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Salmonid Fishes – Yuri Altukhov

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This important title encompasses features of genetic processes in complexly organised population systems of salmonids, one of the most commercially valuable families of fish worldwide. Translated from the original work in Russian, the authors have taken the opportunity to update and revise the work, much of it appearing in the English language for the first time. Covering such important concepts as optimal gene diversity and the unfavourable influence of fishery and hatchery reproduction on the genetic structure of salmon populations, the authors have drawn together a huge wealth of information that will form the cornerstone of much new work in the future. The authors of Salmonid Fishes have between them many years of research experience and practical knowledge in the area and the English translation of this important work, which has been edited by Professor John Thorpe and Professor Gary Carvalho, provides vital information for all those involved in salmonid management, exploitation and conservation, including fish biologists, fisheries managers, conservation and population biologists, ecologists and geneticists.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470999523

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