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Turn me. Part 1
Turn me. Part 1
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Turn me. Part 1

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Shrugging his shoulders, the driver said:

«Well, if it starts now, then I’ll take you.»

He turned the ignition key again, and to his surprise, the car started immediately.

«Hmm… some kind of magic!» He looked at Kanny in surprise. «Come on.»

* * *

On the opposite side of the forest house, which from this angle surprised even more with its size and massive rough log walls, several people were talking quietly at a table on the veranda.

Their conversation was interrupted by Alex coming out from behind the house, who stopped respectfully in the distance and coughed warningly.

One of the speakers, a slender, well-built, neatly trimmed gray-eyed brunette in a dark-green businessman’s suit with a shimmer, drew attention to him and asked:

«Yes, what do you want, Alex?»

«Inquire about 213

, Mr. Tennius.»

«What! Could you not yourself clear out this question from the duty officer? I already told you that I gave it to the operator,» the brunette replied, and looking at the screen of his gadget, he added: «Here… as I thought, the answer was received. The 213

is returning. He’s almost at the airport, so you can be free. The operator will bring him to the very end.»

The sorcerer bowed and hurriedly left, and the brunette, looking up from the touch screen of his gadget, turned back to the conversation. One of them, a tall, fair-haired, short-haired man, dressed in a short-sleeved gray shirt, black shorts and good-quality crocodile-skin sandals, asked him, his blue eyes piercing:

«How could it happen, Mr. Tennius, that the Ch-15 ended up in the possession of these… uh… children?»

«How could these teenagers even survive, and even more so, enter here!?» asked another, stocky, strong, red-haired interlocutor. He was wearing tight-fitting black T-shirt and loose light-colored trousers.

Tennius folded his arms over his chest and arrogantly looked at one and the other, while the third interlocutor, small and thin, but at the same time inspiring a sense of authority, clapped meaningfully and said:

«Hush, hush, dear. Mr. Tennius must have some serious reasons of his own, so I suggest not to hurry, but to give him the opportunity to speak:»

Once again measuring everyone who were gathered with his eyes, the brunette answered with dignity:

«Mr. Saurris is right. You shouldn’t have asked me questions like that. However, listen. My ward turned off the screen to allow 213

to enter. The scanner showed that he is two kilometers from the place and moving quickly. Apparently, the teenagers did not have any gadgets, because if they were close at that moment, then at least the scanner did not detect them.»

Coughing, Tennius stopped and, after taking a few sips of coffee from the cup in front of him, continued:

«The moment Alex finished the transition process with 213

, the two of them knocked on the door. It was clear that if they were not let in, they would try to get into the house, thinking that there was no one inside, and they needed an overnight stay in their critical situation. Just as he was about to annul these two, the buzzer went off with a P El signal. Therefore, he checked them and saw that their older brother was a special affairs officer, the head of the 5

department of a very serious level. If my ward had killed them, this FSB officer wouldn’t certainly have calmed down with the version that his brother and sister had been killed by a beast, but would have started his own investigation and scanned every centimeter of the forest, and something would have to be done with him, which is against the rules, because he is directly subordinate to the initiated person.»

After a spectacular pause, the brunette continued:

«Pondering all the data he received, Alex decided to put them to sleep and erase their memory by sending them to the nearest settlement. Of course, I don’t support his decision 100%, but I don’t think that you need to worry so much about it.»

«You let him use your flownter sometimes, don’t you?» Saurris asked him.

Tennius cleared his throat and replied in a restrained tone:

«Mr. Saurris, you know that my degree of trust in Alex and his status allow me to do this, and even more so when it is necessary.»

«And when was the loss of Ch-15 discovered?» asked the tall and black-haired man. «And I still don’t understand why Alex didn’t turn on the field right after 213

had entered?»

«I have already checked this point. He did turn on the field, and this was clearly recorded on the camera. But apparently there was a technical error. The switch would not be pressed to the end, which, of course, is strange, according to its construction, but the guardian himself is not guilty of this. And the chip was discovered one second before I called you, dearest Mr. Nonnie,» there was a confident answer.

«Hmm… understandable. But I would not like to hear the adjective „dearest“ in my address.» Nonnie responded with obvious sarcasm.

«Ok, I’ll keep that in mind for the future,» Tennius nodded without emotion.

«And what do you intend to do now, Master Tennius?» the redhead asked.

«Personally, dear Alyette, I think that Alex spared these children in vain, but his fears about his older brother from the FSB are fully justified and are not a violation of job descriptions and a direct oversight on his part, so I clarified the information about this subject and simply ordered to return the 213

to him and still eliminate these teenagers, because in this case it is his job. Everything will look like an attack by a rabid beast.»

«To be honest, I don’t understand why we need to deal with such small things,» said one of the audience, a fat and bald man named Ounn, who had previously kept silent. «Like we don’t have bigger things to do.»

«Is there a signal from Ch-15, Mr. Tennius?» asked the lean Saurris.

«Yes, although sometimes it disappears, most likely due to geolocation, as, for example, right now.»

Nonnie and Alyette looked at each other, and Nonnie said:

«Well, I apologize for the misunderstanding of the situation, Mr. Tennius, and the unduly rude tone. Since 213

has brilliantly fulfilled his task, I think we can close this issue and get on with more important things. By the way, how much did he eliminate?

«Twenty-nine people, Mr. Nonnie. Including the general director of the aircraft factory.»

The others nodded in approval, and Saurris took out a document from his briefcase and unfolded it in front of the assembled.

* * *

Peter, Andrey’s and Lera’s older brother, was carefully examining a small transparent cylinder with some kind of complex electronic device inside, rolling it in his palm. He was very similar to his younger brother, though the Andrey was slightly taller. However, behind the gray suit, one could not see Peter’s steely muscles, and looking at his good-natured face, it was hard to imagine that he had lightning-fast reaction and huge punching power, both arms and legs. Andrey was also athletic, and also loved martial arts, but he knew perfectly well that in sparring he could not hold out against his older brother for even a few seconds. And physically, his brother was much stronger than him.

«Where did you say you got it?» asked Peter, looking at his younger brother with his light gray penetrating eyes.

Andrew shrugged.

«I already told you. This morning, after we had walked about thirteen kilometers from that same field, and were already near Malinovka, I accidentally reached into my pocket and found it there.»

«And how did you end up in the hay?»

«Oh! Haven’t I already told you?»

The brother looked at Andrey with his special look, which made it clear that if he asks about something, you need to answer without asking unnecessary questions, even if you have to tell the same thing dozens of times. Knowing that it could not be otherwise, Andrey sighed and continued:

«I don’t quite remember how we got there, or to be more precise, I don’t remember at all. And when I try to remember, all I see are vague images of us wandering through the woods in an unsuccessful attempt to find our way home.»

«And what is the data of the most recent memory?» Peter asked, looking straight into the eyes of his younger brother with the same fixed gaze.

«Well, I don’t know exactly what time it was… how can I know?

«Try to remember, was it evening, or still a day, or has it already been night?»

Lera intervened in the conversation:

«The last thing I remember is about eight or nine in the evening, because it was getting dark, and we were afraid that we would have time to find a suitable tree for the night before dark.»

«Oh! This is a new thing! Have you thought about finding a tree to sleep on?» Peter asked, turning his searching gaze to his younger sister, but this time there was much more tenderness in his eyes.

«Yes, there seemed to be some kind of tree, but for some reason I remember it very vaguely, as if it was in a dream,» Andrey answered.

Peter took in his hand his mobile phone, the model unknown to Andrey. As far as he remembered, he saw such a phone only with his older brother.

By pressing just one button, Peter brought the phone to his ear:

«Maksimych, urgent matter, code 012. As soon as possible.»

«Something happened?» Lera asked, scared.

«A helicopter is flying to take us. We have about 15 minutes.»

«Brother, what’s going on? Maybe you can explain to me, who has no understanding?»

«The phrase „no understanding“ doesn’t seem to fit you well. It’s strange that you were allowed to live. But your memory has definitely been erased,» Peter answered, and it was clear from his tone that he was not joking.

«What! Were we kidnapped? Is it a UFO? It’s their sensor, right? I thought so,» Andrey exclaimed with annoyance in his voice.

Slightly hesitant, Peter answered:

«Most likely, everything is a little not so banal, brother. You seem to be very lucky and, if you didn’t have this thing, you would probably be forgotten, but now… everything can go very differently. By the way, I think it might have eavesdropped on us, so just in case…»

He walked over to the sideboard and took out the food foil from the drawer.

«What are you going to do?» Lera asked.

Smiling, Peter winked conspiratorially, tore off a fairly large piece of foil and, having made a multi-layer bag out of it, carefully wrapped a cylinder in it and answered:

«Screen, sis. Simple but effective.»

«Screen?» The younger sister was surprised.

«It is not so easy for a radio signal to penetrate several layers of foil,» Andrey answered with the tone of an expert.

«Ah,» the girl nodded in understanding.

«Let’s go,» said Peter, rising from a comfortable makeshift chair. «We’ll just make it to the wasteland.»

Chapter 4

Kanny arrived in the territory in a borrowed private plane, It looked like a private retreat specially made for this. When he got out, a luxurious black BMW X6 was already waiting for him, it drove right up to the side of the plane.

«Konstantin Nikolayevich?» the driver asked him, not leaving the BMW, but only lowering the glass halfway.

«Yes, that’s me,» Kanny replied, nodding his head.

His rustic appearance did not inspire much confidence, since the driver looked him over, carefully looked at the plane, and only then said in a doubtful tone, pointing to the back seat, «Sit down»

Kanny calmly walked to the back of the car and relaxed with pleasure, as he leaned back in the car seat, it was really comfortable.

Looking at him in the rearview mirror, the driver asked, «Judging by the urgency of the call and the methods used to get you, are you some kind of important bird?»

Kanny smiled modestly and nodded slightly. He was accustomed to both luxury cars and simple and nondescript trucks. During his work, a variety of means of transportation were used, depending on the situation.

«Honestly, I wouldn’t say it,» the driver continued. «What is this? A conspiracy?»

Kanny chuckled a little. «Well, yes, probably to some extent.»

«And what do you do, if not a secret?» This man in a black suit clearly wanted to talk.

«Information,» the werewolf answered curtly.

«Hmm, that’s interesting. And, probably, judging by the situation, under the rubric… top secret?

«If I answer «Yes’, this implies, as you understand, that I can only say a little.»

«I understand,» the driver said with a sigh. «By the way, you never said «yes’ directly.»

They both laughed, and Kanny thought, «Observant type!»

«By the way, my name is Maxim Ildarovich,» the driver continued. «But for you it can be just Maxim.»

«Then I can be just Konstantin.»

«They told me to get you to Antonovka as quickly as possible. Kanny noticed the speedometer, which showed 210 km/h, and thought that in this car the speed was almost imperceptible, even though they were now driving along a country road.

«At the same time, they did not say, what should I do with cameras on the roads? Maybe you can tell me? It’s not that it’s hard for me to pay these fines, it’s just unpleasant when you get them in the mail.»