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A Very Special Need – Caroline Anderson

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A FAMILY FOR CHRISTMASThe last thing single mum Judith Wright expects when she takes her young son to a new osteopath is to be offered a much needed job. But practitioner Hugh Barber is in a fix and he needs a secretary now. Hugh’s impressed—not only by Judith’s secretarial skills, but also by her warmth and courage. As a single father of two he knows how tough and lonely her life must be. Judith ‘s company is something Hugh comes to cherish, and as Christmas approaches he can’t help proposing to her. But with three youngsters between them tensions emerge, and their children’s happiness has to come first. Except life apart is unbearable, and Hugh and Judith know they all really need each other—they just have to find a way to have the most wonderful Christmas ever…as one big happy family.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781472060259
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