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The SEAL's Stolen Child
The SEAL's Stolen Child
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The SEAL's Stolen Child

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“She’s had a tough time with Hal’s death—we all have. Even though we knew it was coming, you know…”

“Sure.” Eve ran her fingers over the desk’s cool, wood surface, reminding herself this was what mattered. Her dad might be gone, but the business was still here, along with all the people whose livelihoods depended on her to keep the company running strong. Responsibility bore down on her shoulders, bringing on an instant headache and literal pain in her neck. “I’ll call her in a little bit. Tell her to take as much paid leave as she needs.”

Eve’s father had easily been one of the most recognizable figures in the state. Larger than life with a loud laugh and even louder temper. In his prime, the army veteran had been over six feet of muscle. In his older years, too much steak and heavy cream sauces had loaded on the pounds. He’d been generous with compliments and holiday bonuses, but those who crossed him learned to deeply regret it. Along with seemingly everyone else, Eve had once worshipped Hal. Now she wasn’t sure what she felt for her father.

Darcie asked, “Want me to call her for you?”

“No.” Eve powered up her computer. “She’s practically family. I owe her a personal visit.”

“That may well be.” Darcie tugged at the curtains to keep sun from shining in Eve’s eyes. “But you only lost your dad a few days ago. With all due respect, maybe you also need more time off?”

“Probably.” Eve shook her head. “No, definitely, but part of the reason I came in today was to get my mind off of his dying. Right before he went, in true Hal Barnesworth style, he dropped a bombshell on me that still has my ears ringing.”

“Oh?” Darcie dropped onto one of a pair of ivory leather guest chairs.

“Prepare to have your mind blown.” By the time Eve relayed to her friend the events of the past couple days, Darcie’s mouth hung open.

“I fail to see how even Hal could’ve pulled all of that off—especially without Zack knowing.”

“That’s just it. Daddy pulled this stunt long before Zack came on board. I’m sure not even Gladys knew.”

Leaning forward, Darcie rested her elbows on Eve’s desk. “While I’m still processing the fact that you have a mystery child, tell me more about Garrett. Is he handsome? You two have sparks? Was he excited by the prospect of you two sharing a son? Is he as larger-than-life as navy SEALs are made out to be, or is it all a bunch of hype?”

“If you ever pause for breath—” Eve cast a faint smile “—I’ll fill you in. Plus, he’s meeting me here in an hour, so if you’re not stuck in a meeting, you can judge him for yourself.”

* * *

GARRETT HAD DRIVEN BY what Coral Ridge residents dubbed the Pink Palace no doubt hundreds of times, yet he’d never stepped foot inside. Since he’d always considered Hal Barnesworth to be a bloated, power hungry, egotistical brute of a man, Garrett halfway expected Barnesworth corporate headquarters to feature a flame and pitchfork-themed decor, but upon stepping off the third-floor elevator, Garrett was welcomed into a serene office space buzzing with productivity and rich furnishings. Far from the theme featuring black-and-orange flames, monochromatic sand-colored everything save for the occasional potted palm and pricey-looking painting made him feel even further from his comfort zone than Barnesworth Mansion.

While waiting for Eve, a receptionist requested he park on a leather couch the color of his mother’s Sunday pearls.

The formality only reinforced how different he and Eve truly were. They might share a son, but that was where all other comparisons ended. This kind of life wasn’t for him. Like his father, Garrett needed plenty of fresh air and excitement.

That point noted, when Eve rounded a corner wearing creamy-colored slacks that made her legs go on for miles and an ultrafeminine, breast-hugging blouse with fabric looking too soft to be real, Garrett struggled for his next breath. Making matters worse, Eve sported a flawless side ponytail that all at once made her elegant, yet fun. Had her smile reached her eyes, he doubted he’d be capable of speech. Still no sleep? Even all her styling perfection couldn’t hide her red, puffy gaze.

“Garrett.” Rather than giving him the hug he stupidly craved, she extended her right hand. “Thanks for meeting me here. I needed to handle a few things.”

“Sure.” What did it mean that even after their simple handshake, he still felt her touch? “Need me to come back later?”

“No, not at all.” She led him down a wide hall. “Since my mind is already occupied by our son, I’m happy for a break.”

“Know the feeling.” It came as a relief—knowing she was also consumed with finding their child.

Her private office was even more intimidating than the rest of the place. Walls lined with silver-framed photos of Eve smiling alongside faces he recognized from magazines and TV had him feeling all the more out of his league. When she sat at her desk, offering for him to take a guest chair, he had the oddest sensation of being in some swanky principal’s office with her about to give him detention.

He took in the twelve-foot ceiling. “Quite a place you’ve got here…”

“It’s okay. Daddy’s decorator had more to do with it than me. She wanted magazine coverage. All I wanted were plenty of windows and a comfy chair.” She handed him a yellow legal pad on which she’d made notes. “I think our best course of action is trekking back to Savannah. Maybe through real-estate records, we can find a forwarding address for Rose.”

“Worth a shot.” He returned her paper. “But are you sure you’re up for that? It’s one thing discussing the woman who no doubt took our baby through a third party. Meeting her face-to-face may not be so easy.”

“Let’s face it, we could’ve just as easily run into her on our last trip. I had no idea the unwed mothers’ home was closed.” Her eyes welled, but she held her composure. “Rest assured, no matter the personal cost, I’ll do whatever it takes to find our son.”

* * *

GARRETT HAD LONG HEARD from his friends with small children how they were fast to fall asleep in the car. Eve apparently was no different. Thirty minutes into their return trip to Savannah, she lightly snored—a fact which, were she to discover, Garrett guessed she wouldn’t like. Back in school, where her grades were concerned, she never settled for anything less than perfection. She’d made him feel like king of the world when she’d told him that’s what the two of them together were—perfect.

How easy it would be—falling for her all over again. She might be a highly accomplished businesswoman, but she also carried an air of fragility that made him want to fight all her battles. His job was protecting those who couldn’t protect themselves. Only what he felt for Eve was far from professional.

Ten minutes from their destination, he gave her a gentle nudge. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

“We’re here already?” She lowered the visor to fuss with her hair. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to crash like that.”

“It’s okay. You’re cute when you snore.”

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