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anghymeradwyovb to disapprove
anghymesuradj inordinate
anghymharoladj incomparable
anghymharusadj ill-matched
anghymhendodnm foolishness, indelicacy, untidiness
anghymhwysovb to unfit, to disqualify
anghymhwysternm incapacity, disqualification
anghymodlonadj implacable
anghymwysadj unfit, unsuitable
anghynefinadj unfamiliar
anghynefindranm unfamiliarity
anghynhyrchioladj unproductive
anghynnesadj odious, loathsome
anghysbelladj out-of-the-way; remote
anghysonadj inconsistent
anghysondeb (-au), anghysonder (-au) nm inconsistency
anghysur (-on) nm discomfort
anghysurovb to discomfort
anghysurusadj uncomfortable
anghytbwysadj unbalanced, lopsided
anghytgord (-iau) nm discord, dissension
anghytûnadj not agreeing, discordant
anghytundebnm disagreement
anghytunovb to disagree
anghywairadj ill-equipped; discordant ▶ nm disrepair
anghyweithasadj uncivil
anghywiradj incorrect, inaccurate, false
anghywirdeb (-au) nm inaccuracy, falseness
anghywrainadj unskilful; slovenly
angladd (-au) nmf burial, funeral
angladdoladj funereal
angofnm forgetfulness, oblivion
angor (-au, -ion) nm anchor
angorfa (-oedd, -feydd) nf anchorage
angorivb to anchor
angylaiddadj angelic
angyles (-au) nf female angel
ai1adv is it? what?; ai e? is it so?
ai2conj or; either; if
aiddnm zeal, ardour, zest
Aifftnf:yr Aifft Egypt
aig1, eigiaunf host, shoal
aig2nf sea, ocean
ailadj second ▶ adv a second time, again
ailadroddvb to repeat
ailadroddiad (-au) nm repetition
ailarholiad (-au) nm resit
ailbriodivb to remarry
aildrydanuvb to recharge
ailenedigaethnf rebirth
ailenivb to regenerate
Ailfedyddiwr (-wyr) nm Anabaptist
ailgylchuvb to recycle ▶ n recycling
ailgynnig (ailgynigion) nm resit
ail-lawadj second-hand
ail-lenwivb to top up, to refill
ailsefyllvb to resit
ailltnm vassal, villain, slave
aisnpl (nfeisen) laths; ribs
alaethnm wailing, lamentation, grief
alaethuvb to lament
alaethusadj mournful, lamentable
alarch (-od, elyrch) nm swan
alaruvb to surfeit; to loathe
alaw (-on) nf lily; air, melody, tune
Albannf:yr Alban Scotland
Albanwr (-wyr) nm Scot
alcali (-ïau) nm alkali
alcamnm tin
alcoholnm alcohol
alch (-au, eilch) nf grate, grill
ale (-au, -on) nf aisle; gangway; alley
algebranm algebra
Algeraiddadj Algerian
Algerianf Algeria
Algeriad (-iaid) nm Algerian
Almaennf:yr Almaen Germany
Almaenegnf German
Almaenwr (-wyr) nm German
almonnm almond
aloi (aloeon) nm alloy
Alpaunpl:yr Alpau the Alps
Alzheimernm:clefyd Alzheimer Alzheimer’s (disease)
allanadv out
allanfanf exit
allanoladj outward, external
allblygadj extrovert
allbrint (-iau) nm printout
allforiovb to export
allfronf foreigner; foreign land
allfudwr (-wyr) nm emigrant
allgarwchnm altruism
allgofnodivb to log off, to log out
allor (-au) nf altar
allt (elltydd) nf hill; cliff; wood
alltud (-ion) nm alien; exile
alltudiaethnf banishment, exile
alltudiovb to banish, to exile
allwedd (-au, -i) nf key, clef (in music)