench beside her. “Come sit, Philip.”

Reluctantly, he left his study of the jars.

“Why did you give away Oscar’s mule?” he asked.

“We shall not need the mule any longer. I think Oscar would approve of donating him to the monks.”

“We will stay here, in Westminster?”

She shifted on the bench to better look down into her son’s face. What she would propose affected him most of all, and she wanted to witness his honest opinion.

“You would like to own a destrier.”

With a sharp nod of his head, he said, “Like Odin.”

“What would you say if I told you I might arrange that? Not anytime soon, you understand, but when you are old enough to control such a beast.”

His gray eyes went wide. “Truly? How?”

“By making you a ward of a nobleman.”

Philip expression didn’t change, not understanding. She’d never explained the ways of nobles to him. ’Twas her own fault that her son now had much to learn in a short time.

“The noble would be your protector. He would see to your training in the ways of the court and the skills of a knight. I thought to petition the king for a protector for you.”

He thought that over for a moment, then said, “Then we would have a home. We would live in the lord’s castle, and I could have a horse!”

No, not we—you.

Lucinda realized how little thought she’d given to where she would go if the king granted her petition. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat. She must see to Philip first without worrying about what would become of her.

Philip jumped up, his eyes shining with excitement. “Mayhap we could ask Lord Richard to be my protector!”

Naturally, Philip would think first of Richard of Wilmont, the only lord he knew, one who’d been kind to him.

“Nay, Philip. Not Richard.”

Philip mustered his courage to argue, “But why not? Is not Richard a noble lord?”

She took her confused son’s hands in hers. “He is, indeed, a noble lord, and was kind to us when we needed his aid,” she said, giving Richard his due. “He is not, however, a suitable protector for you.”

Philip pulled his hands away. He pouted. “I like him and I think he likes me. I do not see the harm in asking.”

How to explain? She took a deep breath, hoping her words would be the right ones.

“Long ago, before you were born, your father made an enemy of Everart of Wilmont, Richard’s father. Both Everart and your father are dead now, but I doubt Richard will ever forget the hatred that existed between the two families, or forgive your father for his treachery. Once Richard knows who your father was, I fear he will not like you anymore.”

“My father fought with Lord Richard?”

Basil had damn near caused Richard’s death. She nodded.

Philip was silent for a moment, then asked, “If I promised not to fight with Richard, would he like me then?”

So simple. So childlike. So impossible a solution.

“You must understand, Philip, your father was not a nice man. He inflicted great suffering on the family of Wilmont, and as fine a man as Richard is, we cannot expect him to ignore that you are his enemy’s son.”

Or that I was his enemy’s wife.

“Never have you told me anything of my father. I do not even know his name,” Philip accused.

“His name was Basil of Northbryre. I did not tell you of him because…” She faltered. She’d been about to tell her son a lie. She hadn’t spoken to Philip about Basil, not to spare her son pain, but to spare herself. “…because I wished to forget that he existed. That was wrong of me. I should have told you of him, and I will. You have my promise.”

Brother Ambrose returned. “You will be pleased to hear that private lodgings are available. The abbot sends his thanks for your kind gift. He will keep you in his prayers.”

A fine sentiment. Likely she would need all of the divine intervention she could get over the next few days.

“Philip, see to your pack,” she said, picking up her own bundle that contained her one unstained gown and a few coins.

The monk turned to lead them out of the room. Lucinda stopped him.

“Brother Ambrose, I have but one more request. I should like to have a message sent to the palace.”

The monk’s eyes widened. “A message?”

She ignored his incredulity. “To King Henry.”

His eyes widened farther. “What is the message?”

“Lucinda of Northbryre wishes an audience with His Majesty.”

The monk’s jaw dropped. “Indeed.”

“Can the message be delivered within the hour?”

He regained his poise. “Aye, my lady, I will see it done. Now, if you will follow me, I will show you to your lodgings.”

Taking Philip’s hand, Lucinda followed as bid, wondering if she’d given away the mule too soon. All of her plans depended upon the king’s willingness to hear her petition, and upon how much, after three years, Henry still detested Basil.

If the king refused to see her or denied her petition, within two days she and Philip would again be searching for a hiding place, a refuge to call home.

Chapter Four (#ulink_a5161761-c1cd-5429-8c4a-dc0a498d238c)

Richard leaned against one of the many marble pillars that supported the great arches of Westminster Hall. A large crowd had gathered with the vast room; voices and footsteps echoed off the vaulted ceiling.

He’d chosen this spot to best watch the comings and goings of nobles and peasants alike, noting in particular which men of power had arrived. Most notably absent was Emperor Henry V, to whom Princess Matilda would soon be betrothed. The emperor’s delegation would seal the bargain and fetch the princess who, at the age of seven, was having a grand time flaunting her impending title of empress.

If King Henry of England took offense at the emperor’s absence, Richard had no notion. He just hoped the king didn’t take offense that Gerard had sent his own delegation—him and Stephen—in his stead.

Richard looked toward the dais where the king presided from his throne, searching for Stephen, who was supposed to be listening to the petitions presented to Henry. With so many people crowding the hall, however, ’twas impossible to detect Stephen’s position.

Boredom had set in long ago. He’d seen those nobles whom he expected to see and exchanged greetings with the most staunch of Wilmont’s allies. Likely, tongues were wagging among England’s and Normandy’s nobility about Gerard’s absence—a situation Richard had already explained far too often this morning for comfort. He had yet to give Gerard’s greetings and regrets to the king—a task he was hoping Stephen would fulfill.

While he observed the crowd, Richard’s thoughts wandered to Lucinda and Philip, wondering how they fared at the abbey and if Lucinda could now walk without pain. He almost hoped not, for then she wouldn’t leave the abbey before he spoke to her about settling at Collinwood.

But before he asked Lucinda to become a part of his world, for his own protection, and that of his people he needed to know the secret she harbored behind her startling violet eyes. He needed to know why a Norman noblewoman trekked the road garbed as an English peasant Surely, she answered to some male relative—a father or brother, or other male head of her family or her dead husband’s. Every woman did.

Was she running away? Had she been exiled? And why?

Richard was about to bolt the hall in favor of the abbey when he saw Stephen coming toward him, perturbed.

“’Tis not a good day to ask the king for favor,” Stephen declared. “He hears petition after petition and grants few.”

“Not a good day, then, to ask for the hand of a fair heiress. Have you decided on one?”

“I have three I would consider. You?”

Richard shrugged a shoulder. Though he knew he should probably court at least one woman on Stephen’s list of heiresses, not one name struck the mildest note of interest.

Stephen chided. “Richard, if you wish to better your holdings, you had best make yourself known to at least a few of the heiresses. Mayhap one will take a liking to your ugly face and ask for you!”

Richard smiled. “Mayhap I should let you choose for me. Judging from your notes on the list, you have studied all of their qualities, from fairness of face to the coin they bring.”

“Ha! And have you blame me if her temperament is sour? Nay, brother, choose for yourself.”

Richard chuckled, then asked, “Did you happen to tell Henry of Gerard’s absence.”

“Aye.” Stephen sighed. “Another reason to delay asking for favors today. Henry accepted my explanation with little grace. He says he understands, but ’twas quite clear he is displeased.”

An unhappy Henry was also a dangerous Henry. Today was not the day to begin an attempt to heal the rift between Gerard and the king, a cause near to Richard’s heart. He disliked seeing the two men at odds with each other when they had been such great companions. For now, ’twas best to stay out of the king’s sight and beyond his reach until his spirits lightened.

Richard decided he’d had enough of noblewatching for the day. “I am off for the abbey. Do try to stay out of trouble.”