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addurn (-au, -iadau) nm ornament, adornment
addurnedigadj decorated
addurniadnm ornamentation
addurnovb to decorate, to adorn, to ornament
addurnoladj ornamental, decorative
addurnwr (-wyr) nm decorator
addysgnf education, instruction; addysg gorfforol PE; addysg uwch higher education
addysgiadoladj instructive, educational
addysgiaethnf instruction, training
addysgoladj educational
addysguvb to educate, to instruct
addysgwr (-wyr), addysgydd (-ion) nm educator, instructor, tutor
aeddfedadj ripe, mature
aeddfedrwyddnm ripeness, maturity
aeddfeduvb to ripen; to mature
ael (-iau) nf brow
aeleadj sad, wretched
aelod (-au) nm member, limb; Aelod Seneddol Member of Parliament
aelodaethnf membership
aelodivb to become a member; to enrol
aelwyd (-ydd) nf hearth, fireside
aer1 (-ion) nm heir
aer2nm air
aerdymherunm air conditioning
aeres (-au) nf heiress
aerfanf slaughter, battle
aerglonm air-lock
aerobegnm aerobics
aeronnpl fruit, fruits, berries
aerwy (-au, -on) nm collar, torque; neck-chain
aesnf shield
aesthetegnf aesthetics
aesthetigadj aesthetic
aethnm pain, grief, fear, shock
aethnennf aspen, poplar
aethusadj poignant, grievous, severe
afal (-au) nm apple
afallen (-nau) nf apple-tree
afannpl (nf-en) raspberries
afanc (-od) nm beaver
afiachadj unwell, unhealthy, morbid
afiachusadj sickly; unwholesome
afiaithnm zest, mirth, glee
afiechyd (-on) nm disease, malady
afieithusadj mirthful, gleeful
aflafaradj harsh, unmelodious
aflanadj unclean, polluted, foul
aflawenadj fierce; sad, cheerless, dismal; awful
aflednaisadj immodest, indelicate
afledneisrwyddnm immodesty, indelicacy
aflemadj obtuse
aflendidnm uncleanness; pollution
aflêradj untidy, slovenly
aflerwchnm untidiness, slovenliness
aflesnm disadvantage, hurt
aflesoladj disadvantageous, unprofitable
afliwiogadj pale, colourless
aflonyddadj unquiet, restless
aflonydduvb to disturb, to molest
aflonyddwchnm disturbance, unrest
aflonyddwr (-wyr) nm disturber
afloywadj turbid; opaque
afluniaiddadj mis-shapen, deformed
afluniovb to disfigure, to deform
aflwyddnm misfortune, calamity
aflwyddiannusadj unsuccessful
aflwyddiantnm failure
aflwyddovb to fail
aflywodraethnf misrule, anarchy
aflywodraethusadj ungovernable, uncontrollable
afocado (-s) nm avocado
afon (-ydd) nf river
afonignf rivulet, streamlet, brook
afradlonadj wasteful, prodigal
afradloneddnm prodigality
afradloni, afraduvb to waste, to lavish, to squander
afraidadj unnecessary, needless ▶ nm superfluity
afrasoladj graceless, impious
afrealaidd, afrealistigadj unrealistic
afreidioladj needless, superfluous
afreolnf misrule, disorder
afreolaiddadj irregular; disorderly
afreoleidd-dranm irregularity
afreolusadj unruly, disorderly
afreswmnm absurdity
afresymegoladj illogical
afresymoladj unreasonable
afresymoldebnm unreasonableness
afrifedadj innumerable
afrllad (-au), afrlladen (-nau) nf wafer
afrosgoadj clumsy, unwieldy
afrwyddadj difficult, stiff, awkward
afrwyddinebnm difficulty
afrwyddovb to obstruct, to hinder
afrywiogadj perverse, cross-grained, improper
afrywiogrwyddnm churlishness, roughness
afunmf liver; afu (g)las gizzard
afwyn (-au) nf rein
affeithiadnm affection (in grammar)
Affganistannf Afghanistan