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Photochemistry and Photophysics of Polymeric Materials – Norman Allen

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Presents the state of the technology, from fundamentals to new materials and applications Today's electronic devices, computers, solar cells, printing, imaging, copying, and recording technology, to name a few, all owe a debt to our growing understanding of the photophysics and photochemistry of polymeric materials. This book draws together, analyzes, and presents our current understanding of polymer photochemistry and photophysics. In addition to exploring materials, mechanisms, processes, and properties, the handbook also highlights the latest applications in the field and points to new developments on the horizon. Photochemistry and Photophysics of Polymer Materials is divided into seventeen chapters, including: Optical and luminescent properties and applications of metal complex-based polymers Photoinitiators for free radical polymerization reactions Photovoltaic polymer materials Photoimaging and lithographic processes in polymers Photostabilization of polymer materials Photodegradation processes in polymeric materials Each chapter, written by one or more leading experts and pioneers in the field, incorporates all the latest findings and developments as well as the authors' own personal insights and perspectives. References guide readers to the literature for further investigation of individual topics. Together, the contributions represent a series of major developments in the polymer world in which light and its energy have been put to valuable use. Not only does this reference capture our current state of knowledge, but it also provides the foundation for new research and the development of new materials and new applications.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470594162

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