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croesfan (-nau) nf crossing; croesfan sebra zebra crossing
croesffordd (-ffyrdd) nf crossroads
croesgad (-au) nf crusade
croesgadwr (-wyr) nm crusader
croeshoeliadnm crucifixion
croeshoeliovb to crucify
croesholivb to cross-examine
croesholiad (-au) nm cross-examination
croesivb to cross
croeslinoladj diagonal
croesonm welcome
croestorrivb to intersect
croesymgroesadj criss-cross; vice-versa
crofen (-nau, -ni) nf rind, crust
crog (-au) nf cross, rood ▶ adj hanging
crogivb to hang, to suspend
croglath (-au) nf springe, snare, gibbet
Croglithnfm:Dydd Gwener y Groglith Good Friday
croglofft (-ydd, -au) nf garret; rood-loft
crogwr (-wyr) nm hangman
cronglwyd (-ydd) nf:tan fy nghronglwyd under my roof
crombil (-iau) nf crop; gizzard; bowels
cromen (-ni, -nau) nf dome
cromfach (-au) nf bracket, parenthesis
cromlech (-au, -i) nf cromlech
cromlinnf curve
cromosom (-au) nm chromosome
cronadj f ofcrwn
cronfa (-feydd) nf reservoir; fund; cronfa ddata database
cronicl (-au) nm chronicle
croniclovb to chronicle
cronnell (cronellau) nf sphere, globe
cronnivb to collect, to hoard; to dam
cronolegoladj chronological
cropianvb to creep, to crawl, to grope
crosiet (-au, -i) nm crotchet
croth (-au) nf womb; calf (of leg)
croywadj clear, plain, distinct; fresh
croywdernm clearness; freshness
croywivb to clear; to freshen
crud (-au) nm cradle
crug (-iau) nm hillock; tumulus; heap; multitude; abscess, blister
cruglwyth (-i) nm heap, pile
cruglwythovb to heap, to pile up; to overload
crugovb to fester, to vex, to plague
crwban (-od) nm tortoise, turtle
crwcaadj crooked, bowed, bent
crwm (fcrom) adj convex, curved, bowed
crwn (fcron) adj round; complete
crwner (-iaid) nm coroner
crwsâd (-adau) nmf crusade
crwst (crystiau) nm crust
crwt (cryts) nm boy, lad
crwth (crythau) nm crowd, fiddle; purring; hump
crwybrnm honeycomb; mist; hoarfrost
crwydrnm wandering; ar grwydr astray
crwydrovb to wander, to stray, to roam
crwydrol, crwydrusadj wandering
crwydrwr (-wyr) nm rambler; wanderer, rover
crwydryn (-riaid) nm vagrant, tramp
crwysnf cross, crucifix; dan ei grwys laid out for burial
crybwyllvb to mention ▶ nm (-ion) mention
crybwylliadnm mention, notice
crychadj rippling; curly; quavering ▶ nm (-au) crease, ripple, wrinkle
crychlais (-leisiau) nm trill, tremolo
crychlydadj wrinkled, puckered
crychnaid (-neidiau) nf leap, gambol
crychneidiovb to skip, to frisk
crychninm curliness; wrinkle
crychuvb to wrinkle, to pucker; to ruffle, to ripple
cryd (-iau) nm shivering; fever; ague
crydd (-ion) nm cobbler, shoemaker
cryddavb to cobble
cryf (fcref) adj strong
cryfder, cryfdwrnm strength
cryfhaoladj strengthening
cryfhauvb to strengthen; to grow strong
cryg (fcreg) adj hoarse
cryglydadj hoarse, raucous
crygninm hoarseness
cryguvb to hoarsen
cryman (-au) nm reaping-hook, sickle
crymanwr (-wyr) nm reaper
crymuvb to bow, to bend, to stoop
crynadj considerable, much
crŷn, crynnm, adj shivering
cryndernm roundness
cryndodnm trembling, shivering
crynedigadj trembling, tremulous
crynfa (-feydd) nf tremble, tremor
crynhoad (-noadau) nm collection, digest
crynhoivb to gather together, to collect
crynoadj compact; neat, tidy
crynodeb (-au) nm summary
crynodivb to concentrate
cryno ddisg (-iau) nm CD, compact disc
crynswthnm mass, bulk, whole
crynuvb to shiver, to tremble, to quake
Crynwr (-wyr) nm Quaker
crys (-au) nm shirt; crys chwys sweatshirt