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Incredible artificial intelligence Easy Diffusion 3.0. The Middle and High School Guide
Incredible artificial intelligence Easy Diffusion 3.0. The Middle and High School Guide
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Incredible artificial intelligence Easy Diffusion 3.0. The Middle and High School Guide

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– DreamShaper версия 8.0


– Color Fusion версия 1.0


– Midjourney версия 4.0


– Openjourney версия 4.0 (модель обучена на рисунках Midjourney)


– SDXL Yamer’s Realism! 2.0


For example, we need to download the Realistic Vision model file version 5.1.

Follow the link above to the page where there is a model file:

Then we find the file of the latest version of the model for downloading:

And download the file by clicking the «Download» button:

The realisticVisionV51_v51VAE.safetensors file, 1.9 GB in size, will be downloaded to your computer.

If you do not have an electronic version of the book, you can enter the names of the model files in any search engine and find them on the Internet. For example, upon request «download model Realistic Vision» you will be offered a list of sites for downloading, including the site, from which I downloaded most of the files I needed.

After you download all or most of the models offered to you for download, you need to transfer all the files (using the «cut» and «put» commands) to a folder along one of the paths: «C:\EasyDiffusion\models\Stable-diffusion» or «D:\EasyDiffusion\models\Stable-diffusion», depending on where you installed your program.

For this:

– Open the folder on the disk where Easy Diffusion is installed (for example, «C:\EasyDiffusion\” or «D:\EasyDiffusion\»).

– Then find and open the «models» folder.

– In it you will see a folder called «Stable-diffusion». Open it and transfer the model files you downloaded into it.


You have become the proud owner of your own Easy Diffusion Artificial Intelligence system, installed on your personal computer and supplemented with new models.

Now we can proceed to the first launch.

Step 3. Launch Easy Diffusion for the first time

If immediately after installing the program you selected the «Run Easy Diffusion 3.0» command, as shown in the figure below:

A black window will appear in front of you with running lines of incomprehensible text:

You shouldn’t be afraid of this window, since this is the window where the application itself works, or, more precisely, its server part. This window will always appear when the program starts working. There is no need to close it until you decide to finish your work. Just roll it up.

You need to wait a minute or two (depending on the performance (power) of your computer), after which another window will open in the Internet browser (installed by default). This will be the same Easy Diffusion user interface (or it can also be called the client application of the program), with which we will work throughout the entire time.

Easy Diffusion’s interface is dark, but that’s fixable. In the next chapter we will learn how to make our work more comfortable using program settings.

Thus, when we first launched the program, two windows opened: a window for the server part of the program and a window for the interface.

But don’t rush to get started.

I would recommend that you close both windows and start the program again. This is primarily due to the fact that when you restart the Easy Diffusion program will automatically check for updates, download and install all the necessary new files on its own.

Wait a little longer and your default Internet browser will open again.

After which we can begin with you the next step of work – setting up comfortable and stable operation of Easy Diffusion.

Step 4. Setting up Easy Diffusion

Setting up Easy Diffusion is actually very simple.

By default, the program has options that provide a high level of comfortable work and do not require any changes. However, there are a few that require our attention.

The figure below shows the user interface of the program:

So, let’s get started.

Easy Diffusion has only five main application work window tabs, which are placed one after the other at the top of the user interface work area:

– «Generate».

– «Settings».

– «Help & Community».

– «Models tools».

– «What’s new.»

All our work will take place in the main «Generate» window, which we will devote most of our time to in the next chapter.

In this chapter you will look at the contents of the following bookmarks:

– «Settings».

– «Help & Community».

– «Models tools».

– «What’s new».


To get started, we first need the Settings window.

For your convenience, I will use the «Light» theme of the program:

The Settings window provides the following options:

– «Theme». Allows you to change the current theme to the one you like. I’m using the «Light» theme.

– «Auto-Save Images». Let’s activate the option. It allows us to save all our images and descriptions for them in a folder we specify.

– «Save Location». Leave the default value or change it to the path where our files will be stored. For example, C:\EasyDiffusion\models\Stable Diffusion UI.

– «Metadata format». We change to «txt» – the text data format in which our requests will be stored. They can be read using any text editor.

– «Block NSFW images.» Let’s activate the option. Prohibits working with photos of certain categories.

– «Enable Sound». Let’s activate the option. We will always receive a sound notification that our image is ready.

– «Process newest jobs first.» Determines the order in which images are processed. By default, jobs are processed in order. We don’t change.

– «Extract LoRA tags from the prompt.» LoRA stands for Low-rank adaptation and is translated as «Low-rank adaptation». LoRA speeds up the process of training models. We do not change the parameter.

– «Open browser on startup.» The option is responsible for launching the Internet browser after the server part has started. We don’t change.

– «GPU Memory Usage». The option transfers all program work from the video card to the central processor. If you select «High», the program may run very slowly or stop working altogether. We need to select «Law».

If your video card is not NVIDIA GeForce RTX, then set it to «Low».

– «Use CPU (not GPU).» The option shifts all the work of the program not to the video card, but to the central processor. If you select a central processor, the program can run very, very slowly. We don’t change.

– «Auto-Save Settings». Click the «Configure» button. All options must be selected:

To do this, change the «Enter Prompt» value.

And close the window.

– «Confirm dangerous actions.» The option is responsible for the security of the application and must be active.

– «Profile Name». Leave the default value «default».

– «Beta channel». The option provides access to not yet very tested and unstable functions that may appear in the next version of the application. We don’t change.

– «Use the new v3 engine (diffusers).» A very important function for us, which in the left panel of Text-to-image AI software increases the list of parameters for customizing the created image. Let’s activate the option.

After you have made the changes, click the «Save» button to save all the changes made.

Below are a few more options that you do not need to change:

Three options control the network settings of your Easy Diffusion application. We don’t change them.

Please note that under the settings there is system information that allows us to see the data of the CPU and video card we are using.

My computer details are:

– Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel.

– NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 (cuda:0) (3.5Gb free / 4.3 Gb total).

My laptop details:

– Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel.

– GeForce GTX 1650 (cuda:0) (2.2Gb free / 4.3 Gb total).

And below is the address where we can access our server. In order to open the Easy Diffusion user interface in the Internet browser, write: localhost:9000/ or After which the program’s working window will open.

«Help & Community»

Following the Settings window is the Help & Community window.

In this window, by clicking on one of the links, you can independently study additional information about working with the Easy Diffusion program, as well as learn about installing additional models and modules (plugins).

You can also join the system user community.

From the latest link «Source code on GitHub» you can download the Easy Diffusion source codes from GitHub.

«Models tools» / «Text-to-image AI model software»

Behind the «Help & Community» window is the «Models tools» window, which has two tabs:

– «LoRA Keywords».

– «Merge models».

In the LoRA Keywords window, you can create sets of keywords for yourself to speed up the image creation process. We will dwell on this option in more detail as we work.

Using the «Merge models» window, you can combine different models with each other. For example, those that we downloaded after installation from the Internet.

If you like a couple of models that you work with most often, you can combine them into one model and give it your name. But there is one small limitation: the models must be of the same type.

From my experience I will say that there is no particular need to combine models. But, if you use two dozen different models, you may need this functionality of the Easy Diffusion application to combine according to the desired topics or styles.