Книги автора AICPA
культурология, учебники и пособия для вузов, фольклор, общественно-политическая жизнь, музыкальное искусство, музыкальные традиции, музыкальное образование, музыкальная культура, церковная музыкаThis edition includes the authoritative standards and interpretations applicable to preparation, compilation, and review engagements. These …
This edition includes the authoritative standards and interpretations applicable to preparation, compilation, and review engagements. These …
изобразительное искусство, искусствоведениеMost of the accounting and financial reporting practices of entities undertaking gaming or gaming-related activities (collectively referred …
Most of the accounting and financial reporting practices of entities undertaking gaming or gaming-related activities (collectively referred …
учебники и пособия для вузов, железнодорожный транспорт, английский язык, коммуникативная компетентность, изучение иностранных языков, образовательные технологии, бакалавриатThe 2018 edition of this financial institution industry standard resource offers clear and practical guidance of audit and accounting issues…
The 2018 edition of this financial institution industry standard resource offers clear and practical guidance of audit and accounting issues…
современная русская литература, семейные ценности, проза жизни, повороты судьбы, житейские истории, рассказыConsidered the construction contractors industry standard resource, this 2018 edition is packed with information on new requirements and rel…
Considered the construction contractors industry standard resource, this 2018 edition is packed with information on new requirements and rel…
Practice Aid: Enterprise Risk Management: Guidance For Practical Implementation and Assessment, 2018
This publication includes invaluable guidance for anyone responsible for or advising on an enterprise risk management process (ERM), whether…
This publication includes invaluable guidance for anyone responsible for or advising on an enterprise risk management process (ERM), whether…
Whether you are a financial statement preparer or auditor, it is critical to understand the complexities of the specialized accounting and r…
Whether you are a financial statement preparer or auditor, it is critical to understand the complexities of the specialized accounting and r…
триллеры, зарубежные детективы, современные детективы, темное прошлое, психологические детективы, психологические триллеры, жестокие убийства, расследование убийств, семейные тайны, ЛитРес: чтец, маньякиContaining descriptions of all recent auditing, accounting and regulatory developments, this 2018 alert will ensure that accountants have a …
Containing descriptions of all recent auditing, accounting and regulatory developments, this 2018 alert will ensure that accountants have a …
ценные бумаги / инвестиции, трейдинг, финансовые инструментыThis Audit Risk Alert highlights areas of change in audits performed under the Uniform Guidance, focusing on areas which may be challenging …
This Audit Risk Alert highlights areas of change in audits performed under the Uniform Guidance, focusing on areas which may be challenging …
современные любовные романы, эротические романыIssued under the authority of the AICPA’s Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC) and a go-to guide for accountants performing prepa…
Issued under the authority of the AICPA’s Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC) and a go-to guide for accountants performing prepa…
музыка, популярно об историиDesigned to facilitate the use of audit data analytics (ADAs) in the financial statement audit, this title was developed by leading experts …
Designed to facilitate the use of audit data analytics (ADAs) in the financial statement audit, this title was developed by leading experts …
First update in 4 years! As fluctuating oil prices, off-shore drilling, and other energy-related issues impact the way your clients conduct …
First update in 4 years! As fluctuating oil prices, off-shore drilling, and other energy-related issues impact the way your clients conduct …