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Where Rainbows End
Where Rainbows End
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Where Rainbows End

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Email or call me as soon as possible. I’d call you but Dad put a block on long-distance calls, as you know, after the last bill. Mum and Dad are so proud, they’re phoning all the family to tell them. I think they’re hoping I’ll be the first Dunne child to go to college and actually finish the course. Dad keeps warning me not to go trying to ‘find myself’ anywhere like Stephanie did. By the way, it doesn’t look like Steph is coming home anytime soon. She met some chef that works at the restaurant she’s waiting at, and she’s officially ‘in love’.

The phone hasn’t stopped ringing all day with congratulations! Honestly, Alex, the house is buzzing! Paul and Eileen from across the road sent over a bunch of flowers for me, which was really nice. Mum’s getting the house ready for a get-together tonight, just a few sandwiches and cocktail sausages, that kind of thing. Kevin is happy I’m leaving so he can be even more spoiled than usual. I’ll miss the brat even though he never talks to me. I’ll miss Mum and Dad even more, but right now everyone is just so excited I’ve been accepted to think about the fact that I won’t be living here any more. I suppose the enormity of it will hit me the day I wave goodbye, but in the meantime we’ll continue to celebrate!

PS. One of these days I can run a hotel and you can be the doctor-in-the-house who saves the lives of the guests I poison in the restaurant, just like we always planned. Oh, this has all worked out wonderfully …

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject Re: Boston here I come!

This is brilliant news! I can’t wait to see you too! Harvard isn’t too far away from Boston College (well, in comparison to being a whole ocean apart – can you believe Harvard accepted me? It must be the intellects’ idea of a hilarious joke). I’m too excited to type – just get over here. When are you coming?

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject September

I won’t be over till September, only a few days before the semester starts, because I have got so many things to sort out you wouldn’t believe!

The debs are at the end of August – will you come over for them? Everyone would love to see you, and I need someone to go with! We will have so much fun and we can annoy all our teachers, just like old times … Let me know.

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject Re: Debs

Of course I’ll come home for our debs. I wouldn’t miss it for the world!

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Where r u???

I’m at the internet café at the airport. Me & Dad have been here for hours. I tried your house phone and mobile. Don’t know where else to call. Hope everything’s ok.

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject Sorry!

Rosie, I am so sorry. This whole day has been an absolute nightmare. There was a foul-up with the flight. I don’t no what happened, but my name wasn’t in the system when I went to collect my ticket. I’ve been here all day trying to get another flight. They’re all booked because of people flying home from holidays and students returning home, etc. I’m on standby, but so far there’s been nothing. I’m just hanging around the airport waiting for a flight. This is a nightmare.

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Flight tomorrow

Dad’s talking to the lady at Aer Lingus ticket desk. She says there’s a flight that leaves Boston tomorrow at 10.10 a.m. It takes five hours to get here so that will make it 3 p. m., then we’re five hours ahead, which will make it 8 p.m. We could collect you from airport and go straight to ball? Or maybe you’d prefer to go to my house first? You can’t wear your tux on the plane because you’ll get all crumpled. What do you think?

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject Flight

Rosie, bad news. That flight is fully booked.

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Flight

Shit. Think, think, think. What can I do? It seems that we can get you here every other bloody day except tomorrow. Somebody up there really doesn’t want you to get on that plane. Maybe it’s a sign?

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject My fault

It’s my fault, I should have double-checked with the airline yesterday – they always say you should reconfirm your flights but whoever does? I no I’ve messed up your night but please go to the debs anyway. You still have the whole day to find someone else to go with you. Take loads of photos for me, and enjoy yourself. Sorry, Rosie.

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Re: My fault

It’s not your fault. I’m disappointed but let’s be realistic, it’s not the end of the world. I’m gonna be in Boston in a little over a month and we’ll be seeing each other EVERY DAY! Make sure you get your money back for that flight, the eejits. We’ll have a brilliant time. I better go searching for a man now …

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject Manhunt

Any luck finding a man?

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Man found

What a stupid question!! Of course I found a man. I’m insulted you even needed to ask …

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject Mystery man

Then who is it?

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Secret man

That would be absolutely none of your business.

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject Invisible man

HA! You didn’t find a date!! I knew it!

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Big strong man

Yes I did.

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject No man

No you didn’t.

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Yes, man!

Yes I did.

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject What man?


From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Almost a man


From Alex

To Rosie

Subject Brian?


From Rosie

To Alex

Subject Re: Brian?

Maybe …

From Alex

To Rosie

Subject HA HA!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, you’re going to the debs with Brian the Whine?! Talk about scraping the barrel! Brian who lifted your skirt when you were six, in front of everyone in the school yard, to reveal your knickers? The Brian you were stuck sitting beside for all of second class, who ate fish sandwiches every day for lunch and picked his nose while you ate your sandwiches? The Brian who followed us home from school everyday singing ‘Rosie and Alex up a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G?’ and made you cry and ignore me for a week? The Brian who spilled his beer all down your new top at my going-away party? The Brian you absolutely can’t stand and was the one person you actually hated all throughout school? And now you’re going to the last school dance ever, with Brian?

From Rosie

To Alex

Subject No, the other Brian

Yes, Alex, that Brian. Now may I ask that you please stop emailing me as my darling mother is currently tying knots in my head trying to make me look half decent? She has also been reading your emails and wants you to know that Brian the Whine won’t be lifting up my skirt tonight.