The first in a charming new series of magical books for younger readers about Freddy Frogpurse, the fun-loving, Wizzbang Wizard.Freddy pointed his magic wand at the sofa. “Wizzbang...
Second in a charming new series for younger readers about a naughty young wizard and his dragon, Odds-and-Ends.When a Very Important Gentleman comes to visit, Freddy pretends he’s...
Two magical books in one about the naughty, fun-loving little wizard.In ‘Dragon Danger’, a big, bad dragon is coming to attack Wizard Cottage, and only Odds-and-Ends, Freddy Frogpu...
The second title about these lively characters. Nocto and Squibbly are the Ghost Doctors – they help ghosts get better… at haunting, spooking and scaring.When humans feel a little...