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The Perfect Husband: A nail biting gripping psychological thriller
The Perfect Husband: A nail biting gripping psychological thriller
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The Perfect Husband: A nail biting gripping psychological thriller

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‘Yeah. A few hours after we had the Paris discussion, he tells me he wants to go on a fishing trip to Canada with his buddies. I figured it was probably why he brought up a twentieth-anniversary trip in the first place. I told him if he’s going on a fishing trip, I’m going to Paris – with or without him.’

‘I’d go,’ I said. ‘Do you think Bruce would mind if we went? I mean, it wouldn’t be the romantic vacation you dreamed about, but…’

Jackie laughed. ‘Romantic? Bruce’s idea of being romantic is buying me a new flashlight to keep in my car which, by the way, he did the other day. Let’s face it, after twenty years the romance isn’t what it once was.’

I laughed. ‘Having a flashlight in your car isn’t a bad idea.’

Jackie nodded. ‘Agreed. But having four of them is a bit unnecessary. Anyway, enough about Bruce. If he doesn’t want to go to Paris, we’ll go. Now tell me about Eric T.’

‘He seems nice, but I’m not sure it will go anywhere.’

Jackie shook her finger at me. ‘Don’t do that.’

‘Do what?’

‘Shut the door before you explore what’s on the other side,’ she said. ‘A date or two isn’t going to hurt anything. Besides, distance might be a good thing. Close enough that you can see each other on weekends but not too close that you feel as if you must spend every night together. You never know, he might just end up being the one you’d shave your legs for!’

We laughed again.

Jackie was right about one thing. I wasn’t the type of woman who had to be with someone all the time. As the only child of a single alcoholic mom, I was used to entertaining myself and being alone. I liked my space.

‘Anything new with the kids?’ I asked.

‘Nick’s going to the prom. Actually, let me show you what he did.’ Jackie grabbed her cell phone and scrolled through the photos until she came to one of white lights on a small hill.

I put on my reading glasses. ‘Oh, too cute.’

The lights were arranged to spell ‘Prom?’.

Jackie laughed. ‘The kids try to up one another when it comes to these promposals. Nick surprised me. He thought of it himself. Dug out the Christmas lights and set it up at his buddy’s house.’

I scratched my head. ‘But it looks like it’s out in the middle of nowhere. How’d he power it?’

‘A generator.’

I shook my head. ‘Everything is so much more complicated than when we were young.’

‘Tell me about it,’ Jackie said. ‘And costlier. At least Nick has my romantic genes and not his father’s.’

We laughed.

‘It’s true that Bruce has never been Mr Romantic,’ I said, ‘but you have to admit the man is amazing in so many other ways. And he adores you. He’d never cheat on you. Ever! You’re lucky to have him.’

‘I know. And I don’t mean to complain. No one is perfect. God knows I have my own issues that drive Bruce crazy. And his lack of romance wouldn’t bother me so much if he wasn’t so tight. It’s not like we don’t have the money to go to Paris.’

‘But you know why that is,’ I said. ‘Bruce grew up having nothing, worked his ass off to build his business and provide for you and the kids.’

Two orders of tacos and three drinks later, Jackie and I were caught up, at least for the night. I headed home. Eric would be calling in less than an hour.

I tried to keep busy by tidying up my apartment. When I’m nervous, I clean. Having things to focus on calms me. I cleaned out Izzy’s litter box, straightened the stack of books on the coffee table and fluffed the throw pillows on the couch. Five minutes before he was supposed to call, I sat on the couch and waited for the ring. He called right on time. I didn’t want to appear overly anxious so I didn’t pick up until the third ring.


‘Shelly? Hi, it’s Eric.’

‘Oh, hi Eric.’ I tried to sound nonchalant.

‘You don’t sound anything like I thought you would.’

I laughed. ‘How did you think I’d sound?’

‘Oh, I don’t know.’

‘It’s okay. I know my voice is different. A lot of people ask if I’m a singer because of my raspy voice.’

‘Are you?’

‘No. I can’t carry a tune, although I wish I could. How about you? Can you sing?’

‘Not really. Well, maybe a little. I have a guitar that I pick around on.’

Our conversation went from my voice to our favorite bands to the songs on our app playlists. My shoulders dropped and I slouched on the couch, feeling more comfortable the longer we talked.

‘Can I tell you something?’ Eric asked. ‘It’s personal but I feel as if I can trust you.’

I sat straight up. ‘Sure, if you want to.’

‘It’s about my past.’

‘You weren’t a serial killer or anything like that?’ I joked.

Eric laughed. ‘No. My ex-wife cheated on me. Our marriage ended when I discovered the affair.’

‘Oh, Eric. I’m sorry.’ I went back to slouching on the couch.

‘I was devastated, you know? She was my everything, and I felt as if my heart was being ripped in two. Somehow I survived, picked up the pieces and moved on. I’m not going to lie. It was pure hell for a while. But I’m in a better place now.’

‘I’m glad you’re in a better place. We all deserve to be happy.’

‘Are you happy?’ he asked.

‘For the most part,’ I said. ‘Like you, I was hurt by someone I loved very much.’

There was a pregnant pause.

‘Sorry you were hurt, Shelly.’

A lump formed in my throat. Where did this guy come from? He was so open and honest. I felt as if he deserved the same in return.

‘My husband had an affair, too,’ I explained. ‘Like you, I was devastated. My world was ripped apart and I was never the same.’

‘Thank you for telling me,’ he whispered.

‘I can’t believe I did, but you’re so easy to talk to.’

‘Well, I know all about the tears and feelings of betrayal. To have someone you love destroy you like that is horrible. I understand completely. You’re not alone. Are you in a better place now?’

‘Much better.’

‘I never thought I’d use an online dating site,’ Eric said. ‘It took some time to muster enough courage to try it. I never thought I’d be able to put myself out there. It hasn’t been easy for me and I’m not comfortable doing it.’

‘Tell me about it! Have you been on many dates?’

‘A couple. And you?’

‘Not yet.’

‘Well, maybe we can change that.’

I lay down on the couch. ‘I still have times when I wonder why I married Scott. Looking back, we didn’t have a lot in common. At the time, I thought that was a plus. Now, I’m not so sure.’

‘Can we ever be sure of anything?’ Eric asked.

‘I guess not. At least not completely. You think you know someone and then discover that the person you thought you knew was not that person at all.’

‘I’d like to get to know you better,’ Eric said. ‘Will you have dinner with me?’

A part of me couldn’t wait to meet Eric in person and a part of me was scared. It’s only dinner. It’s not like the guy is asking you to go away for the weekend. Live a little, Shelly. Take some chances. He could be the one. It’s just one dinner. What could it hurt?

We made plans to meet at Bella’s, my favorite Italian restaurant, the next night.

I called Jackie as soon as I got off the phone with Eric.

‘Tell me everything,’ she said. ‘Beginning with hello.’

‘He’s amazing, Jack. Sensitive, kind and caring. He told me that his first wife cheated on him. And how devastated and broken he was.’

‘Wow,’ Jackie said.

‘Wow is right. I don’t think I’ve ever met a man so open and honest. His voice cracked and he sounded as if he were about to cry when he talked about his ex-wife cheating on him. I’m not used to sensitive men.’

‘He sounds amazing,’ Jackie said.

‘Yeah, kind of scary.’

‘Don’t be scared,’ Jackie said. ‘Just be aware. You deserve to be happy. It sounds like you guys have been through the same thing. Maybe Eric’s right. Maybe you were supposed to find each other. Maybe this will turn out to be your happily ever after.’

‘Maybe,’ I said. ‘But he almost seems too good to be true.’

‘That’s why meeting him in person will be a good thing. You’ll get to see him face to face. Look, it’s just dinner. Relax. Try to enjoy it. I’ll call at eight to make sure you don’t need rescuing.’

‘You won’t forget?’

‘No. I’ll set the alarm on my phone. Promise.’

Before I went to bed I went through my closet looking for something to wear on my date. I hadn’t bought new clothes in forever. Most of the clothes in my closet were AM/BD – After Marriage/Before Divorce. I’d planned on donating them to a second-hand shop, but just hadn’t done it yet.

I settled on a denim dress that was a bit big, but I added a belt to gather the excess material. I hung it on my closet door. I had an afternoon appointment to show a property to a couple who wanted to downsize, but I’d have enough time to shower and change clothes before meeting Eric for dinner. I couldn’t wait!

Chapter 4 (#ulink_dc785b5a-7965-5f7d-9bd7-e8439ee1a49e)

As soon as I arrived at the office the next morning, I found out my client needed to move back the showing by two hours. I looked down at the black skirt and white blouse I was wearing, knowing I’d no longer have time to shower and change before meeting Eric. It wasn’t exactly the look I was going for, but it’d have to do. The listing agent called to tell me the buyers had accepted the Randalls’ offer. I called the Randalls right away to deliver the good news. Maybe this was a sign of more good things to come.

The day dragged on. I caught myself checking the clock every thirty minutes. I couldn’t remember the last time I was this excited and nervous.

After showing my clients the property, I headed to the restaurant and slid into the restroom to freshen up. I pulled out my hair clip and bent over, running my fingers through my long chestnut strands. When I stood, my hair fell across my back and I brought the sides forward so they fell softly over my shoulders.

I stared into the mirror and touched up my smoky eye shadow. I used to hate my amber eyes, wishing instead for green or blue. But I’d grown quite fond of them over the years. It occurred to me that I looked more and more like my mother with time. She, too, had golden eyes and red-brown hair with orange undertones. I never knew my father. Mom and him never married. He died in a motorcycle accident before I was born. I asked Mom about him a time or two, but she never wanted to talk about him.

I pulled the lip gloss wand out of my purse and slid it over my lips, then mashed them together. This is as good as you’re going to look, Shelly!

My heart pounded as I walked into the restaurant lobby. I felt as if the photos of famous Italian composers hanging on the wooden paneled walls were staring at me. ‘O Sole Mio’ played softly in the background. I looked around, wondering if the guy in the black suit with the leather satchel checking in with the maître d’ was Eric. He turned around and smiled. ‘Shelly?’

He was even more handsome in person – tall with sandy blonde hair and bluish-steel eyes, the color of storm clouds right before lightning strikes.

I nodded and he walked over. ‘Hi, Eric.’

He smiled. ‘Finally, we meet in person. Your online profile photo doesn’t do you justice,’ he said.

‘Thanks.’ My insides tingled. I felt excited and scared at the same time. I wanted to tell him the same, but I didn’t want him to think I was only saying it because he did.

The maître d’ escorted us to our table, tucked in the back corner of the dimly lit dining room and Eric pulled out the chair for me. Good manners, a definite plus!

Eric sat down, placing his satchel next to his chair, and ordered a bottle of wine. Takes control of the situation. A man who knows what he wants.

‘I can’t believe we’re finally sitting across from one another,’ he said. ‘I’ve thought about this moment since our first text.’

I smiled. ‘So how was the drive here?’

‘Not bad. Two hours went fast.’

My pulse slowed a bit. I was in a familiar place and I knew that if things went south, I’d be rescued in about an hour when Jackie called. Eric opened his menu and I did the same. I glanced down at a familiar list of entrees. I always plan to try something new when I eat at Bella’s, but it seems I always fall back on my favorite – chicken piccata.

I looked up from the menu to find Eric staring at me. ‘You look beautiful tonight.’

My cheeks grew warm as I felt the dopamine rush of a new romance. ‘Thank you.’