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dadleoliad (-au) nm dislocation
dadleuaethnf polemics, controversy
dadleugaradj argumentative
dadleuoladj controversial, polemical
dadleuwr (-wyr), dadleuydd (-ion) nm debater, controversialist; advocate
dadluddeduvb to rest (after exertion)
dadlwythovb to unload, to unburden; to download
dadlygruvb to decontaminate
dadmervb to thaw; to dissolve
dadnitreiddiadnm denitrification
dadolwchnm propitiation ▶ vb to worship, to seek forgiveness
dadorchuddiovb to unveil, to uncover
dadreolaethnf decontrol
dadrewlifiantnm deglaciation
dadrithiad (-au) nm disillusionment
dadrithiovb to disillusion
dadsefydluvb to disestablish
dadwaddolivb to disendow
dadwaddoliadnm disendowment
dadwneuthur, dad-wneudvb to undo, to unmake
dadwrddnm noise, uproar, hubbub
dadymchwel, dadymchwelydvb to overturn, to overthrow
daear (-oedd) nf earth, ground, soil
daeardy (-dai) nm dungeon
daearegnf geology
daearegoladj geological
daearegwr (-wyr), daearegydd (-ion) nm geologist
daearennf the earth; land, country
daearfochyn (-foch) nm badger
daeargell (-oedd) nf dungeon, vault
daeargi (-gwn) nm terrier
daeargryd (-iau) nm earth tremor
daeargryn (-fâu) nmf earthquake
daearoladj terrestrial, earthly, earthy
daearuvb to earth; to inter
daearyddiaethnf geography
daearyddoladj geographical
daearyddwr (-wyr) nm geographer
dafad (defaid) nf sheep; wart
dafaden (-ennau) nf wart
dafn (-au) nm drop
dafnuvb to trickle
dagr (-au) nm dagger, bayonet, dirk
dagraunpl (nmdeigryn) tears
dagreuoladj tearful, sad
dailnpl (nfdalen, nfdeilen) leaves
daioninm goodness, good
daionusadj good; beneficial; beneficent
dal, dalavb to hold; to catch; to arrest; to last; dal ati! carry on!, don’t give up!
dalen (-nau, dail) nf leaf
dalfa (-feydd) nf hold; arrest, custody; prison
dalgylch (-oedd) nm catchment area
daliad (-au) nm holding; tenet; spell
daliwr (-wyr) nm jig, catcher
dall (deillion) adj blind
dallbleidiaethnf bigotry
dallbleidioladj bigoted
dallbleidiwr (-wyr) nm bigot
dallinebnm blindness
dalluvb to blind; to dazzle
damcaniaeth (-au) nf theory
damcaniaetholadj theoretical
damcaniaethwr (-wyr) nm theorist
damcanuvb to theorize, to speculate
dameg (-hegion) nf parable
damhegoladj parabolic(al), allegorical
damhegwr (-wyr) nm allegorist
damnedigadj damned, damnable
damnedigaethnf damnation, condemnation
damniovb to damn
damnioladj damning, damnatory
damsangvb to tread, to trample
damwain (-weiniau) nf accident, chance, fate
damweiniovb to befall, to happen
damweinioladj accidental, casual
danadlnpl (nfdanhadlen) nettles
danascoll n deer; bwch danas buck
danfonvb to send, to convey; to escort
dangosvb to show
dangoseg (-ion) nf index; indication
dangosoladj indicative, demonstrative
danheddogadj jagged, serrated, toothed
dannodvb to reproach, to upbraid, to taunt, to twit
dannoeddnf toothache
dansoddoladj abstract
dant (dannedd) nm tooth
danteithfwyd (-teithion) nm dainty
danteithioladj dainty, delicious
danteithionnpl delicacies
darbodaethnf thrift
darbodusadj provident, thrifty
darbwyllovb to persuade, to convince
darfodvb to finish, to end; to perish; to happen
darfodadwyadj transitory, perishable
darfodedigadj perishable, transient
darfodedigaethnm consumption
darfudiad (-au) nm convection
darfudoladj convectional
darganfodvb to discover, to find out