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Riding Into Love
Riding Into Love
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Riding Into Love

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Under the bright lights inside the theater’s lobby, Alana noticed how ruggedly handsome Drew looked in his well-fitting tuxedo. She also noticed how women stole glances, smiled coyly or winked at him. He took it all in stride with the charm of a skilled player.

A stunning gentleman with sharp facial features and long, dusty blond hair spotted Drew, raced over and swallowed him up in a bear hug. Drew introduced the fellow as his friend and new Delgado team member. He was also the brother-in-law of one of the actors in the film, and the person who had invited Drew to the evening’s festivities.

“Follow me,” Sean said, leading them inside the theater. His French accent made it hard to understand what he said at first.

Drew and Sean chatted cheerfully as they walked down the aisle. Sean waved them into a row of seats near the front. Excitement bubbled inside of Alana as she recognized all the celebrities around her, mingling, talking and finding seats. She felt like a little girl on her first trip to Disney World. People whom she’d watched on big and little screens for years smiled, nodded and even waved as she made her way to their seats. She forgot about avoiding Drew until he plopped into the seat next to her.

The lights flickered, indicating that the movie was about to start. The cast entered the theater from the stage doors on either side of the screen. People cheered. Alana actually held her breath to keep from screaming when Christian Jacobs entered, made eye contact, smiled and nodded before being seated with his cast members along the front row. He had been within twenty feet of her. She wanted to fall into her chair but had too much poise to allow that to happen.

The lights went out. The screen lit up and music filled the theater. Alana put her hand to her chest and exhaled. This was certainly a night she’d never forget.

When the movie was over, they were ushered to their limos and taken to the private after-party at an enclosed rooftop venue overlooking Lexington Avenue. Alana was a born and bred New Yorker with a few well-established corporate connections, but she had never heard of or seen this place before. Alana looked around in awe at the all-white walls, furniture and carpet. As the place filled up, she wondered how the floor stayed clean. Several crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and sparkled in their reflection against the wall of windows that boasted a magnificent view of New York City’s famous, glistening skyline. Servers in black bottoms, white shirts and white gloves passed champagne and canapés throughout the room.

Blake, Drew, Cadence and Alana found a comfortable spot to sit, eat the canapés and sip their champagne as they took in views of the skyline. They talked about how great the movie was and how lucky they were to have been able to see it before it hit theaters the next day. Music flowed and Alana was finally relaxed enough to really begin to enjoy herself. She still worked to keep her distance from Drew no matter how many times he parked himself by her side. She made sure her body language clearly told him to stand back.

Applause started as a low rumble and expanded until everyone in the room stood, clapped and cheered while the cast entered. Alana’s breath caught for the umpteenth time that night as Christian and his stunning fellow cast members entered the room. All of them looked more exquisite in person than they had on the screen. Christian’s wife was also stunning. Alana wanted to ask where she’d gotten her shoes and figured it was probably in another country. They went through the crowd slapping high fives, giving hugs and laughing as they greeted and thanked their guests and supporters, including Alana, Blake and Cadence.

Christian approached them and took Drew’s hand. He pointed as recognition hit him. “You’re Sean’s buddy, right?”

“Yeah.” Drew’s smile was charming.

Christian pulled him in for a hug. “I saw you race last year in Qatar. A few of us came out to root for Sean.”

“I remember.”

“Good times!” Christian said. “You’re on the same team now.”

Sean walked up.

“Yep.” Drew nodded.

“Now I don’t have to worry about him beating me!” Sean said, laughing.

“We’ll be at a few of your races this year. I look forward to seeing you again and more partying, of course.” Christian raised his brows and smiled as if there was a lot more to the idea of parties.

Surprisingly, Alana felt a slight pang of jealousy ball in her stomach. She looked away.

“Let me introduce you to my people,” Drew said. “This is my brother Blake, his fiancée, Cadence, and my...a good friend, Alana.”

Alana didn’t miss Drew’s pause and wondered what he meant to say.

They all smiled and shook Christians’s hand. Immediately after Alana shook hands, she and Cadence headed to the bathroom. Inside, she released the giggles that she’d held inside so she could remain poised in front of Christian and Drew.

“We shook Christian Jacob’s hand,” Cadence squealed.

“I can’t believe it,” Alana said. “I can’t even believe we are here with all these celebrities just chilling out like regular folk.”

Cadence refreshed her lipstick in front of the mirror. Alana examined her makeup and decided that her lips were in need of freshening as well. Cadence put her lipstick in her evening bag and stared at Alana.

“What?” Alana asked.

“Did you hear Drew pause when he was introducing us to Christian? What was he about to say?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to know and I don’t care.”

Cadence cast an unbelieving stare. “And I don’t believe that.”

“I don’t have the time, tolerance or patience for Drew. I told you. I’m done with players.” Alana returned her attention to her lips, looked them over and put her lipstick back in her purse. She turned to Cadence and raised her brow. “And why didn’t you tell me that he was coming? Imagine my surprise when I realized he was the one responsible for tonight.”

“They asked me not to say anything.”

Alana narrowed her eyes at her even more.

“He just wanted to hang out with you and this was the perfect opportunity. You’ve been avoiding him the whole time he’s been home and he can’t seem to understand why.”

That almost made Alana feel bad, but when she thought of protecting her heart, she refused to allow herself to be caught up in his web and brushed off that slight feeling of guilt. “You’re my friend, Cadence. You should have said something.”

“I’m sorry. They made me promise.” Cadence pouted. “You forgive me?”

“Hell yeah! I’m having a good time!” Alana shooed her. “Now let’s get back to this party.”

Cadence paused just as they were about to walk out of the bathroom. Turning to Alana, she pointed. “Now that you know he really wanted you to be here, stop avoiding him. You’ve been doing it all night.”

Like a scolded child, Alana tilted her head. “You have to be careful with men like Drew. I can’t afford to let him charm me like a wild snake. Next thing you know, I’ll be looking for my panties and wondering how my dress ended up in the chandelier. He’s a wild one!”

Cadence looked at her for a moment before she burst with laughter. The ladies rejoined their party and had a blast meeting some of the celebrities they admired the most. Alana especially enjoyed the relaxed vibe.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Drew handed her a flute of champagne. He was at her side once again.

“Yes. This entire night was incredible. Thanks,” she said sincerely.

“I’m glad.”

Giving him the lukewarm shoulder, Alana moved to the music but didn’t continue the conversation. She assumed that Drew wasn’t going to ask her to dance again since she kept declining his offer each time he asked. They stood on the sidelines watching Blake, Cadence and the rest of the partygoers cut the beautiful white rug. She smiled as she scanned the room, trying to burn this night into her memory. Who knew if she’d experience something like this ever again?

When her eyes swept across the room once again and landed on her ex James, who was staring right back at her, she almost choked. Where had he come from? She hadn’t seen him all night. Who was he with? Not that she cared—anymore.

Taking Drew by the hand, she dragged him to the dance floor and pulled him close. Drew looked at her suspiciously but danced with her anyway. Cautiously, he placed his hand on her waist. Alana stepped closer, shifting his hands to her backside, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Drew’s head reared back in shock and he smiled. She didn’t. She was too busy watching James in her peripheral vision. Alana wanted him to know that she had moved on. Finally, James turned away, peeling his glare away from Alana and Drew, but then he planted a slow, soft kiss on the cheek of the woman next to him. She tittered. He looked back at Alana and grinned. She knew she shouldn’t but leaned in anyway. When her lips connected with Drew’s, her stomach tightened. Drew took that kiss as an invitation to go deeper and kissed her with so much hunger right there on the dance floor that he left her breathless. Alana felt as if she had been transported to another place. When they opened their eyes, Cadence and Blake were staring at them.

Chapter 6 (#ulink_3721dfe7-d6b9-5f3b-bfdc-fdc1c5213179)

Drew showed up at Alana’s house early Saturday morning with a breakfast spread. He came for answers. She wasn’t getting away this time. Drew rang the bell and knocked. When she finally opened the door, she scowled. Drew threw his head back and laughed.

“At least I bought breakfast,” he said, holding up the bags in his hands.

Even in a robe, scarf and furry slippers she looked stunning to him.

Alana stepped aside and Drew entered her home. She led him to the kitchen.

“Thanks. Give me a moment to get dressed. I’ll be right back.” She darted out of the kitchen.

Drew had set up the table with bagels and flavored spreads from Panera Bread and Starbucks coffee.

After a while Alana entered the room, looking completely refreshed. Her hair hung along the side of her face to her shoulders. She wore jeans and a fitted T-shirt that said I Don’t Sweat, I Sparkle. She still had on her furry slippers.

Alana removed utensils from the drawer and then plates and mugs from the cabinet and joined Drew at the table. It wasn’t until she poured and sipped her coffee that she finally spoke.

“To what do I owe this unexpected visit?” Before he could answer, she started again. “By the way, you’re going to have to stop doing that. I don’t usually open the door for people when they show up without calling first.”

“I have some questions for you.” Drew studied her, trying to figure out what could be going on in that beautiful head of hers. “What happened? What changed?”

Alana huffed, dropping her shoulders. She took another sip of coffee. “Nothing happened.”

“Oh, something happened.” Drew stood. Suddenly he had too much energy coursing through him to sit still. “We used to hang when I came into town. Now you act as if you don’t want to be bothered. You avoid my calls. I invite you out for an amazing evening and you ignore me half the night. Then, all of the sudden, you pull me to the dance floor and kiss me, but when we leave, you don’t say another word to me. What the hell, Alana? What’s all of this about?”

“What does it matter?” Alana stood and walked over to the sink. “It’s not like we’re dating or anything. Why do you care?”

Drew sat back down. She was right. He started to question himself for even coming over. Alana wasn’t his girlfriend. She didn’t owe him any explanations. Why did he care?

“I’m sorry. That was mean.” Alana joined him at the table again. “I’m having a hard time trusting men right now. Whatever it was that you and I shared, it didn’t end well. Besides that, I just broke up with someone so my wounds are somewhat fresh.” She looked up toward the ceiling and breathed deeply. “I’ll be completely honest—I thought things would have been different between you and me, but when your ex came back into the picture, you cast me aside.” Alana shrugged and fingered the rim of her coffee cup pensively. “I acted as if it was no big deal...but that stung.”

Silence ensued, allowing Drew to absorb the weight of her feelings. He hadn’t realized how he’d affected Alana. He cared as much about her now as he did before, but he always assumed that their relationship had been a casual one. Drew knew then that if Alana was to ever trust her heart with him again, he needed to prove himself.

“When James came along,” Alana continued, “I thought I’d found everything I was looking for. Our relationship started out great.” She paused for a moment. “Then things changed... And now, a year later, he’s gone. He actually broke up with me by text.”

“What?” Drew’s brows creased. “What kind of grown man breaks up with his woman by text? How old is this jackass?” Despite the hand that Drew had previously played in mincing Alana’s heart, he was genuinely annoyed by James’s juvenile act. Now he understood Alana’s behavior a little better. He felt a need to lighten the atmosphere. “Were you robbing the cradle?”

Alana laughed. “It’s pretty ridiculous, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Please don’t tell me that was the guy at the premiere the other night.”

Alana straightened up. “What guy?”

“You’re such a bad liar. Now I know why you suddenly wanted to dance with me.” Drew shook his head. “That’s why you kissed me.”

“Drew, I—”

Drew held his hand up. “Don’t bother. I’m the master at this game and I don’t miss much. I saw him way before you did.”

“You did?”

“So you admit it? That was him.”

Alana tucked her bottom lip into her mouth and looked down.

“He’d been watching you from the time he walked in with his chick. I know her. She’s a talent scout. It seems you didn’t notice him until the end of the night and that’s when you pulled me into your little game. You wanted him to think you moved on.”

Alana nodded.

“Don’t get all shy on me now.”

“Jeez, Drew!” Alana rolled her eyes. “You’re right. Everything you said was right.”

Drew laughed. Alana blew out a breath. They sat in silence for a while.

“Do you still care about him?”

Alana twisted her lips and stared pensively into space. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

Drew looked at her in that intense way he’d become accustomed to doing, studying her as if he were trying to see inside of her. She turned away. Alana may have perceived it as scrutiny, but Drew found more to admire about her every time he set eyes on her.

“Is this why you’re avoiding me?”

Alana’s face became serious. She stood and began carrying the empty plates to the sink. Drew followed behind her. When she turned to go back to the table, she ran right into him.

“Answer me.” He wasn’t letting her get away again. “And tell the truth.”

Alana closed her eyes and breathed in and out slowly. “I needed time. Dating wouldn’t be good for me right now.”

“I didn’t ask you to be my woman. I asked you to dinner.”

“I know, but...”

“But what? I don’t understand.”

“Drew! You’re not good for me.”

He reared back. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Listen. I don’t have any luck with relationships.”

Drew opened his mouth and Alana held her hand up.

“Let me finish. Yes, I enjoy hanging out with you, but I don’t want to subject myself again to what happened between us. I’m done with players and casual dating.” Alana threw her hands up, punctuating her sentence to show how finished she was with those concepts. “I want more than that and I don’t believe you’re capable of more so I’d rather not waste our time. I really need to work on myself right now.”

Drew held his hands up in surrender. “Okay. I can understand that.”

He had other things to say as well, but didn’t want to make promises that he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep. He’d heard the same story from many women before, but this was the first time that it felt like a blow to his gut. Alana didn’t want to be bothered with him and he found that troubling. But what could he do when he was about to be on the road for the next nine months? He’d gotten the answers he’d come for, but despite that he wanted to kiss her again, like he had on that dance floor. He had suspected she was up to something, but he’d still sensed the hunger in her kiss and proudly left her with swollen lips.

Alana leaned against the counter and traced imaginary circles. “So now you know. It’s not anything personal.”

“That’s cool.” Drew watched her fingers, unable to take his eyes off her.

The atmosphere became tense and their conversation turned laborious.

“When is your first race?” Alana folded her arms in front of her but didn’t look at him as she spoke.

“Beginning of March.”