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Return to Love
Return to Love
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Return to Love

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The teenagers cheered and jockeyed to be first in line at the counter by the back doors. Gracie followed, hoping Carter wouldn’t see her. She couldn’t talk to him, not with annoying tears still clinging to her eyelashes. She made a beeline for Lori.

“Gracie, wait up!” Carter’s unmistakable voice echoed across the gymnasium floor and she slowed her clipped stride. There was no denying she heard him, the entire gym probably had. She drew a deep breath and turned, fists clenched, ready to fake it until she could pour a few cups of soda and get out of there.

“I’m so glad you were here.” Carter was out of breath as he jogged the remaining steps to Gracie’s side. He grinned, that lopsided smile that used to always buckle her knees.

Tonight, however, her legs remained firmly locked in placed. “No problem, Carter. You did great. I was just about to go serve the food.” She kept her voice tense, her shoulders stiff.

“Let me help you.”

“No really, it’s—”

“Carter!” A breathless female voice sounded from behind.

Gracie turned with relief. Tawny. Now she could make her escape.

Carter eased back a step as Tawny bounced to his side and possessively took his arm in hers, shutting Gracie out with a flip of her ponytail. She ducked at the last second.

“You were fantastic.” Tawny batted her eyelashes. “I hope you’re doing an encore.”

“Actually, no.” Carter tugged his arm free. “I wasn’t planning on it.”

“I’m Tawny Sinclair.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“I’m an old fan.” She giggled. “But not that old.”

Gracie winced at the shrillness of Tawny’s laugh. “I’m going to pour drinks. See you around, Carter.”

“Gracie, wait—”

“So, you’re the Carter Alexander.” Tawny’s bubbly voice interrupted as Gracie made her escape. “I couldn’t believe it when Gracie told me that was you. I must have somehow missed the announcement that you were coming.”

Gracie hurried out of earshot of Tawny’s exaggerated gushing. No doubt Carter was soaking it up. Of all the sacrifices he’d made, he probably missed the beautiful fan element of his career the most.

She stepped around two teen boys jostling for a slice of sausage pizza and joined Lori at the counter. She wouldn’t be another one of Carter’s groupies. She couldn’t compete with those women in high school, why try now? Nothing had changed.

Gracie glanced up as another one of Tawny’s crystal laughs rang across the gymnasium. Carter smiled down at Tawny, seemingly in no hurry to leave her company or the possessive hand on his arm.

Nope. Nothing’s changed at all.

Chapter Five

Carter couldn’t help but watch Gracie over Tawny’s shoulder—which was good, it gave him somewhere to focus other than on Tawny’s revealing sweater. He didn’t want to seem rude, especially since she was obviously such a dedicated fan, but something about Tawny didn’t seem real—not her personality or hair color.

He forced a smile as she laughed for the hundredth time, and glanced toward the kitchen just as Gracie pulled a slice of pizza free from the dwindling boxes. Those teenagers could eat. If Tawny didn’t stop talking soon, they’d both miss dinner. He tuned in to her words, hoping to end the one-sided conversation.

“—back in, what, 1998? But those guys weren’t nearly as good as your band. You were on your way to the top just a few years ago. I was so devastated when I heard Cajun Friday was splitting, I had to go buy waterproof mascara because—”

It seemed hopeless. The woman hardly took a breath. He needed to get out of there, fast. His stomach growled and he sent another pleading glance toward Lori and Gracie. They were both pouring drinks and didn’t look up.

“Carter, my man!” Andy’s voice boomed from the kitchen. “Come help me eat this last pie.”

Saved by the roommate. Carter fought to hide his sigh of relief. “Excuse me.” He patted Tawny’s shoulder and moved aside. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll see you around.” She smiled, flashing a row of even white teeth.

A rush of guilt invaded Carter’s senses. She was just trying to be nice. Tawny wasn’t the first to blabber on in front of their favorite celebrity. She was probably just nervous. He smiled back with more sincerity. “I look forward to it.”

Gracie shouldn’t be jealous. She had no claim on Carter anymore—never did, if she were totally honest. Still, his attention to Tawny did unsettling things to her insides.

She focused on pouring a Dr. Pepper for Haley and handed the young girl an extra napkin. “You’ve got pizza sauce on your chin.”

“Thanks.” Haley swiped at her face and picked up her soda with a grin. “That would’ve impressed the boys, huh?”

“Hey, the way they eat pizza, I wouldn’t doubt it.”

“I think Jeremy’s on his sixth piece.”

“Seventh.” They exchanged smiles.

“I’m gonna go dare him to eat eight.” Haley tipped her cup at Gracie. “See ya.”

Gracie screwed the lid back on the two-liter bottle and watched Haley flounce up to Jeremy, a high school junior who had to be at least six-five. He was the star football player. Haley was a JV cheerleader—it was the stereotypical match. They denied their feelings, but their eyes gave it away. That, and the way Jeremy blushed when Haley took the chair next to him.

Had Gracie ever been that young? It felt like eons ago instead of seven or eight years when she and Carter were in the same position—the preacher’s son and the good girl who never missed a service, best friends with secret crushes. Or rather, what turned out to be a one-way crush—hers. Carter had made that explicitly clear.

Gracie shoved the bottle of soda in line with the others and looked away from Haley’s charming giggle. Hopefully their story would turn out better than hers and Carter’s.

“Earth to Gracie.” Lori snagged one of the discarded pizza boxes and began to fold the cardboard corners. “Where are you? Mars or Pluto?”

Gracie glanced at Carter, then away. “More like Memory Lane.” She took a second box and followed Lori’s cue, folding the corners together to start a trash pile.

“Is it a closed tour or can I come along?” Lori grinned.

“I don’t know if you’d want to. It’s not pretty.”

“Most pasts aren’t.”

Gracie blew a piece of hair out of her eyes. “I was hoping the kids in this youth group have an easier time of it than I did.” In more ways than one. Gracie could relate to many of their broken homes. She had grown up without a father. Thankfully her mother had supported her both financially and emotionally, unlike many of these teenagers’ current circumstances. If it hadn’t been for Reverend Alexander, she’d have had no fatherly influence at all.

Lori shrugged. “They might. They might not. Everyone faces their own issues with friendships and relationships growing up.” She stacked the neatly folded boxes on top of each other. “Then there are those of us who wait until we’re in our twenties to get burned.”

“That wasn’t your fault.” No one deserved the treatment Lori’s ex dished out. Anger boiled in Gracie’s stomach at the thought of someone cheating on her best friend. “Jason wasn’t the right guy.”

“Maybe Carter wasn’t, either.”

Gracie’s hands stilled on the containers. She’d never thought of it that way, only considered herself a victim of her best friend’s betrayal. What if Lori was right, and everything that happened between her and Carter was for a reason? Maybe they weren’t supposed to ever be more than what they were.

She shook her head. Too much to process for now. “I need to go talk to Andy about that fund-raising idea.”

“I’ll finish up here.” Lori opened a box to check its contents and her eyes lit up. “Ohhh, look—a stray slice of pepperoni.”

“I don’t know how you stay so thin.”

“It’s all the energy I exert getting excited about food.” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down before shoving half the pizza in her mouth.

Gracie walked around the edge of the counter and snatched a pepperoni off the other end of the slice in Lori’s hands. “Wish me luck.”

“You’re lucky I’m not fighting you for that pepperoni.”

“Your support is overwhelming.”

“I’m just kidding.” Lori swallowed her mouthful of food. “Andy will be glad to help, you’ll see. Go for it.”

Gracie wiped her hands on her back pockets and looked toward the pastor, who was throwing a Frisbee with a couple of youth and laughing as it sailed over their heads. Hopefully Andy would see the cause of the gala as worthy as she did, and would be willing to let the youth group help her out—she couldn’t pay them but she could offer them an amazing backstage tour of the aquarium. Of course it still didn’t solve her problem about not having a band, but one issue at a time. If the teenagers would pitch in with advertising and raising funds for the short-changed budget, she might be able to make this work after all.

Tawny breezed up to the counter, bumping into Gracie’s shoulder, and grabbed a two-liter of Diet Coke. “Did you see the way Carter looked at me earlier?” Her words gushed faster than the liquid pouring into her plastic cup. “I so have a chance with him.”

Lori coughed and mumbled something unintelligible around her pizza.

Gracie swallowed the words tightening the back of her throat and forced a smile. “Oh, really?” Maybe if she didn’t look Tawny in the eye, the gorgeous brunette wouldn’t notice how her heart had fallen like a deadweight in her stomach. It was no surprise. Tawny represented a slightly more mature and filled-out version of the girls in high school Carter had never been able to resist.

The memories churned faster than her stomach. Gracie pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to ward off the details playing in vivid Technicolor of the night Carter broke her heart. A flash of green from her cashmere sweater, the neon lights from the disco ball hanging from the ceiling of the quarterback’s basement, stacks of blue cups and pink punch and gold class rings. Watching Carter—her date to his senior party—press a varsity cheerleader into the corner of the wall with a kiss. She’d approached him, hurt covered in anger’s thin disguise, until another girl’s catty voice stopped her midpursuit.

“You know you’re not his real date, right?”

The lights from the disco ball seemed to spin faster as Carter turned away from the cheerleader and caught Gracie’s eye across the room. He mouthed her name and she stared, not wanting to hear the rest of the girl’s explanation but unable to move.

The tipsy blonde continued, her words slurred but unforgettable. “He made a bet you wouldn’t come with him. Not Ms. Goody-Goody Church Girl.” She snorted and beer splashed from the edge of her glass. “Guess you’re not very different from us after all, huh?”

The impact of the girl’s words hit Gracie about the same time as the football player stumbling into her side. She caught her balance on the staircase banister and tried to ignore the lewd gaze he raked over her. “Whoa, I should have bet Carter more than a hundred bucks. You’re worth at least one fifty.” He leered. “Think he’ll mind sharing?”

He reached for her, but Gracie shoved away and pounded up the stairs, the taunts and catcalls of the party ringing in her ears as she made her escape—Carter’s laugh echoing the loudest of all.

“It’s just a matter of time until he asks me out.” Tawny’s voice jerked Gracie from her unwanted instant replay of the past. “Hey, you all right? You look a little red.”

Gracie blinked and realized her hands were clenched into fists. She drew a deep breath, willing the emotion to ease from her throat and avoided Lori’s look of concern. She straightened her shoulders. “Never better.”

She had a job to do—get Andy on board for the aquarium gala. The past would have to stay behind her.

And so would Carter Alexander.

Carter leaned against the wall under the basketball hoop and swallowed his last bite of cheese pizza. At a table in front of him, three high school boys wearing backward baseball caps and T-shirts laughed as they tried to see who could sink a napkin in a cup of soda first. Beside them, two older kids with multiple tattoos lining their arms finished off their dinner while discussing the youth group’s limited options of dating material.

“The blonde with the braids is pretty hot.” The teen with the spiky hair glanced over his shoulder toward a crowd of laughing students.

The second boy scoffed, his eyebrow ring shining under the fluorescent gymnasium lights. “That’s Jeremy’s girl. Everyone knows that.”

“I’m not afraid of him.” But Spiky Hair’s eyes darted to the large football player and back. “Whatever. What about Jay-Lynn?”

“Parents won’t let her date ’til she’s sixteen. Got six more months.”


“Yeah, it stinks. Almost as much as the music tonight.”

Carter straightened from his position on the wall. These guys didn’t enjoy his songs? He edged a step closer.

Spiky Hair seemed just as shocked. “What do you mean, man? You don’t like Carter’s stuff?”

“I don’t see why he had to give up the good music. This new stuff is boring. He could have been a mega star.” The kid with the piercing shrugged. “I just don’t get it.”

Disappointment crowded the pizza in Carter’s stomach. Should he approach the boys and try to explain his decision, or let it go?

The choice was made for him when they both abruptly stood with their trash. “Let’s see if that Bruce Willis movie is still playing at the theater.”

“Sounds good to me.” The boys moved toward the trash cans.

Carter watched them wave goodbye to Andy and slip out the side doors. A late movie, in the middle of the week? It was a school night. Things sure had changed from when he was a teenager. His parents would have never let him out after the youth service, even after he had his driver’s license. Maybe these boy’s parents didn’t know where they were—or didn’t care.

He shook off the melancholy as he glanced around the gym. Several of the kids were still eating, and a few kicked a hacky sack around in the back of the room. Did the rest of them feel the same way about his music as Spiky Hair and Eyebrow Ring? He’d hoped they’d see past the sacrificed fame and into the heart of who he’d become. It seemed as though Gracie had missed that particular message, as well.

Maybe he could hang around awhile longer, bum with Andy and try to get more involved with the youth group. He didn’t want his concert to be a waste. What if God had more for him at L’Eglise de Grace than he realized? It was definitely something to consider.

He crumpled the napkin he’d used as a plate in one fist and headed toward Andy, who had his back turned talking to—Gracie? Carter’s steps slowed. He didn’t want to interrupt. From the look on Gracie’s face the subject was serious. But then again, how serious could it be if Haley and Jeremy were at the other end of the table? He slid into the chair next to Andy, across from Gracie, and smiled.

Gracie’s blue eyes flitted briefly to his and then back to Andy. Dismissed. He ignored the sinking feeling in his stomach.

“Hey, man, get enough pizza?” Andy slapped Carter a high five.

“Is there such a concept?”

“Good point.” Andy held up one finger. “Sorry, Gracie, you were saying about a fund-raiser?”

“I just think it could be really beneficial for everyone—the penguins, the kids and me—if the youth group got involved. You’re always searching for a community project for them to participate in.” Gracie licked her lips and Carter fought the urge to swipe a smear of pizza sauce from the corner of her mouth.

If they’d still been in high school, he wouldn’t have hesitated. Probably would have licked his own finger and rubbed it right across her chin, just to get her girlie, disgusted reaction.

The difference was, in school he wouldn’t have been tempted to kiss those same lips. Now, it was all he could think about. It’s not your place anymore—you missed that chance. He shifted positions in the metal folding chair and tried to focus on Andy’s words.

“Sounds fine to me, Gracie. I think a project would be great for them right now. Some of the youth seem a little restless. They need a goal, and what could be a worthier cause?” Andy tapped his fingers on the table. “You just tell me what you need, and I’ll make sure we get volunteers ASAP.”

“Thanks!” Gracie’s eyes lit and she leaned forward against the table. “This is such a relief. You have no—”

“I’ll help, too.” The words flew from Carter’s mouth before he could fully process them.

“You?” Gracie’s brow furrowed. “But don’t you have to get back home?”