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A Christmas Miracle
A Christmas Miracle
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A Christmas Miracle

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“Now you sound like a commercial,” she said, with a smile that made him feel less insulted, more as if they were back on the shaky footing of their unacknowledged attraction.

“That burns a lot more than being called heartless.”

“You’re imagining things.” Briskly, she handed him the last of the lights, and he put them up, secured them with the heavy-duty tape, and then stepped off the chair.

“Want to turn them on?”

Nodding, she went inside and threw a switch. The lights began to twinkle just as a snowflake landed on his cheek. He looked up and saw blue-gray sky, but when he turned his head to look at the courthouse behind him, he saw more flakes, thickening in the air.

“Snow,” he said, as the shop bells jangled and Fleming rejoined him.

“About time. That should help everyone in business up here.”

He searched her face, impressed that he’d never heard panic in her voice, even the day she’d agreed to sign the loan.

“I swear you’re going to be okay,” he said, taking her hand. “I took into account the slow times. You’re in this for the long haul. If you were only looking to make a quick profit and turn the place over to a new owner, we would have discussed different terms.”

She nodded, tears pooling in her eyes. Her throat moved as she tried to swallow, and he pulled her closer still, wrapping one arm around her.

“Until you close on the loan, nothing is permanent.”

“I need to close. My life here is permanent.” She pressed her cheek to his chest. She was warm and alive and unguarded on this cold day, and she needed his comfort.

It was a potent combination, but when she said the word permanent, it reminded him who she was. He couldn’t tip up her face and kiss the generous mouth that haunted him when he should have been busy with his own plans. He couldn’t put his other arm around her and pretend they could be more than friends.

He did hit-and-run relationships with a mastery he’d learned at his father’s knee. Fleming was not a temporary kind of woman.

“Let me take your chair inside before it gets wet,” he said.

“I hope the snow now is a good sign for more to come.” She held the door, and he carried the chair past her.

Fleming followed him inside, but the bells on the door didn’t sound as cheery as now.

“You know, I don’t think you’re heartless.” She went to the front window of the store as if looking for customers to drag inside. “No one here thinks you’re heartless.”

“Have you been gossiping?” He went to the tall, silver coffeepot she kept behind the counter and poured two cups. He passed one to her, making no effort to avoid contact.

She put one finger through the handle and wrapped her other hand around the cup’s rim. He couldn’t help noticing every little thing she did.

“Maybe it’s gossip,” she said. “Maybe people are grateful, and we’ve talked about it over the doughnut case in the bakery and the egg fridge in the grocery store. When you first arrived, you were all rules and regulations, even when you were sorry you had to do the right thing for the bank.”

“I may still have to do that.” But he wasn’t sanguine as he thought of the number of loans he still had to study.

“You’re accidentally getting to know us, and business as usual isn’t as easy as it’s been in the past.”

“You’re right about that. I didn’t expect to be treated as if I belonged here. People take me at face value.” He moved away from her, fingering the thick batting that nestled the miniature village in faux snow in the window. “But I am still the bank’s representative.”

“I haven’t forgotten you’ll put the bank ahead of us.”

“If I have to, but I didn’t with your loan.”

“That’s what I don’t understand about you. You obviously cared about Fred, and I know you’ve been considerate of me, but if the bottom line creeps up, that’s where your attention will go.”

“It’s my job.”

“Your job,” she said. “That’s your first priority, isn’t it?”

He met her measured gaze, knowing she wouldn’t let him put his arm around her now if he tried. “The job is why I’m here.”

“I won’t let myself forget again.” She took her cup to the counter. “But aren’t you ever tempted to find out if you could belong somewhere?”


“I know,” she said. “It’s none of my business.”

“You’re content here in these mountains. I’m not asking you why you aren’t tempted by everything you’d find outside this world.”

“Because I belong. My life here is a suit of clothes that fits. You haven’t found that outfit for yourself.” She opened her laptop. “And I don’t think you’ll allow yourself to look.”

“Just like I don’t believe you’re capable of opening your eyes to anywhere else.”

“And now we’re getting personal. That’s a mistake.” Her fingers flew over the keyboard. “I’m asking the attorney for a closing date.”

And shutting him out. Making sure he knew she wasn’t open to any relationship that might take her away from her beloved mountain home.

“Good,” he said. “The sooner you commit to your business, the better.” He looked at his watch, not even seeing it. “I should get back to work, too. Good night, Fleming.”


Her cheery voice irritated him. He set his cup on her counter and looked at her, not hiding his awareness of what they were truly saying to each other. She belonged here. He was leaving.

Neither spoke again as he exited the store and walked away.

* * *

FLEMING FELT THE silence in the shop as if it were a pillow smothering her. She sent her email to the bank’s loan attorney and closed the laptop, not even tempted to open her story file for a change.

Her heart felt a little broken. She and Jason had talked a lot since she’d first met him in his office that day. They’d never been as personal or as honest as in these last few moments.

She’d met other men, been interested in other men, but laughed to herself now, recognizing that she’d never felt like this before. Attracted, afraid, grateful for the sound of his voice, at a loss when he left her.

But she’d always been clear about where she stood, where she’d stand forever. In Bliss, her home.

Her phone rang, startling her as it vibrated in her pocket. She reached for it and tears burned in her eyes. “Mom,” she said, answering.

“Am I too late? Why haven’t you called me?”

Fleming picked up her coffee cup and carried it to the back room, where she put it in the sink. “The grapevine got hold of you?”

“I’ve heard a few things. Is it true about the loan?”

“Absolutely true, but everything’s fine. I have a new one that I’ll be able to cover, and the shop will be fine.”

“I don’t care about the shop.” Her mother paused. “Right now, anyway. You sound sad.”

“No.” Fleming lied as she never had to her mother before. She couldn’t explain that her heart had gotten involved without her permission. “I’m fine. Where are you calling from?”

Her mom didn’t answer.

“Hello?” Fleming glanced at the phone. It was a long way to a beach hut, but the call remained connected.

“I asked Hugh if we could come home early. Just a few days. I’m on my way from Knoxville right now. I hope you won’t be upset with me for being concerned, but we both thought you might need me.”

Fleming didn’t know how to respond. “I’m twenty-four, Mom, not a child. Hugh will think—”

“That I wanted to see my daughter. He’s part of our family now, too. He understands what the shop means to us both. Besides, he’s excited about getting back to the hospital in the morning. Who knows how cardiology might have changed since the great Dr. Belford tempted fate by taking a vacation?”

Her mom was rightly proud of her new husband, who’d never go out for pastry and disappear. “Thank him for me,” Fleming said, “and be careful getting here. It’s starting to snow.”

“Oh, that’ll be good for business.”

CHAPTER SIX (#ud9f8e295-b3cb-5612-b5a3-34d995d4522e)

FLEMING HAD ALL BUT tackled her mother when she arrived at home the night before. Over hot chocolate and oatmeal cookies, they’d discussed what had happened with the shop and the loan, and then they’d gone to bed.

In the morning, Fleming woke to the smells and sounds of breakfast. She jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. Her mother turned from the stove, where she was frying bacon.

“I thought pancakes and bacon and coffee and some fresh fruit,” she said. “How’s that with you?”

“Amazing. I usually just grab an apple or a boiled egg. Even your coffee smells better than mine.”

“Help yourself.” Katherine went to the fridge and took out pancake batter she’d already mixed. “We should be eating in about ten minutes.”

Fleming rubbed her stomach. “Can’t be soon enough.”

“Now tell me what you’re doing to bring up sales in the store.”

“I’ve distributed flyers for an ornament-making workshop. I haven’t decided what I want to do so it’s pretty vague, but I’ll provide the materials as part of the cost.”

“I wondered if you’d keep up with the ornament tradition. You should do one each week.”

“I was thinking papier-mâché. My friend Julia did some in art school. She might help me come up with something.”

“Would she consider running the workshop?”

“We could share the profits if she’s willing. I have the shop and she has the skills. She might even be able to put on other classes during the year.”

“I’d talk to her,” Katherine said. “Call her after breakfast.”

“I will. Actually, I kind of have an idea. You know the special ornaments we do each year? I modeled the ones for this year on the snowflakes the town puts on the streetlights.” They were 3-D stars with six sides, made so that each leg formed a diamond point. “What if we did something like that, only in jewel colors, with varnish? Nothing ornate—these would be for the children.”

“Might be worth the effort if it brings in shoppers.”

“And their little ones. We’ll keep it easy so the children can be involved in making them.”

“Good idea. You should try.”

Fleming smiled. “That wasn’t so hard for a few minutes of work.”

Maybe she’d been putting all her creativity into her writing. Writing her mother didn’t even know about. Her own little secret.

“Don’t rest your brain now. You’ll need more of that kind of work,” Katherine said.

“If you have ideas, I’m open to them.”

Fleming set silverware and plates on the table. Her mother brought the pancakes and bacon.

“I could stay until you feel better about handling the business and the new loan.”

“You could, and I appreciate the offer, but you have a life with Hugh. I’ll call you if I have questions. I’m so glad to see you, but I feel guilty that you’ve come all this way, and ended your vacation early.”

Her mom grinned. “Don’t. I’m not sure Hugh and I are vacation people. Remember, all you have to do if you need help is call me, and I’ll be on my way.”

Katherine reached out and squeezed Fleming’s hand. “I’m a little worried that you’ve committed to this because you feel as if you owe me the store. You don’t. It was my dream, not yours.”

“It’s part of all the Christmases we ever had, Mom. Part of the thread of my life. I want the store. And someday, if you and Hugh come home to this house, after he retires, you may be so bored you’ll want the business back.”

Katherine laughed. “I can’t actually deny that.” She sat, tucking her napkin in her lap. “I’m glad I came.”

“So am I. Stay a day or two, and we’ll visit, if Hugh doesn’t mind. You always restore my faith in myself.”

Faith that Jason had shaken, not because he was cruel or meant to hurt her, but because he was, himself, a pragmatic, practical businessman who’d shown her she’d been complacent and trusted the wrong person.

* * *

JASON WAS WALKING to a lunch meeting when he saw the chalkboard on an easel outside Mainly Merry Christmas: “Make a Blissful Ornament. Papier-mâché. Classes Inside.”

He lifted both brows. Not a bad idea. Something for parents and children to do together. Something for Christmas.

A gust of wind burned his eyes. He tried to imagine living here, being part of this community. It was easier to imagine his sisters and brother having families. Bringing some sort of Macland tradition back here with the kind of marriage his grandparents still kept alive.

But his grandparents were the exception, not the rule of Macland marriages. No one in his family would be coming back here. And he wouldn’t be staying.

He sped up, his feet eating up the sidewalk. Thoughts of his mother and her note came to mind. She was family. He hadn’t even tried to see her.

She hadn’t tried to see him, either, when he’d needed her most, but suddenly, for the first time in a long time, he wondered why. It wasn’t that he’d love to forgive and forget, but a guy who spent most of his life uncovering answers to troubling problems shouldn’t have been so content to just let the years slide by.

Something about the holidays must be getting under his skin. He glanced at Fleming’s sign again.