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Extraordinary Groups. How Ordinary Teams Achieve Amazing Results – Kathleen Ryan

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Two leading experts present a new approach to help teams nurture extraordinary experiences and excel Occasionally we participate in a group that inspires us to describe the experience as «powerful» or simply «wow.» Why are some teams described in such exceptional terms, while most are not? Bellman and Ryan argue that an extraordinary group emerges when a group experience satisfies two or more core needs that members intuitively bring to any group they join. Based on extensive research, the book presents the Group Needs Model to help anyone nurture extraordinary experiences in their groups and achieve outstanding results. Introduces a new approach for creating extraordinary experiences and results in teams Identifies the key characteristics that define exceptional teams Describes the Group Needs Model for encouraging extraordinary experiences and team success A timely resource for anyone who leads groups including HR and OD professionals, managers, executives, nonprofit managers and directors, virtual teams leaders, and trainers

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470527382

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