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Statistical Approach to Wall Turbulence – Sedat Tardu

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Wall turbulence is encountered in many technological applications as well as in the atmosphere, and a detailed understanding leading to its management would have considerable beneficial consequences in many areas. A lot of inspired work by experimenters, theoreticians, engineers and mathematicians has been accomplished over recent decades on this important topic and Statistical Approach to Wall Turbulence provides an updated and integrated view on the progress made in this area. Wall turbulence is a complex phenomenon that has several industrial applications, such as in aerodynamics, turbomachinery, geophysical flows, internal engines, etc. Several books exist on fluid turbulence, but Statistical Approach to Wall Turbulence is original in the sense that it focuses solely on the turbulent flows bounded by solid boundaries. The book covers the different physical aspects of wall turbulence, beginning with classical phenomenological aspects before advancing to recent research in the effects of the Reynolds numbers, near wall coherent structures, and wall turbulent transport process. This book would be of interest to postgraduate and undergraduate students in mechanical, chemical, and aerospace engineering, as well as researchers in aerodynamics, combustion, and all applications of wall turbulence.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118601549

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