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Desperado Lawman
Desperado Lawman
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Desperado Lawman

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Desperado Lawman
Harper Allen

KIDNAPPED HEARTSTess Smith was bolder than the broncs Virgil Connor tamed as a boy at the Double B Ranch, where he'd been sent for breaking the law one too many times. Heck, the FBI agent still couldn't believe the sassy tabloid reporter had kidnapped him at gunpoint. She claimed she was protecting runaway child witness, Joey Begand, who swore someone in the Bureau wanted him dead. And when two goons posing as agents tried to mow them down, Connor had to admit they might be right. He knew there was only one place where they could buy time so he could sort out this mess–the Double B. But first he had to earn his captor's trust, even if it meant seducing Tess into submission…and losing his desperado heart forever.

“We’re sharing a motel room for the next few hours so—”

Tess paused and glanced at the grim-faced man secured by his own handcuffs. The man was hard angles of bone and solid muscle, but his crystalline-gray eyes were soft—even beautiful.

“Connor.” His interjection was brusque. “Drop the agent part, lady, since the fact that I’m FBI doesn’t seem to mean much to you. And yeah, we’re in a motel room, but not for any of the reasons a man and woman usually come to a place like this.”

She felt faint heat touch her cheeks. Turning her back, she rummaged through her purse. “You sound disappointed, Agent Connor. Although I doubt you have much social life at all. The job’s your life. You probably live in a one-bedroom apartment and you’ve never bothered buying more than a bed and maybe a couch. Did I miss anything?”

“Just that I always carry a spare key for my handcuffs.” Spinning around in shock, she saw crystal-gray eyes looking coldly down on her. “Aside from that, I’d say you were dead on, lady. Seeing as you know me so well, this shouldn’t be a surprise.”

Even as Tess’s lips parted in a gasp, Connor’s mouth came down hard on hers.

Dear Harlequin Intrigue Reader,

We have a superb lineup of outstanding romantic suspense this month starting with another round of QUANTUM MEN from Amanda Stevens. A Silent Storm is brewing in Texas and it’s about to break….

More great series continue with Harper Allen’s MEN OF THE DOUBLE B RANCH trilogy. A Desperado Lawman has his hands full with a spitfire who is every bit his match. As well, B.J. Daniels adds the second installment to her CASCADES CONCEALED miniseries with Day of Reckoning.

In Secret Witness by Jessica Andersen, a woman finds herself caught between a rock—a killer threatening her child—and a hard place—the detective in charge of the case. What will happen when she has to make the most inconceivable choice any woman can make?

Launching this month is a new promotion we are calling COWBOY COPS. Need I say more? Look for Behind the Shield by veteran Harlequin Intrigue author Sheryl Lynn. And newcomer, Rosemary Heim, contributes to DEAD BOLT with Memory Reload.



Denise O’Sullivan

Senior Editor

Harlequin Intrigue

Desperado Lawman

Harper Allen (


Harper Allen lives in the country in the middle of a hundred acres of maple trees with her husband, Wayne, six cats, four dogs—and a very nervous cockatiel at the bottom of the food chain. For excitement she and Wayne drive to the nearest village and buy jumbo bags of pet food. She believes in love at first sight because it happened to her.


Tess Smith—On the run with a child witness, reporter Tess can’t allow FBI Agent Virgil Connor to take Joey back into custody—not when someone in the Agency is a traitor. But hijacking Connor at gunpoint wasn’t the plan….

Virgil Connor—Even if Tess Smith is right about Joey, he can’t let them stay on the run forever. But can he protect them from an unknown enemy?

Joey Begand—“I see monsters.” That’s what nine-year-old Joey’s been saying since he witnessed a murder. The only adult who believes him is Tess, but can she keep him safe from a killer?

Del Hawkins—The tough ex-marine runs a boot camp ranch for bad boys—like Connor once was. But his own past holds a dark secret that could put Tess and young Joey in danger.

Paula Geddes—Connor’s partner, she’s already risked her life once to keep witness Joey Begand safe.

John McLeish—Connor wants him for murder. Del remembers him as a hero. Tess wonders if they’re both right.

Arne Jansen—The FBI Area Director has no choice but to put out a shoot-to-kill order on now fugitives Agent Connor and Tess.

Alice Tahe—The Navajo matriarch sees evil threatening the Double B Ranch and Joey.

To T.:

Tell the others the circle is unbroken, buddy.



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen



When the night-light in his room suddenly went off, Joey Begand knew the killer had done something to the electricity.

He sat up fast in the dark. Swinging his sneaker-clad feet out from the covers, he reached for the duffel bag he’d stashed under the bed the day he’d been brought here, just as if he had been waiting for this moment all along. He had been. He’d even tried to warn the agents guarding him that calling this place a safe house was stupid since it was an apartment, not a house, and hiding here wasn’t going to keep him safe at all.

But that was the trouble with being nine years old. Grown-ups thought you didn’t know a thing.

He was going to have to get out of here. Then he was going to have to find the one person in the world he figured could protect him.

She’d snuck onto a top-secret government base and watched an alien autopsy. She’d tracked Bigfoot and even taken a picture of him—kind of a blurry one, but that was because if she’d gotten any closer Bigfoot would have smelled her scent and torn her apart. She’d hunted down a whole colony of vampires living in the mountains just north of Albuquerque, and if it hadn’t been for the crucifix she always wore around her neck she never would have been heard of again.

Tess Smith, star reporter for the National Eye-Opener, wasn’t like most other grown-ups, Joey told himself shakily. Tess Smith believed in monsters. She went up against them every day—went up against them and whipped their ugly monster butts.

Keeping a little kid safe from the monster who was trying to kill him would be a piece of cake for Tess Smith, nine-year-old federal witness Joey Begand thought desperately as he heard the muffled thud of the first body falling somewhere in the darkened safe house….

Chapter One

FBI Special Agent Virgil Connor pushed open the door of the all-night diner just outside of Roswell, New Mexico.


To hell with the heat, caffeine had become a food group over the past few hours, Connor told himself as the waitress plunked a mug in front of him and he slid into a booth adjacent to one occupied by a brunette with a grubby hellion. The waitress plunked a mug in front of him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the hellion staring at him through an uncut swath of straight, black hair. He lifted his menu, blocking the kid’s view.

For two solid days he’d made the rounds of truck stops and diners like this one. The grunt work had just paid off.

The kid was Joey Begand. Connor had no idea who the woman was, but kidnapping a child who just happened to be a federal witness wasn’t the only charge she was facing. He could think of a dozen others, starting with accessory to murder. Breaking the news of Bill Danzig’s death to the slain agent’s wife two nights ago had been the worst moment of his career.

“Keep the ketchup on your side of the plate and stop playing with those fries.” The husky-voiced command came from the brunette. “We can’t stay here all night, you know.”

“Okay, Tess.”

Connor risked a glance over the top of his menu. Instead of the suspicious glare he’d favored Connor with, the gaze the urchin was directing at the tight-lipped brunette was wide and shining. Joey picked up a too-large cluster of fries with fingers that were even grubbier than the rest of him.

“That’s prob’ly not what it looked like, right, Tess? I betcha they got it all wrong, huh?”

The woman called Tess frowned. “For crying out loud, you don’t have to choke on them,” she said swiftly. “Put half of those back. Who got what wrong?”

“So what’ll it be?”

Connor blinked. The diner’s waitress, pencil at the ready, had paused beside his booth. He snapped the menu shut.

“Cheeseburger, plain,” he said, coming to a decision that had nothing to do with food. “Is there a phone I can use?”

He needed backup. He would have preferred to keep this takedown low profile, but low profile took second place to the safety of civilians, especially when one of those civilians was a child. There was a chance he could still keep a lid on the situation by using the security of a land line, instead of contacting the Agency office on his cell phone.

“Pay phone’s outside.” The waitress tucked her pencil behind her ear.

“…nothin’ like them, right? So what did it really look like, Tess?”

A ketchup-dipped fry in his hand, Joey was pointing to a dangling row of bobble-head dolls suspended over the cash register. About to slide from the booth and head outside to make his call, Connor checked his movement.

The dolls for sale, their spindly bodies topped by teardrop-shaped heads set with jet-black eyes, were an obvious attempt to capitalize on the beyond-the-fringe theory that an alien spaceship had once crashed near Roswell. If the brunette was unbalanced enough to believe in aliens and government cover-ups, she could be even more dangerous than he’d realized.

“How would I know?” The note of impatient confusion in her voice was reassuringly normal, and Connor began to get up from his seat again. “If you’re not going to finish those fries I’ll eat them. Then we’d better start figuring out how we’re—”

She stopped abruptly.

“Oh, yeah, the autopsy in Hangar 61.” Sounding weary, she raked slim fingers through short, feather-cut hair. “Well, you saw the secret photographs I took, so you know what it looked like. For one thing, it had three eyes, not just two.”

Joey looked thoughtful. “How come they don’t get you a better camera, Tess? ’Cause those pictures were a lot like the Bigfoot ones and that photo you took of Elvis a couple of months ago when you found out he was still alive and working in a used-car lot—all blurry and kind of shadowy.”

Connor let his gaze drift past the woman as he made his way to the door. She didn’t look insane. She looked bone tired, and under her brown eyes—amber-brown eyes, he noted before they were hidden by the hand she brought up to massage her temples—were dark shadows, but she didn’t look insane.

Except she had to be. Alien autopsies, Elvis sightings, Bigfoot…replete with photographs, according to what Joey had just said. She was living in her own unbalanced universe. A woman who was convinced she had proof positive that the King hadn’t left the building would have no trouble believing that being a party to abduction and murder was somehow justifiable.

What was worse, Joey Begand seemed to have allied himself with his kidnapper. Hoping that the kid would seize the first opportunity to run from her wasn’t part of the game plan anymore, Connor thought in frustration as he stepped outside. He headed around the corner of the building to the pay phone, his mind racing.

He wasn’t worried about being unable to reach the man he needed to contact. Area Director Jansen hadn’t left his desk since the night the safe house had been blown, leaving Paula Geddes wounded, Danzig dead and Rick Leroy, the third agent on duty, gone without a trace. Leroy had to be allied with the brunette, Connor surmised, lifting the phone’s receiver. The bastard was nervy, all right—that was a given, since he’d obviously been working against his own people for some time—but even Leroy must have known that once the snatch had gone down every law enforcement officer available would be on the lookout for him.

Leroy also would have guessed that Joey’s description wouldn’t be as indiscriminately revealed to the media and public as his own, for fear that whoever had the child would panic and eliminate him. He would have figured that if he delegated a woman to escort Joey to wherever it was he wanted the boy, chances were his female accomplice wouldn’t run into any problems.

There were two things Leroy hadn’t counted on, Connor thought in grim satisfaction. He hadn’t counted on a nine-year-old’s need for frequent bathroom breaks on a car trip. And he hadn’t counted on his girlfriend being soft enough to stop several times to accommodate—

“I’m holding a gun about two inches away from your spine, Agent. Hang up that phone and don’t even think of going for your own weapon.”

The low warning came from directly behind him, but Connor didn’t have to look to know who was delivering it. Her voice didn’t suit her, he thought as he carefully set the phone back in its cradle and brought both his hands up to shoulder height. Her pixie haircut and slim build gave her the same street-urchin quality that Joey had, but as soon as she opened her mouth those husky, froggy tones made her sound as if she should be poured into black satin and purring out a torch song in some smoky bar. Slowly he turned around.

She wasn’t bluffing. The gun she was holding was a purse-size derringer, but real enough. He decided to try a bluff of his own.

“My wallet’s in my back pocket. Not that this mugging’s going to make you rich, for God’s sake. I’m a plastics salesman, and—”

“Bull.” There was scorn in those amber eyes. “You’re FBI. Not even the most unsuccessful salesman would pick a suit as bargain basement as the one you’ve got on. And I bet the polyester shirt you’re wearing under that jacket’s drip-dry and short-sleeved, right?”

She snorted. “Joey figured you for a Fed as soon as you walked in. I knew he was right when I saw you watching us, Agent. Hand over your gun.”

“Or what? You’ll whistle up Bigfoot and sic him on me?” Giving up his bluff, Connor shook his head. “This isn’t one of your fantasies, lady. This is real life and you’re in real trouble. Instead of handing you my gun I’ll give you the chance to put yours down, but if you decide not to take me up on my offer you won’t leave me much choice.”

He began to lower his hands. “I don’t think you’re going to get off more than one shot, if that. And one bullet’s not about to stop me from taking Joey Begand away from you and back into protective—”

“I’m not going back, mister. Did you stop him before he made his phone call, Tess?”

Connor froze, his fingers inches away from his gun. He saw the raw fear that flashed through the amber eyes facing him, saw the derringer in Tess’s hand waver.