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Recipes from My Mother – Rachel Allen

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Full of warmth and nostalgia, Rachel shares culinary inspiration passed down through the generations.Rachel’s food is heart-warming. She uses gorgeous ingredients that are used in abundance to create comforting, vibrant meals. Her love of food started when she was very young, sitting in the kitchen with her mother, helping and tasting. Her mother taught her their Scandi family recipes, as well as those she picked up from living in Ireland. Rachel become more and more passionate about food as she grew up, and she drew inspiration from her childhood memories of helping her mother cook and sitting round with her family enjoying delicious meals and treats. Here she celebrates the food memories of her childhood, alongside those of friends and other members of her family. Packed with much-loved recipes and stunning photography, this is the book to fall back in love with cooking.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780008179809
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